Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1923, p. 14

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S|S|£SB|@f|^ THR LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1923 THELAKESHORENEWS THE Established 1912 Wltli which is otfmblirtsa WILMfCTTE! LOCAL RBWI Established 1898 IftStTKD BACH WEEK FRIDAY OF by LLOYD HOLLISTER, IWC 1222 Central Ave.. Wilmette, 111. ?*ele»aoae ..... â- mSCRIPTlOW .Wtlmettc 19W> $2jM A YBAB All communications must be apcom- oanled by the name and address or tn« wrtte?. Articles 'or publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance In current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices ©J en- tertainments or other »«»»*• ^5 «r an admittance charge will be made or a collection token, will be charged at regular advertising rates. thread that's exactly what I want for my new gown. Just the size and shade. And here is some silk dress goods. Isn't the color lovely? And I got it right here in town! Why, I certainly thought I'd have to go to Chi- cago for it"! May we not learn from this true story to look about us, to save ourselves precious time and labor by taking the thing within easy reach rather than the thing some distance off? Moreover, the very use of these neighboring resources will increase them, so that in the future we shall find them even more exactly adapted ___,___________ to our needs. mfSS'lfmZS ^to^of^hTi^nd' See what you can get in your "iff nnffrThe act of March 3.1879. own business district before you take the train for Chicago. Try out your drug stores, dry goods stores, bakeries, hardware stores, groceries, all of your local shops. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1923 ! ' TO PROSPECTIVE BENEDICTS Young men about to become __benedicts, - be-^ureâ€"ofâ€"oneâ€"things}-â€". When she and you go into town to spend the afternoon and a few dollars, she will want to look in all the windows that show dresses, -"batsr-and other pieces of feminine apparel. When you two go stroll- ing down Michigan Boulevard, she will insist upon inspectingâ€"not hastily, my young friend, but thoroughly and at lengthâ€"every dress and hat displayed in the many, many windows You must share with her this minute investigation, not perfunc- torily, but with sincere sympathy. Do not hang back nor try to hurry hereby such^ impatient remarks as, 7iAw, come on!" "Say, we can't stay here all day l" No, that won't do! Her eye catches sight of a particularly pleasing garment, and she exclaims, "Isn't that perfectly lovely? Don't you think that would be stunning on me?" When she thus exclaims, rise to the occasion. Remember all your experiences in the fields of mother's and sister's dresses; rouse your more tender emotions, quickly reply with some convincing evidence of your appreciation like "You sure would look fine in that!" Another admonition. If you. and ~snir are drawing nearxs: dow of a hardware store, a window bristling with most interesting ham- mers, wrenches, knivesr-and-sueh; if such a window comes in view pass it by quickly, even though your masculine heart yearns for a closer and longer look at the won- derful display of radio parts* ^L*et ft be enough for you thai she doesn't .care for such things. Live up to this advice and you'll be a model husband. <$$;-}i±.."u, MOVIES IjfWe like the movies. IfltThey are restful and entertain- |n%. ||The darkness and comfort- |able Heats soothe andâ€"refresh our tired mir^d and body Moreover, pictures-are not~onry ^asy~to WHOJ& RESPONSIBLE? Is it not true that when you en- gage a man or woman through an employment agency, you take for granted that the person so engaged isâ€" toâ€"some "idegree recommended by the agency? Would you give them the run of your house if you didn't assume vouched for their character? Yet, perhaps, when this man or woman commits some petty theft in your home and you want to hunt up the individual and recov- er ^rour goods, you will find that the agency knows next to noth- ing about the thief; has practic-l ally no office records of thef man's or woman's antecedents. Then there follows for you a long and tiresome search; perhaps the person is found, perhaps not. Why not pass an ordinance re- quiring employment agencies to be licensed and to obtain from every applicant full and accurate mformatiqn regarding his or her "industrial career previous to ap- plication? Such an ordinance would protect all the customers" of these age^c|e^ K and .,,.jwjtild, lessen crime. 'â- "%'"v" '"'*'"' ' '-"^";' SUP COVERS Including Labor and Material ?"!?' mm Davenport faction mill fn im Ab.o- JllIlh*ll*UU ,utely WSX fl1*** anteed ^W*1"* $6.50 Also a wonderful â- Â£Â«!