Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1923, p. 7

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THte I.AKE SHORf N] But will you be doing it a time you began thinking a) 4th warm weather is coming, but after July 4th ir*s going. £i$l%isS$#llli .FfetDAY, JULY -"â- Â»â„¢Â«p<p""»pp^i BX 1923 Miss Margaret Millen, daughter of Mr,r. and :^rji;f«ilt^^ leal avenue, is spending a few days with Misses Marion and Agnes Seng at the Seng summer home at Eagle Riyer, Wis. J It's for you to choose. Whedier you'll stick to a :-|ir coal furnace, with its soot, ashes and smoke/get* m- ting up in a cold house in the morning or banking fires at night. Or whether you*ll install N< " There are now more than 11,000 homes* All winter long their temperature wilt stay at exactly the point required by their owners* without effort or attention. Think it over. 0m^mpmm Our long term payment plan enables :SSIi-£"||:^ y<m to enjoy the comforu of NohkoluMU you are paying || MlllSiiwr it. Come in and ask us about it,'""""""": THE CHICAGO NOKOL COMPANY 215 N.Michigan Ave. Telephone Central 7832 R.B.NORRIS <â- 'â- *'.:-^#%>iliâ- ' C.BECKFORD SE H.J.MCDARGH â- TheMining^GMn prices of THMORRr derate.%Â¥$*$ assured the very best food, j&ifectlyseri)edi mi Irt pleasant ;::;§§The New Nokol Is the Quietest Automatic Oil Heater Mad* .^ |Gut Mowers 11 lifor all occasions Phone p^AHfTONf 632 §1712 Sherman Avenue 9!§MMother A NOTHER June wedding of great r\ interest locally was that of Miss .g:';f^:'EiJtheli|"Iyaur|i Bates, daughter of Dr." andtiMri^;JL.Of. Batesrft.whose^;:ina;r- riage to Oliver'"-% Prio^e^ son of Mr. an<T Mr*. Qgyer Pringle, of 1024 Etev- enjh, ^tr^eltgtook M^^i^^^^s^. evening, of last week, in the First Meth- odist church of LaGrange. Rev. Magor, the pastor â- Â»â- .read jhe service at ejfbt -Attending the bride as matron of hon- or, was her sister, Mrs. Walter tSander- son of LaGrange, Miss Adelaide Bielby, i$so of LaGrange as maid of honor and four bridesmaids, the Misses Elytheia Haverfield, Esther Ellen Palmer, Kath- leen Egar and Mrs. Wesley Palmer. Miss Bates Wore a charming gown of w|ip ^g^rgel^^/pi^^lalin:' .-trimmed wim a yiyide bertha of ^thread lace. Her tujjp veil-^feejki from af breath of orange bl^onsp arid sj|e carried a shower bou- quet o|l lilies and bride's roses. Mrs. Sainderscli in^#^gowiPM orchid canton crepe carrying tea roses, die maid of honor wearing peach crepe ^ and carrjr- in^ cream roses, arid the matids in their damty frocks of green crep^l^mame trimmed with c/eam 4ace and carrying |leep ipjnk ro^|s^ made ;$ %>sj|iattract- tye looking v^djrig?..;^r^|r.j|^.^. ,£. Serving Mr,*Pringfe a^ liest man was Mr. James Skidmore of Chicago, and ushering were Messrs. Paul Bradley, Walter Sanderson, Wesley Palmer and Robert Cummins. The wedding march was played by Mir.^Ralph Ansheutz, organist, and there was ijifa harp solo by Miss Ludwig of ollowing the ceremony, a large recep- tion took place in the Bates home in La- Grange, rafter which Mr. and Mrs. Pringle left for a honeymoon at Estes Park. They will be at the North Shore hotel in Evanston, temporarily, upon their return on July 16. ,. ^..,'.., Monday, July second, at seven o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stansell entertained sixty guests of the Officiary!* |of the Methodist Episcopal church it dinner at the Ouilmette Country Club; Following â- :'p»r. ald^rpO. P. Olsoii and daig#««lii! ter, Dorothy, until recently of Wilmat^i|lilMi and;,;.now|o|ilthe", Evanston :Hotel#-:leffi^iB June^'oii^'tour of the Wes*, as;men>pIit<R bers Mfz w&tof. from.. Cook .County -Kealtilflil Estate Board of which Mr. Olson is member. Banff, Lake Louise, San Fran cisco, Los Angeles, Yosemite Nati< Park, Grand Canyon of Arizona, Pike"! Peak, and Colorado Springs, will among the most interesting places vis* Miss Olson graduated this June f rom tl Liberal Arts course at JNorthwesla