Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1923, p. 1

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isfg n Community mmwm- vm. X. NO. 38 I; WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIg^y, JULY 20,19%3 : â-  EIGHTEEN PAGES mSSSSSfSSSSS mSSmSSmSSSSSi price five cents NEARS REALITY Jew Trier Village Presidents Agree on Plan for Through Truck Highway IEEK COUNTY AID submit Pe New Trier township <iyill have a 45 foot motor truck highway extending from the Evanston nortfe limits to the north county line at Glencoe, if pe- titions by the four villages of the township find favorable action on the part of the"" Board of Cook County commisioners. 7' Presidents of the villages of. Wil- mette, Kenilworth, % Winnetka and Glencoe convened recently td consider plans for the establishment of a through truck highway in New Trier that would be projected parallel and [immediately west of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad right-of-way. . ith these executives strongly in fav- Hr of such a project, the various vil- lage boards promptly approved to the ^general plan and the matter was placed-before the connty^ commissions•; with the request the proposed -road- way be designated as .;^;, Jaunty Aid highway.. i7:\-l!&^i0^$£y::'â- ' County Shares Cost Leaders ia the various communities feel confident that the county author- ities will approve the plan without delay and, in thus designating the road as a County Aid highway, as^ sume a jpjortiotl of thM burden of ex- pense* The ioiihtyy,under those con- ditions would bear Ifii cost of paving an* 18 ioot^ttW^hfourhout the length of the road* it m^plajnjp,, th^illajg :assU*§#&:4§Styp>$P^^ the balance of the expense*; Projecting the proposed hiVhway would necessitate the condemnation of certain prooerttes uv both Wilmette and Winnetka, officials star*. It would mean the continuation of Main street north from Elmwood avenue to con- nect with the intersection at 15th street and the roadway lead _ Kenilworth and lying immediately west of the Chicago and Northwest- ern right-of-way. ___ Favorable action by the county commissioners is expected in the very near future;1,'*«';y:",Br"v*J*s:;:*r«v:;v Would Divert Traffic ' The proposed highway, officials say, would1 have the result of materi- ally reducing the present heavy traffic on Sheridan road and-dther through streets, since the new roadway would serve to divert a cbnsH of the constantly increasing through pleasure traffic fron^ the residence streets. i^^MW^kPy "' ". '""•' Quick-Witted Chauffeur ijiiry to Boy Alertness; #hd presence of mind dis- played by Frank Livingston, chauffeur for the Sidney Corning Eastman fam- ily at 355 Melrose avenue, Kenil- worth, probably prevented fatal in- jury to a small boy who, early this week, fell in the path of a car driven by Livingston on the Kenilworth station drive. The boy. was^^J^eayoring to reach t*te station at a time when many cars were being parked near the station awaiting commuters »frpm the city. He dashed across the drive and-felt immediately in front of the Eastman .machine. Livingston averted the im- pending accident by quickly throwing the engine in reverse. "The youth hurried from the scene without disclosing his identity. North Shore Club Plans Silver Tassel Tournament The third annual Silver Tassel in- Arfeatkm- tournament wit! be-hetd~at the North Shore Golf club on Wed- nesday and Thursday, August I and 2. Invitations have..already been sent out to members "of \the club. According ta the *\ committee^ lin charge, o|fwb;ich ,J§ #. -Byrnesis^a#- inan|;;pue%sf^wlHlv';!1-be llllbwed %~;I:*fie' tdfUrnament. It is also planned by tfcose who are arranging the details t& have all new members of the club gUests of the organization on those -tw^ days>r^^ Serving : dni:'5tlle'r^^^.