8 THE LAKE SHORE HEWS FRIDAY. JULY 13. 1923 Â¥mm^% ao^tiwrami ©i #c Bairn '"^"^fej®!?" 553. Vr. Za 11. Baw&A »» ** '&t speaker- F^sj -eneasse; of *» ****- Albert Vail wM lertw* as Ac teBBpflc m *e. M«ftH«* arc to tot hM &&****& *msr§ Sawday aftcnaeacaB aaal F»»3? ***- WSPECT WATE1I PLANTS ~ «S**s fram die «** ***?ma?2: SETafcaMa of «er psrfca»oB ftattS 2&Gasa«ia, &m3»wiia, WaadkaJFort ShaidM, Lake Forest- aead Life «â- *. AJ8 ei tiacw jutests *r«af wascr cMuae* ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN < OoertaHwd sross fagc ,7) asas,,**^ k TSar Lak<t SM« ^^^M? as*, tfet «&aai «rgss, • LaBtexaa &m- -^gk&^i- iht tfare* resada* fetters ©* St. Jcta'*' &*"*- Vjckw Rxtffitr, rred W. G- MaeSer aaad Hsrmvz W. Meyer: a program c*f ibe jsresera cccaer ssaaaf Jaj»* service wiah a at**! amaBOCSBK "Oe saasae; a ounttJBaaoo aad by-lsflre <^ 'Si fefem * a* rtrri*e3 aad adopted April 1? J'Sa®' a boot wi^a a f«r arrreEf corns oTifep U«oed Ste&es; tbe sasaes <w 4e dorser sataaaibeT* of St- Jefao*. AT LEAGUE SESSION Ti*e Rr». Meyer » leanag das week K» stacaad siae fasenaatkwaJ C«m«ki3 ©£ tiae WaMaer League wfekfc is eoej- wssks S3. D&rwL Mkfsgaaa froca Sup- day Wy 15 «© Friday- Ji# 3». Tlac H«fftlj Saore Zcaac ol the Wakber Uagw ot wisacii St. J<i»"$ «• a. Hwafcer is1 4gAf£P*mqr four rcfK-esentatJrw to ti*t owveaaiae; it is rgprcafffd tibat o»ct UIQO 4t^f**** wffl attend the scoots, nqwe- «cste3f «@oae 50J3O0 Li^beraxi Ycoog .fcofie. ptEswraflAH ana ... __ Ww Serwioes as onai ocrt Sunday gun- mc mb the Prtabyteriasi dsmth. Son- day Sdwd -9-49 A. If- Prracteng ser- nm a. M- SeoeUry. of 4he Bwaiftefiw. MmcflKflt wifl be the speaker A W?// Mg»» MmcA to Sayâ€" "We Live at The Orrington! HOSE who make The Orrington their home are as- sured not only service, comfort and luxury, but a measure of prestige unobtainable elsewhere. yt>tf say ive at ^*&^ii^^^^^*^aiit^ people will know that you are living at Evanston's most beautiful hotelâ€"amid surroundings and en- vironment unsurpassed in elegance and refinement. Those who have chosen quarters in The Orring- ton have done so confident of an unusual sincerity of service and perpetual endeayorjo_please^â€"The^ guest list itself is the highest compliment to our effort to make The Orrington just the very best place to live. m :?•& lit m Ml^i^^^^^^^^lte^ SSvSs â- WStsaSSiSsSH ??*3^v5*#^Ji!'i;<l*7 !^M. i?k •^ ?0^^( £ J:V: XS',s*fer;':;.."....;*::'.%:v- -*)'p- â- ^^'.'f'j^i;^' f'r"":i '$0. ^-'v ^'IfimW^fi ilWlW V^f:' ^Mm llilllll ^m.