Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1923, p. 5

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^^tfm^mmmmmmmmmm"'immmmmm mmmmmmm ROLL 100 IN BIBLE SCHOOL |e Versfe», Church Hymns Learned By Pupils |th a total registration of 100 and jrerage daily attendance of between Id 70, the Daily Vacation Bible of Wilmette is continuing to teach en, not only the fundamental Bible but also art and practical handi- fwork. .... , , school, wiuch is sponsored by six tte churches, is being conducted gymnasium of the Byron C. Stolp The idea originated with the fcette church council, the members _ich saw a distinct need for some j a practical Bible school for chil- during the vacation period. Have Three Divisions ldren attending the school are di- into three groups. Those who have s yet attended grammar school are Unto the kindergarten group; those have progressed as far as the third are called primary, and those who passed through the third grade arc _ j in the junior division. Three eaJbers and seven assistants conduct the cUdI. Miss Beatrice Segsworth is the .tor of the school and instructor in |§unior department. Mrs. Leslie Ful- ristructs the primary group, and Mrs. ). Burtner has charge of the kinder- ffi ssisting the three divisional mstruc- iare seven other members of the Wil- churches. Persons who have been jfShg a full morning every day to this are Helen Thompson, Grace Reid, iur Turner, Adelaide Jones, Eliza- Fitch, Ruth Caldwell, Helen Heck- | Mildred Malone, Mrs. L. £. Mick liTom Gibson. Do Handicraft Work 1th this staff of teachers and assist- the school aims to instruct the in all sorts of work. At the pres- ume many. q»f the children are en- in hammock making, some are ting on sanitos with sealing wax and members of Mrs. Fuller's |p are dramatizing Biblical stories. Very morning a brief opening exer- is conducted by the teachers and Iren. The exercise is one of wor- and song. Later comes a period music instruction. Closing exer- ; of a devotional nature, including a ite to the flag, terminate the morning sion. Learn Bible Verses *he children are learning church insâ€"and they are learning them re- irkably well, according, to their in- luctors. Much time is also spent on rning Bible verses. These verses are in answering roll call. On one oc- jon a Bible verse "spell down" cook- unusual enthusiasm on the part of children. |n commenting on the Daily Vaca- Bible school one of the local rgyman said, "The local school was lewhat of an experiment in the |age this year but it has proven it- worthy of the highest develop- it. tike the joint ad, the Com- lity School of Religious Educa- and other enterprises fostered the church council, it has been a tinct contribution to the higher life [the village." • Give Exhibit Thursday__ in exhibit and entertainment will given by the sctiool Thursday jht, July 26, at 8 o'clock at the rron C. Stolp school. The program 11 be started with religious and triotic songs. Children will recite le of the Bible verses that were ight in the Bible school. There will so be salutes to the American and iristian flags. To make up the ex- [bition part of the evening some of le handicraft work of the children fill be put on display.* Hammocks, in it os table mats, dolls anl kites will ijccupy a prominent place in the ex- libit. The entire program will be Ended by 9 o'clock, it is said. One of the interesting facts dis- |oveffcd by the experiment is that it las been found out that in a well ad- linistered Daily Bible Vacation :hool, children of the primary, junior id intermediate age can learn more the Bible there than is six months regular Sunday school. tsistant Librarian Goes [To Library Summer School iMiss Winifred Bright, as-^stant li- farian of the Wilmette Public li- |ary, went to Madison, Wisconsin, inday. to spend her vacation. Dur- her absence she will attend the . weeks session of the summer tool for librarians conducted by the liversity of Wisconsin. The H W$iS rarians' conference, as the school is ften called, is open to librarians pom all parts of the United States. .Miss Bright will spend a few^iiays fisiting friends in Wisconsin before eturning to resume her duties in the rilnaette library. r :j":......'.'..^^^.^r.^J, TO CLOSE BRANCH LIBRARY For the mirnose of redecoratinT and eaning, tl iirbe closed jjrom j\ugust 5 to 11, ac- rding to an arinourioe*nef by Miss [ue. QsmotJierly, - librarian^ 11 \Hie tanch lifvrarv is located in the Laurel hool building: / #rL". 'â- â- â- '"ft^i!*' ""â-  Stone. Ho^%.& m- a â-  «;.:â-  -«-.m .^z^rsins^k « ,.....*â€"^. •% '---w^^.....â€" «............â- .....- â-  . â€".........-.....â€" .- .,â- *_.» Beginning Tuesday JMorning,fiMl^mfSk On next Tuesday morning a clearllidl Ikl#thloi§h& all Summer stocks, clear out all odds and ends, remnants, etc., sob,we .^lia^ k^|. ou|:stOi|c^r^%i|iie# While the assortments in some cases are naturally limited, still many selections a% is such that everyone will have an opportunity toJtmyf merchandise of hi^%*|de ^ Voiles and Tissues A good assortment of both dark and light -voiles, as well as tissue voiles and tissue ginghams are in this lot. The widths are from 32 to 40 inches. They have been selling this season for as much as 75c yard. To close out, yard fhte Voiles A second lot of fine quality voiles, in bright and dark patterns. All of these cloths run 40 inches in width. Several new patterns have been added to this lot, and all will be priced, special, a !