unjyjersity, ', Sm M Mrs. :Munix>el;Ck>le;/N^ avenue, entertained with â-  % bridge luncheon Saturday afternoon in co merit, to. Miss Ruth Risley, whose riage to Mr. Karl Steinkamp, of Evar ton, will be observed during the curt month. Miss Risley is a daughter Mrs. George Willis Risley, of Ei ton^-^Cover*â€"were- -arrange teen. the dinner^ toasts were responi a most capable and charming wa; '»$. to in _ .v"Our Women," by Mrs. James T. Edwards; "Our Boys,' by Mr. Pierre Bontecou; "Our Educational Responsibility," by Prof. L. A. Hutchens; "Our Men," by Mr E. M. Stafford; "Our Church- Today and Tomorrow," by Mr. J Fred A. Troy. Repairing to the parlors^ Miss Georgia Hecht, of Chicago, a most tal- ented reader, captivated her audience wlthtifieri ^clever; impersonations. Mr; * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Made 1005 Greenleaf avenue, announced engagement of their daughter, Grace Lucille, to^VV"allaee~Br Clore^ Jr., a>§ of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clore, of Wif netka, at a Delta Gamma houseparty held recently at the summer home: of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Rowe, at Geneva, Wis. Miss Katherine King, 600 Ce*tra| avenue, accompanied her sister, Missi;A§ by King on her return trip to Johnstowflfe Pennsylvania, last Monday to spend month touring the state of Pennsyh Upon Miss King's return she plans ::|jfr'- open her office in the Cox buiWing^Ife Members of the Cozy Corner Girdl spent a most delightful afternoon when they were entertained by Mrs. A ^ KUmder at her home, 1531 Spencer ave- nue, on Thursday of last week. Mr*. Theo Delaney, 1501 Forest avenue, will entertain the Circle Thursday afternoon, July 12,'. ...^.,.; ?, .^ , 1 . â- ,-.^;f, ^mm^mm were most enthusiastically usic^s songs, which feceiyed. ^Tfee following guests were present: ^iMr, arid Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, MrwB.Fi Lewis, Miss Edna Lewis, .Mr. ana Mrs. Fred A. Troy, Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs, Fred H. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Milling- tori, = Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Hutchens, Riv"^ind J^rs. Martin- H^^^ Bickliain,, Rey. arid Mrs. Daniel Stecker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kracke, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. h F. Kletz- ing, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E* R. James, Mr* and Mrs; L. A. Hanawafl, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lindblad, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. West, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Dee A. Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reiri- hold, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Lundberg, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ^ ^Getman^ Mr. and Jirs, Fl^A Grambling, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Boiite- cou, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Martin, Messrs. Av Lr Arragon, W. H. Thayer, £. G, Beritley, Orville J. Bprchers. ^Sf^StS* Mrs. Stansell was assisted'.';-:-fy Ttob â€"Mr^-an4 Mrs. Frank Kunz, 171 ggaife- rie avenue, have left for a'two month's trip to Yellowstone Parle. Spokainy and Seattle, stopping over with friends || California and Mexico. On their! jp^j turn trip they will visit the Grand Ca% < Miss Adelaide Murphy, 'daughter orii; Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Chicago, fornix erly of Winnetka, became the bride <p : Adam Koch, Jr., son of Mr. and MrSi &vrch^~-^^-~~^~~-~-----jâ€"......-; -:-w%5t?! -o- I Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gordon ariaâ- $? small daughter, of Wliiting, Ind., ao| - guests of Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 1237 Forest j£ avenue. Miss Ruth Cohen retur^ieil p home early this week from a visit ai| * her.'sister's home in Whiting.