*l«"?f.5J" ported Co^erlaav at a tr^m^SSl on* redaction dae to oar wide experience la the ntakln* of Cov- ers, eaabltaa: mm to *!â-¼Â« to* o»p- eribr «vallty. _^Mi* Sore Soft oa .mriflWMMte covers. Order direct frontâ€" GOLLINBROS. Formerly With Mandel Bros. Call or Writo 713 MAIN ST, EVANSTOH Phono Evamton fl21 Are Yon a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 J. G. STANTON Wilmette Branch Mgr. ^_ North Shore Hotel, Evanston MM 1-4 Million Cash Returned by auto insurance de-^, partment in 1922 "CREATIVE SPLENDOR" of' look at, but they stimulate and feed |I||lfest:and entertainment. l||fi^\#fe .couldvwish, however, that a JjV;j4gfev'.levei-' of value ^were main- gitainecL Sometimes we are disap- pointed by the obviousness and age of the plot and artificiality of the Aren't there enough good to go round? | Usually, however, the show gives lis a very pleasant hour or so. ^ot even pur neighbor's popcorn chewing and remarks on the pic- tures hay^-been so distracting and annoying as to keep us from want- w Jng to go again,^W'S^'- '.-M l|j|lH§'.;So.;far as we now feow we shall jljljf^ movie fans. pip^^^^351 ^.^RMJliT HERE" ....... :^^^^;^It*s:ttbt"unconimon for us to be «|^-JK)rwell, acquainted,'as we thmk, Jjtjlwith the abilities and' resources il^HiCrgenerai of members of our household and neighborhood, that lire go long distances and pay big m§S0 tiltl lil attention ot our readers to a classified ad appearing on page 19 of The Lake Shore News of June 29? We may? Then read carefully the ad, under "Mis- cellaneous," beginning "Author of some standard books." This ad. is paid for. â€"If- you are one of those "perssHE who appreciate art, science, litera- ture, and a deeper understanding oi life^and^ill its creative splendor** you will no doubt communicate with "A-211" and point out to him how he can "live in a suburb in exchange for teaching." "A-211" knew exactly where to look for "persons who appreciate.. . .life and all its creative splendor." So far as jve^moWi he_did not-t advertise in any of the metropolitan dailies, nor in Oak Leaves. â- > LIME JUICE If you always tell the exact truth you may lose the ability to notice the difference between oc- casions when it's good to tell the truth, and when it isn't. for things we could get more easily and cheaply near at &and.|ffit's human nature to be- Itevfc that what costs more is _ ifii^f^cfe^aTkmg. down the ^jllilliii!^ rricrf liear^jone lady exclaim to an- other; *'Wh^ there at Blank's, Tgpt exactly ttttXwa^ looking lorp Seepihere's «ome Don't pay your bills too promptly; if you do, you'll get a reputation which to live down. it will be hard Don't be so conceited as to think that when you have trouble the gods have it in for you. Never do to-day what you can put off till tomorrow, unless you have to hurry. Talk about otherwise you themT your can't neighbors; understand Nobody can say what he means; the meaning is up to the oTheFlellow. ..'..;, â- :^,,., it n A thing isn't what what it isn't. I It's what that tells what .it JsrlHi Js^but, it does '.;#§$'S>| IS When ^makeirilil manyforget his money; otherwisejyou'il forget him,&|s ftBe thankfuf^r small unless they're bills. WsftZl RAZOR BLADES Sharpened Mail us your old dull safety razor blades. We will sharpen them like new and mail back to you. -pi! Double edge blades...35c dosen Single odgo blades... .25c doson Satisfaction guaranteedâ€"24 hour service. Give us a trial. Chandler's A +/htninin. Sfuarm • «a -: " BVAN6TON 1^ I and L fillingV^i^ Whether youf needs sre one load or a)mnd^d,tt are now In* a* positioilili inake |pppt delivenes. :||;: ^fillfjine for the lawn fflfiji mMi? W Dealers in AU Kinds of Building Materials EVANSTON WILMETTE fa. ':%:'£&:' I S1,2SS m SALES-ROOM 1MI flUBRHAlf AVB. Bvamatom 14* F. O. B. Toledo $525 SERVICE-STATION HHBttMAlt AVB. Pkeae Bvaaatos T4S> CH.ER1GGS, WM *$&: The three spots of blue that mark, on a map, the location of these superb lakes, mark also a section rdotted^wkh himdreds of smaller lakes. > i: Here is a tract of lake and woodland Ithat is not dVercrowd- ed, as resorts pften are. And fortunatel ^very person living in Wilmette can reach this, beautiful lake country quickly and conveniently, by fast North Shore trains and comfortable kake Geneva busses, v_ If you like iishmg^x motor boating, get ac^uamted ^ Wiscbn^ jife country NOW! (Here's the place torspeiidi youi* vacation and your week-ends. Yo^ you miss this, y<*$M W^^S an pppd^tini^ that*$ at your very^ door. li^t!^^%r'K:^f,M. Procure miormaticaa or write TrefE^ Department, »t>on and time^erd* rrom yoor ;lo«aI.;»«wit,.:9.!«Sl|^iSS|ftl^g W. Aoam» Street, Chicato>.uv|!ll||%|iftllBliMl^ Station NORJH SHORE >-'^^Sig#SK;l IRS*? ;Â¥ig«. T?

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