Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1923, p. 18

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18 T»g. tak-R SHORE NEWS, FP'nAV. TULY 27, 1923 i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices- SSTUXTiSSSrS S^AffSA Evanaton to Qlencoe inclusive, whose names appear In the tele- phone directory, or to persona who •re:reg ular •«1>rolb«ra to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe Ndws D '___10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all Ratesâ€" three papers. Minimum charge 3 lines. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. ty[ This slfce type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. »> 3w. ' x r~ -~+:~~><. Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertions----accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock tot-the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock fSr tie Glencoe Newa Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 888. REAL. ESTATE Why pay out your hard earned cash for rent when I will build you a beautiful Old English home as pic- tured above on your lot for $6,000 and have same ready for you to move into in 8 Weeks Living room 15x20â€"Hot Water heat, all windows full screened with copper wireâ€"all windows and doors weather stripped with cop- "per "weaffRer stripping. See plans and specifrc&ftons to-day-â€"you'll be pleased. Builder of Homes EVANSTON Tel. Ev. 4281. Open Evenings 7 to 10 REAL. ESTATE WILMETTE CHARMING COLONIAL, 6 RMS. AND sun parlor, attractive living and din rms., choice light kitchen with breakfast nook, water ht. equipped with Klean heat oil burner controlled by thermostat, dble garage. bee «»*. '"â- XnILWOBTH Beautiful brick Colonial, tile roof, s rooms 4 master chambers and £ LSed bath rooms on 2nd floor, maids quarters and bath on 3rd floor, elaborate sun parlor, large built-in Sleeping porch, Newport heating San many other exceptional fea- tured 2 car oversize brick garage witn tile roof and driveway, bargain $43,000. Ask for appointment. Go Ste<s@y <§b C@0 336 Linden Ave ^V^^RVICE A BUSINESS BUILT ON SERVICE BEAUTIFUL 6 R. HOUSE LOCATED at 32? Oak Circle. Sun parlor, steam heat, instantaneous water heater, one car garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. See us about price and terms. We have two new brick homes on Linden Ave., Which will be ready for occupancy soon. Both very modern. One is 118.000, while the other is $23,000. Owner very anxious to sell beauti- ful 6 R. home on 16th St. One of the longest lots on the North Shore, approximately % acre. 200 currants and gooseberries, 250 peonies, many other shrubs and trees. Price $12,000. Hake offer. 7 R. house on Elmwood Ave. H. w. heat (Newport Boiler). Requires only $2,000 cash. Price $9,500. --*- Beautiful Brick Colonial on Ash- land Ave., 7 rooms and 2 baths on .second floor. Lot 75x178, 2 car gar- age. $35,000. < Have you seen the new subdivision at 17th St. and Wilmette Ave. Not many left, better get one before they are all gone. Lots will never be any cheaper in this town. X. R. EDDINGTON & CO. WILMETTE FOR SALEâ€"Most Artistic 6 room home, Choice North East loc. bed rm. and bath 1st fl., 2 elegant bed rms. and lav. and toilet on 2nd floor, spacious ward-robe closets, sun parlor, break- fast rm, h. w. heat, garage, deep heavily wooded lot. Remarkable buy Ideal 6 rm stucco, in perfect condi- tion. Choice East side loc. convenient both steam and "L" Stations, b. w. heat, all lge. sunny rms. sun Pa«or and sleep, pch. garag«, wonderful 60 ft. lot $18,500. ^ . Owner leaving Wilmette, offers at special price, 7 rm brick residence, I built one year, liv. rm and master bed rm each 15 x 25 feet, beautiful sun parlor, breakfast rm. h. w. heat, tile bath, heated garage attached. Only $23,500. FRINT GEORGE & CO. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. 407-408 L-38-ltc. KENILWORTH STUCCO ON (HOLLOW FIREPROOF tileâ€"near Sheridan Road, only built 2 yrs.; 9 large light airy rooms, model kitchen with title floor, sun- parlor, large screened porch, sleep- ing porch for 6 beds, tile bath with shower and maids bath. Extra lav. and toi. Very large children's play room on 1st fl. Garage attached and htd. Heavily wooded and beautifully landscaped lot 100x175. Ideal home for family with children. Priced far below actual value at *36,O00.Shown- â€"by appointment only. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center St. Win. 254 Open Sunday Afternoon. LTG39-ltc SERVICE YOU WILT- LIKE FOR RENT ^^n 1 RM. HOUSE IN BEST E. LOC, screened por., gar., 75 ft. lotâ€"1 to 5 yrs. at $150 per mo. net. VoiSS: ^ulfT m-^aTr^^^o*eat $200 per mo. „.__, FOR SALE 6 rm. home, 2 yrs. old, 3 bedr., sip. pch., east loc.â€"best buy in Winnetka at only $15,500. 8 rm. brick, double gar., east, fine buy at $18,500. 