^b^a^tte?e' mJ.'F. Byrnes are Fr^Butkman, If H. Wotf, EJKbeft Rollq a*d J. F. Nic, the Banker, Comes Forth with a Good Fish Yarn Besides being an expert banker, which none dare dispute, Nicholas Schwall, assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Wilmette looms up as one of the mightiest anglers on this expansive north shore. Nic recently engaged in a solo fish- ing expedition in the waters of Lake Michigan about one-half mile off the Wilmette harbor. He returned to his home with 72 sizeable perch. "Caught them on a hook in exactly »e and one-half hours Of fishing," he explained blandly. v. There were no. seine marks on the victims of the catch, the doubting Thomases, including Nic's father, dis- covered, so Nic's testimony remains umhaJceW;.........â€"â€"â€": r-:T-:â€" f-r:-;---: Nic doesn't travel afar to get his fish stories, does he? Friends say he employed one of the banks adding machines too, so that There can be little doubt about the number of the catch. Three iroportanF ch^i|glBc^in the ,iniinistry ©fr theâ€"St;^Josephi: Catholic parish, Wilmette and |^"|ss Point, were made this week wKJeif the Rev. William Netstraeter, rectpf |6f the St. Joseph's church for the £$$sfc' 52 years, retired from active service |u become MOTOR COACH ROUTE OPEN! Municipal Leaders Guests'.tin hnMJstoC^MM This aflerloon, proiiptly iit 5:45 o'clock, a motor coach will leave the Wilmette avenue station of the Chi- cago, North Shore aand Milwaukee railway and travel west and thence northward to the Brier Gate Golf club on Waukegan road west of High- land, Park* This, Journey*; beinj$sim- ultaneous with|79iikttkt"'^ot^.vMoMth. trips to Brier GatM ;wit|i V^ttkeg^nl %nd Highlands Park as the $tait*n# points, will formally inaugurate ^the ne*^J||to Nor^i Shore , _ ^ .................... Tfie initial trip^ipj have t^distin guished passenger; ; list; Presidents, clerks, attorneys and trustees of the villages of Wilmette, Glenvt0w, North Brook and Deerfield, mayors and councils of Highland Park and Wau- kegan, presidents of chambers of com- commercial associati of the north shore, newspaper men and prominent officials of the North -Shore line will be on hand to enjoy the maiden journey which will have its climax in a dinner at 6:.3tO o'clock at the Brier Gate club: The guests will be there at the personal invita- tion of Britton I. Bud4r president of the Nprth Shore %e« <L;'C$i'JLJlI 4$ ' 'in" " ; !""if'\i.::" ~' I ;-^>c;:r-,:::-.'-g^" Three Out of Ten Permits Authorize New Residences Three out of ten building permits issued this week by Wilmette village authorities authorized the construction of new dwellings valued at $19,000. The other seven permits were for private garages and additions. "Heading the list is a permit for a one and a half story house granted to S. M. Sutherland. The house will cost $8,000 and will ;be erected at 204 Golf Terrace. A. B. McKibban re- ceived a permit to butld a two-story $6,000 residence at 225 Nanzig avenue. A permit for a $5,000 two story hbwse was issued to E. V. Holding. Mr. Holding will build at 295 17th street. Permits for private garages and small additions were granted to A. P. Hill, 1422 Wilmette avenue; W. P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue; George Tume. HH9 Ashland; E. Harter, 229 Nanzig avenue; Charles *R. Hall, 111 Linden avenue; Ralph C. Barke, 1521 Forest avenue, and C. B. Hecker, 