^'-^^JUJ^ making their home with Mr^ and Mr^ || Charles A. Keller, 820 Greenwood av«4|^| niie, this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Kelfer i|| and their son, Charles, spent the holiday 1| at Delavan .Lake, Wis*|;;|^|5'©-;7'.^lllplffl Mrs. D>r H. Nicholes entertained at §! bridge on Tuesday afternoon at lief 11 residence, 816 Forest avenue, in hondrwf|g of! Mrs. Stetson Harmon, of Pasadena, |f| Cal., who is spending several days litis II week withhold ^.,4rie)^r-i»...-«>ttte:£|;^^ Boston.,: ^^^P^^^^ii^^^^ m Misses Amy and Evelyn Kletzing^. Lylah Fleming and Marguerite Lundberg. " Mr. Dwinnell Slater, of Boston, for- merly of Kenilworth, underwent : an operation for appendicitis Monday|;I ; EffectifiiDiffiil^: Roj&tti »||i#Ks nrs :>M& fSW. 'â- %£.ter. the: mea!yis$>ver ;and you f eel like .resting at the table,., and^pj finishing your ^onversa|ion, you ^willrfind'that^a Windsor; Chair sup^jpHH |)lie^ 3roU;With !a :feeling ^of reaLcom J|iyiThfe;:'GateXeg Table' is. 42x54';-inches with three extra leaves,' gifef|!t§f| 'ihg'a.six foot extensionw:a^ffs| -SSS-' I |f Tpe Basils solid Walnut. Th^ top i$ bui|| iip to give it s||engA -and beautvpi^^ â- :-^M,v^rMi s |f|The chairs shown in the* sketch have genuine rush bottom seats. The^r may be used in the living room as well as the dining room. || iSgf? Wis ,.>;..«,...» ,.»j.-j, •".-â- mm.:... ?;'::> *:"â- ';;*fe'^-? |Table, $65.00 fft Side ChairJ $19.0g »r» $25,00 Sii ~"~W$^- sSSCfe "â- <£&& 7S&,^ TEL. EV. 7904 H^' EVANSTON i^^0§m^m isss gtipp|kR::M|| pi^f-^vM^k:fi$'kiS^wi «P>M s:^:«jtesisiaai;.!e!HBsa mii-& ^ Mr. and Forest Mrs. Foster E. ____________ Fike, 1241 avenue, are visitingsjn Sterling, â- wm t*;; mm "flfflidni the^ Wllmette boys who leiye Thursdayv for the Ghilds at O-Wa-Konze, near Ontario, Cana^ arfe Charles Troy> Phil Brown, Harold Spinney, Tom Copeland and Milton: Emrich. Mr. Childs is head director TJf,Ne^/;T^rie^,,.a|hletics.,.,. ;â- };.;â- ;. :tW^:,,^M Members of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club and their husbands were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A, Clark, 816 Lake avenue, last Saturday ev at a dinner-dance given at the Soutl Shore â-  Country vclub^:v: ?00!>W$M Wi Mf t and Mrsv Williaioi Morrisoht Chicago, liave j« of. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome 0.. Hooker, 1745] Highland avenue. Mr. Morrison is anl attorney for the Chicago IlTitle an4| Trust company. &>:i:M$^m m Nippeb§inklLqdgl GENOA JUNCltOlf • WlsioNSm S3 Mile* from Chic ofK»o«hi. G«^ll 2ttMUesW«it 'm Golf FUhinc Bathiaf Trmp |i Shooting The Resort Complete A place of refinement with all the advantagres of a modern country club, having a patron- age consisting only of gentiles. Our own 18- hole golf course; spaci- ous clubhouse. New hotel; rooms single or suite with tub and shower baths. Cottages with running vswater, electric lights. fgESxcel- lent meals. Inspection Invited.* ^^Wr 11 e for folder.'-.â- ms^'Myr---:IMSM ... Mrs. Frank H. JonesV" 1336 Cent avenue, returned home yesterday Springfield, 111., accompanied by Mrs.| •Jerome O'Conriell and her son, OUveri||| who will be her houseguests for several|i "days.,-.,,â- ,.:»«:â- â- ,.â- â- â€¢ ,;â-  -Vv.-as"" '"'.. â- :-â- : â- ~r-:.^,.-.--,: . .:-... â-  .^^.Vijjffi i'SfSa rf&m&Jshd&ff**' JUiat * Honoring Miss Grace Mary Cook, who became the bride of Paul Schulze, Jr^ Saturday of last week, Miss Viwenriel Morin entertained with a linen shower at her home, 635 Maple avenue, Tuescjav...,^,...,'...... Mrs. Dudley Lester, accompanied b; her xia^ghtet^-rJtite|--who has been at tending school in Bradford, Mass., hai, returne^from air extended stey nr llem York^stite and other points in the eastif Miss Manon Tm, daugTiier^of and Mrs. Frederick Tilt, 6!5 avenue, contemplates, kavpg Friday 1< a month's â-  '«o|wimv.&/K:iew^^:,i MM -r'.. ~'~T~ W0 ipg^Jli^sigSii^i^&^f^fe^ife; im

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