â- * €% yard..........................DuuiC Ratines Plain colored ratines of imported quality, 36 inches in width. Three colors to choose fromâ€"blue, orange, arid pink, as well as three attractive patterns in fancy ratine- crepe. Regular price $1 and $1.25 yard. To close out, this /*»/sale, a yard...................OS7C Ginghams Beautifully finished imported ginghams, in a large range of attractive checks, small plaids, and plain colors. These are 32 inches in width, and are an excel- lent cloth in every respect. Values to 75c yard, choice..... 48c Muslin Gowns A good selection, of ladies' muslin gowns bought especially for this sale. They are slip-over styles, some plain, some lace trimmed, and others embroidered and rib- bon trimmed. They come in both white and flesh good quality nainsook, and plain and fancy crepes. The sizes are 16 and 17. An unusual value, at..................... 79c Children fs Wear A limited number only of children's dresses, both gingham, crepes, and organdies, and also a limited number of boys' wash suits, both one and two-piece styles. The sizes run from 2 to 6 in the lot. These were garments that sold for as $2.95. To close out, | <fl 15 choice ......................... I ===== $^rClea?an& of^AUmA'i Summer Dresses In line with our policy on: ready^to-v/ear, not to carry garments from one season to another^ we have made radical reductions on, all suni|a mer dresses, that will move thenj quickly* ^hese dresses are all new, and in perfect con- dition. ^*hey are remarkable values at these low*nrices. *.**â-  Voiles and Ginghams All wash dresses we have, regardless of former price or of the kind of materials, have been grouped in one big lot. In this lot are ginghams, made- from fine quality imported cloth: Voiles, some dotted and others Sprinted; and also a limited number of Beach- cloth and linens. The sizes range from 16 to 40. Many of these garments sold for as * . . much as $12.50. Choice of the lot $jf .95 during this sale, only.................. *Jbbssss Summer Silks A small lot of summer 'silk dresses include crepe- de-chine, fancy crepe combination, and silk ratine. These sizes are 14, 16 and 18. If you can wear either of these sizes, ypii can have your choice of values that sold for1 as mudr ~ i as $24.50, during this sale $*f Q.95 at...........,..-. -.-â- ....... «•*â- â™¦.......------- iiSaS III® ills ;i|V^3;V-^ You need quantities of these in the sum- met time. A special lot of tiifkish^y^ towels, bought especially ipr |h# ,sale, irf gjvcI'iytim; an opport needs atf * a low cost ;-PP:' These lowels are good serviceable weight, in medium large â- :s^^^l% . white.^ A regular 60c value. ^ Special during this ^er^SMrts T1n1spcl|pf men's shirts is made up of odd lots, discontinued numbers, and some slightly soiJedP^, materials are of fine quality prints^ siM |^nd* cord stripe madras, with some mercerized cloths in white and plain tanf There a^eplpt all sizes in any style, but all sizes from 44 to 17 are included in the lot. Someff|«%h attached collar but -pir^i&stwithout. ^M*ni§rprices %i|to $3.95. C^c^- of the â-  â- â- . â€" ^<|/pi^ curs Genuine Arrow soft collars, in^pelfec% con- dition. ,. /This assortment o«ffer« 0 generous selection in both high and low styles in plain and fancy materials. Th€; ^izes are from \3^t to -^6. While] a limited number last, choice. I â- smni^^mfmm Notions and sewing needs of all kinds for your summer sewing, \ can?-^be; easily ^alHlJ- quickly supplied at this c^iveniertt store. Bring yojin-jjs^ ' ft^;" .-^/ ii:v« Millinery Mrs. Story^ in the Millinery section, offers greatly reduced prices on two lots of hats for a special clearance. These lots include many light and dark hats, as well as light and dark combinations with a limited number of white. For this sale these two lots will be priced SO.95 at $3.95 and ...... .. ^J=a=ss Bathing Suits Reduced Prepare for Beach Day next Saturday by buying a new suit. You can well afford to, at these attractive prices. Every garment, to close out, shows a re- duction from 25% to 50%. $7.50 ami $6.50 suits .................$4.95 $5.50 and $5.00 suits ................$3.95 $450 and $3.95 suits ................$2.95 $350 and $2.95 suits...... ........$2J9 0 '.. Other prices in proportion. Bathing accessories, such as shoes, cap, belts, waterwings, jackets, etc;; in fact anything you may need, /can be obtained here. The prices range from 19c to 75c. Roomy shopping <->r auto-bags, made^ntk' stiff handle and tightly woven from splint, well finished . and-/8#Wi«^ ...*.eaa^^m^^yalu.e^^ ^" -""~*^-' sale, ....'.i,...;^»ipii!...«i.:j â- <:f Palmolive, Jap Rose, Olo-Palm, or Gh/ce^- im* soap, your choice of any one, or as* sorted kinds either way Jyou wish. A limited quantity only of theses to be sold during this sale at 2 bars for........;..... .^... v " '• :if^: "".'"?(; /a $ ^^COjo c 7 â-  ^â- â€¢v V fl â- â- â- V. • W^Ua m %S). , J:!" >â- â- "& ^liSilBK '!!3kIyI 1 • 4 ^'\Zj, % i'<UUUUU?S'//i/^i / / â- T â- â- â- ' '.'"'â- ,.." l.ji e â- : % .„.-.'-â- â- â€¢,â- ,.•-â- .â- <! Sale of Sweaters || A special lot of light weight slip-over sweaters in plain colors, and fancy com- binations in all sizes up to 40. -These are garments that originally sold for as mtich as $4.50. Choice of the entire lot to close $ out.......................... |.95 Genuine silk sweaters, in both slip-over and tuxedo styles, in both plain and fancy styles, in both plain and fancy weaves, and Ih plain, and sport colors. These are beautiful garments, well made in every respect, Choise of the lot, to close SO.95 out............................ 'â- :^h: All over our store on Tuesday morning, will be found odd lots, and discontinued lines, marked at prices to clear them but without delay. Since in a Clearance Sale of this kind, most all items are limited in quantity, you will get the better selections by coming earlyâ€"-the first day if possible. ;; M.V^m^X^-iM^ McAlU :4MJJ,lMfe fe'ifH

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