901 Green- wood avenue. >/. ;â-  ;-"â€"r^ Mission Children Enjoy Party at Park and Beach • Several children from the Olivet and Garibaldi missions in Chicago en- joyed their first automobile rides last week when the Woman's society of ^heâ€"Wilmette Presbyterian church entertained 225 of the children at the Lake Front park and beach. On Thursday the _societyi_ brought MS children from the 4)livet mission and ou* F>if}ay J^|youftgsters wej& invited froni the Garibaldi mission Miny of th#^e1iildren^4il£d nevef*%e^ fore enjoyed' an automobile ride, it was said. Rajlr,oad"3hra^p^i|a^o^"^a^rÂ¥ro- vided1 for^tWe thfWre^ t#- the^ board of deacons of the Presbyter ian church. Dinner was served at|^h« park.. ;',-M*ii.- The outing is^ Jul annual event for the children. NEW RECTO ST, JOSEPH'S Rev. Netstraeter Becomes Rector Emeritus; to Stay !:;;^r«,>:,, in the Parish 4Q§M NEUMANN IS lECTOR to Assistant Chicago Ch l. :v rector emeritus of the oafish;; Rev. â- HP 'Change'D^off^ â- n Beach :pa&rftW^ To Be August ' ""Annual 'Beach'. Day':^:i|he%^iirte^t^ Municipal Bathing beach, set f6ir Sat- urday, July 28, has been postponed to Saturday, August 4; to ?iivpid Conflict with the Water Carnival to be staged next Saturday by the Sheridan Shore Â¥acht club. Announcement o|i tlie change of date was made late this week.'. â- â- 'â- â- â- â- ill-'â- !--^rj^:S:/-; Beach-master Vernon**!!^ 'Wrkr^n is planning a gala time for devotees of the...„ .bathing:: -be^w'^dn^^^ei^^ilJI^: Numerous swimming events.are on the schedule, with gold, silver and bronze medals as the awards for first, second and; third honors," ris^0ct^ie^^BSM^-&l Novelty events of! the da|r|^il| he li a pie-eating competition"'ioM0a!Si&" In addition to ;4k;',?|j|p^pe' events, the beach-master has ~ar- ran^ed for resuscitation exhibitions to be given by the^ life guards at the beach. ^r^T,;,- ^â- /.^: ...+^o-k:^r........ Residents of the village are remind- ed to bear in mind the change of the date"-of^'Beach""Day. â-  -^mm§i******f^ ' NEW TRIER DAY SET FORAOG. 23 Commercial Association An- I nounces Annual Event :vv#v::'fe^»li5; :f|.fgf'i,,;. y ^.^ " '"7% â- â- ?-^« â- â- mm :"â-  *NeW."" Trief'^Oa^ thr":an^al ;le%ti*| occasion When all residents dl ^Me^ Trier- township are^invited ^ af the picnic grove for ah ;old^fash| ioned frolic, is scheduled to take place Thursday, August 23, at the gpf>v|r Lake and Ridge avenues, Grolss P^ih|L lijohn J: 'â-  Mofott; of ^lffiette;-ff.;ien|: ef al chairman * of tfii great hdHda|r Satiate-, ^gi vep^undeff ^rauspicesi;'©!'>tr|E "tiiiiU^il William â-  Net«trm«tcr 77 '/ â-  â-  "â- â- ^r,.//.,-:i:.:.U "-------^-7--.â- _:: r.r-'â- â-  , ' ' J. A. Neinnann, rector of a Chicago church, succeeded the retiring priest, bns I taking full^cfeiargc of the local parish today, and Rev,„JL- Jr. ;|Cramer, -as- sistant rector of St. Joseph's for eight years,v:went.; â-  to.^/ChMgd;^- :fltke the place left vacant^^ifB^sl^innsmn^^^ '"^'.....7To "be" Rector.....:Emeritu*I'^"w reside in the parish house as rector emeritus. Complete supervision .pi the work of the church, however, will be in the. hands of the incoming min- ister from the <St; Mauritius church, Chicago............... • «J:r' It-wasâ€"in^48?2~thati father- Net^ straeter first came to* Gross Point- The term of his pastorate was 52 ygars^h% longest, it is said, of-any minister in the country. During his ministry the St. Joseph parish has enjoyed a remarkable growth and development, starting with just a few pioneer people and expanding until it now numbers 400 families. Under his direction the physical properties of the church h^vi^een enlarged \h a corresponding n»a«»efv-*"* <£& (Continued on page 4) Here's a fVun^iloiiijf that's ern. The owneilf^iust sell quick." FOR SALEâ€"BY OWNER. rtBEAU- tiful n«w five-room pres§§3 brick bungalow :at sacriflce; modern; Irot waters heat; hard wood «ppr§^slfe|»injr |no,r^hij0tMxl60. Immediate possession, an im- provements in. Must sell quick. Call Sundays and make me an offer. 1739 Washington Avenue, Wilmette, 111. ;syq DIGEST THE WANT-ADS â- â- 77']%7':^^7:77:'.::-:7 7. I'M JiJ!"-.4'^Jl^uiij^'.- Arranges tS^^VE0- lilsl^l â- â€¢â- â- â- â-  â- . p*!$!£w0y0%$$m a«|ppgpciS; ap:-: Winnetla;;:will' cbii-7 pete m the Wimrette harbor for swi«#< ming honors when the Sheridan Shore ^acht club stages its first annual carni- val of water sports. The events, which are called lor 3:30 o'clock, are open -0, all residents of the^«ortft;shore,â- racqafir ing to an. announcement made this week b^ officjals^pi the club. eftblt*M ttiake"5^ :c^riirlal::xftie st that local organizations have , In i of thl sponsored die Sheridan, ^hole* club has spared no expense in arranging the de- tails and in securing competent officials. Medals have been secured in gold, silver and bronze to be awarded to the win- ners of first, second and third places-J-$p|. the ten events that are scheduled f ot }:we &fteriaoon.7J^}7^7Wi-^ â- "•â- '• A" hatipwlw'in^lrii'"lta^?W local talent, will If talent, wiWfadd to the attra^onl Lawrence .^yV;\^:is^^spJ3^sbtirtg:the- nival for the club, has announced that 8 Dick Howell, Northwestern university $ swimming ace and holder of several it$§M. ords^ Will â-  five" a special â- â€¢exhibitioni:;^!pP â- 'â- â- â- 'tSim'Tom Robinson Present I^^M ,;,; «i;'>/itisuw^the:r thi contestants the ; .Sheridan '• <:£&&&'§£ Yacht swimming, and timer.; li|e cp-operation of the Chamber of Conimerce. ,' „.,..„.„,. Mn Morari, advance ihformatioii has it, is planning many new.fu for; the day, including a sj^'taculajj oyfqtechnic display. T^ Day parade, also, witliie bigger than ever this year, .many residentsi:^ajnd: -business firms ^lleady^iplaiim^ enter attractive^ decorated, automo* biles and floats in the procession. The CqrjMnercial association wants e vesica r' ::f^SiVl§|^iIII|:'; ^9^.J%vth* pr^ession,;^^^^^^g^^^ai Following^ atffc;the coniftMltee* work^-< ing with Mr. "i^^ira.ii-^'.tp;-'>»i»!»*«iir«-^-3felie-' success of ih&4tyt7S:^-^^ lor| J. -lite.<-Carrlco,i:v&& K. Mestjian, ^ C. IWolff/ J. C. Qapeh, John Papajohn, Otjfca JEalk,-J^i^L^SiML IlettSeii^y^oliljB: Abrahams. E. <0. Weissenberi^. £fc; W^ Blow, B»rl Weinstock, Ous Nelson, Kay Iredale, Ray Kloepfer, William Wer- «ted, Vic. KiUia«r Herbertâ€"Paulson, William Crouse, Dr. 0.« H. Bersch, Lloyd Hollister> Emilvv\li|ord;;v.:."Sr.heBt' Cazel, Leo Dean, Bernard Meyer, Fred Brinkmaa* William H. Scott, Ernest Griff is, *knd Thcmtias Lynch. ^ ,y \v,^Jl;^ â-  ^vl'^#e4U^«l»W«. .fCo4»>f**ieC;f W ? Attractions: Geo* White, Carl Sterner, A. K. Mestjian; Grand Prize: Ray Ire- dale, Bmil Nord, Ernest CazeF, Whole- salers:, A^' S.; Van .Duesen, Louis Abra^ hams, Ray Kloepfer; yPineworks: Wm. Taylorfi ep^ee *r;Adams, "Gnse.7, Nelson; Races and Children's Parade: B. W. Blow, chairman, Ed. Weisseribergr Vic; Killiari, Dr. O. H. Bersch; Parade: A C. Wolff, grrand marshal. Earl Wettf- stock, J. M. Carrico, William Wetsted; Music: J. C. Gapen, chairman; Refresh- ments: John Papajohn, chairman, Wil- liam Crouse, Leo Deairr Grounds: Otto Falk; Finance: Dan G. Stiles; Dance: Herbert Paulson, chairman, Bernard Meyer, Fred Brinkman; Prises: Wm. Scott, Ernest Griffis, Thomas Lynch., the&couraij shore rest water ca iher. isoi^ Northwestern's v*fer*h r Mmmi7;io. :aact ^L^aiinoBnclr- & i§lpfir 4s known to north its 79$ â-  the director <.«£^||£|| ; at:? Winnetka last sum- Designate Four Arterial . . Highways in Village Attractive parkway stop signs des- ignating Sheridan road as a boule- vard and Ridge, Wilmette and Central avenues and Sixth street as through traffic arteries, are to be placed in the village by the Chicago Mbjor club, ac cofding~fo information contained inT letter directed to the Village board this week by the motor club and ask- ing permission to place the signs. The Chicago Motor pjub also agrees, according to the communica- tion, to replace similar 'sighs erected •by it in the village several years ago,' but which have become- somewhat weather-beaten. , Designation o^ . |er|8|iribf streets^ hy [the village board indicates that driv- ers must bring their cats to a cotn- oughfafres; 'tfce^fijdjcaiihl** streets be* 'â- eventsH^fcS ... .. ^,. ^^piiy^^ftl^%.'champio\is^B 100 '^{Ifa&i&gj^ & â-  :r*; •-^-pionship^;;:'-'?'&â- ' ^-:.7.......i,;. ;;:â- ;: ,.-|| SO yd. free style, unions, intercity cham-'\i ~"f^-^©hsliipr-b©ys^-;^nW;- 100 .yd., free;",stykv :OT^roit|R2cfiip|ion-li .,â- /,' â-  'ship, .gillsâ-  under';tR.,;^.«-; "ff- -II 50 yd. Iree^styki, &*< ,'â-  :tii"'^;Stif^:v;;pi?^l^i 100 yd. hack style, intercity m 'Iree^tylepihter^: â- , sliipr girls 1/ and over. #hip.. '0§^m^0v77,.-:7v77:mM rdea^^l;!!^ ;divin1fe;l^lifil «on-? «tt? ill $mm7 for Laying New r ouppiy mam Here . mwm^MfedaT4'|Kp%til#|ses-^ sion Tiiesday of this week accepted^ tlel)id of the X- M tglehaft com- i»any| 16^ M. .$%%*m bpulevard, Chi- cago for theMaying of a 12-inch water supply jnain hn the village and ex- tending! fr^m^^cdndlsiifeet Ito Wil-I *nette jiyenuer v „ „ ....,,..! .â- -'! i The proposed new water main is iol be "added to the system for the pur-v pose 6i providing bfttter water distri- ; bution it Is explained,' as it will bel connected up with all theA ,main! feeder pipes in the village. ;^ " amouptjof â- :^^^7Wt&.$23&49,i Tm MU§T OBEY SPEED LAWS Prosecution was; withheld in J«M venile cdurt Thursday of this week ml a case against Rutherford Udell, 302; Park avenue, a minor, charged with 1 speeding in Wilmette. Local authori-' ties withdrew iHe petition it was said, upon the promise: of the young man to in the 'future ^frA^firom violat- ing :tlie spec^^w^tgOo^tfCwis'ar-.' rested for speeding-ilh^M4f0' avenue, Fridajr^af ternoon, {Ju^jr Jfc.;, „,-^-^,-..;,-v."..:: ......., .-_. . _.... _,...,....;*»i:-'A;l^t,.'i8^|.::.^;;".-;"n DRAIN FOR PLAYGROUNDS The bid Of-€s *£. Bartlett and qom- pany. of |E^nlstOjnyc;wa»- aiccepitfed "at%j* this - week^fc^eetfi^jfC-JM" â- "tftl";" VTBageil board â- â- ivm!M$%wffi fied'tile pipe drain in the i>ew^mu«ici-'ll pat playgj'blniif^.. Vfrk :!iHBt^0. andSf Washington ':avetlu^^-^^^eto^^heli pMectjs $3,422^%;^s^ted%^;.,i:i,;,« â-  &â- â- "â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- 'â- 'â- â- ----------------- lA^irjmiiiiia.y'r, ,- ' fe't'-M S'^im WEDl«ESDAY^:'ili and paint stores irt^H ffiCfcbSE ON All hardware plete^to|r^bciore-ciros«rhg|thos«^thor-- -W41m«tte ^wiil; el|»se a| ^d10!1 eve'yp Wednesday during July1 a^d*Augustt ing regarded as boulevards in every J accordiilgr to an announcement made respect except that they^are opeii^toMhts w%e1k by local hardware and paints trUCk traffic. !*i?,!?if!'*8'!Waw? ' Pf»!W^=W'**'8^"W3s>^^ !»**- :i1^!®*y>'-" ******** .-i.«^i*».1.y,«Uft*â€", . ... .anjaa.......... '§7:^-:::^i.~^7^lE7..^ fiSBMMM^

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