8 rm. stucco, 100 ft. lot, gar. cheap at $17,000. EoEoStatosRealfcyC®, Phone 1800 LTG39-ltc FOR SALE â€" WILMETTE â€" 5 RM. bungalow, choicest West side Sec- tion, 3 blocks from Steam Station. Excellent furnace; deep heavily wooded lot $8,500. Special bargain in artistic 7 rm. stucco; 4 sunny sleep, rms., sleep, pch., h. w. heat; fine heavily wooded lot; East side. 4 blocks to Station. Easy terms $14,500. Substantial 6 rm. stucco, in perfect condition. East side loc, convenient both Steam and "L" Stations; h. w. heat with oil burner; all large rms.; sun parlor and sleep, pch.; garage; wonderful 60 ft. lot, $18,500. Fort G@®irg® <& C®o Ph. Wil. 407-408 L39-ltc WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE opportunity of aiding you in selling your property; and as brokers, ex- cellent for residents and vacant prop- erty along the North Shore, we offer you the local offices. List your prop- erty with usâ€"we have the buyers. E. S. WISDOM & CO. Randolph 6835 Winnetka 83 LTG38-ltc 8 So. Dearborn St 728 Elm St y VACANTâ€" WINNETKA FOR -SALEâ€"SEVERALCHOICET LT>T3 located East, incl 60 ft. at $7500 70 ft at $10,500, three 50 ft. lots at $5,750, $6,250 and $6,750, also choice corner nr Indian^Hll. 65 ft at $7,500 and 100 ft N. W. at $10,000. If you are seriously considering vacant for future use, now is the time to act. HILL AND STONE TEL 1544 Winnetka, 111. End "L" 410 Linden 790 Elm St. Winnetka 115? Wilmette Ave. Tei. Wil. 640 L39-ltc RoMoJAiastoia <§bC<o>o OFFER SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE T ROOM HOME IN finest section Lincolnwood district ., North Evanaton. House in splendid _i_eondltioit inside "and out. 4 bed- rooms, beautiful wooded lot, garage and children's playhouse. Sacrifice at $12,500. .Modern 8 room s*ucco between "L" * and steam transportation. Hot water ;- heat, also instant gas heater, glasse* :-'% sun and sleeping porches, wooded * lot trarage Price reduced to $19,500. ?? Substantial 9 room stucco in beat I' north east section. 4 large bed rooms ^and-sleening porch 15 by 24 on sec- i jond floor. Maid's room and bath on |pond floor. Billiard room on 1st JHfloor with large fireplace. 54 foot lot. g |2 car garage. Splendid offering at s»22.500. ............„.........________-----......-------------- Bargains in vacant property, east t and West. 140 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 68 and 444. L39-ltc FOR SALEâ€"OWNERS HOME, WELL ^located for Indian Hill Golf club; For L<a>ft$ im Ffew Trier See Phone 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette (Near Lake Ave.) 364 Service You Will Like SPECIAL OFFERING 6-ROOM DUTCH COLONIAL, NEW. heated, sun and sip. pch. Water heat, tile bath, ex. lav. on 1st. fl., tl8,500. 8-room solid brick home, h. w. heat, lot 63x150. 2 car garage, east loc. $18,500. I 9-rm; brick, close to lake, 5 bedr., 3 baths, vapor heat, oil burner, large lot, want offer. Price $35,000. Small home in finest loc. on Scott Ave., h. w. heat, 2 bedr. and sip. pch., large end. liv pch., beautiful grounds. $16,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 790 Elm St., Winnetka, Phone" Win. 1800 -------- LTG38-tfc POR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, MODERN 5 room stucco bungalow in good con- dition, two porches, and garage, $8,800. New six room home, good east location, conv. to transp. and lake, sun and sleeping porches, vapor heat, very attractive buy, at $13,500. . Beautiful 8 room stucco Colonial, close to lake, 4 master bedrooms, 2 baths, sun and sleeping porches, 2 car garage, all large rooms, best value, at $25,000. WILMETTE CHARMING COLONIAL, 6 ROOMS and sun parlor, very attractive liv- ing and dining rooms, choice light heat equipped with Klean Heat Oil Burner controlled by Thermostat, double garage with cement drive. $16,000. WINNETKA Pretty 6 im. stucco, sun plr. sip. pch., artistically landscaped, 3 blks. to lake, owner leaving N. Shore, ask to see this and make offer. Exclusive Agents, W. G. STACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 80S A BUSINESS BUILT ON SERVICE! LTG38-ltc BIG BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR SALEâ€"BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL new 5 room pressed brick bungalow at sacrifice; Modern; Hot water heat; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; lot 40x160 Immediately possession all im- prvts. in. Must sell quick. Call Sundays and make me an offer. 1739 Washington Ave., Wilmette. LTG38-ltp AI Mj Vmsmk IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE located on Chestnut, Ashland, Blm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth 8L. and Seventh ave„ comprising Lota 2-7-10 . Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4 L 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 13 L 1 A 3 Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. Seven Wilmette Agents will show these lots; or write direct to the owner J. P., Gage, Vlneland, N. J. LTG-20-tfc A PEACH OF A HOME FOR A FAMILY WITH CHILDREN, in one of the very choice sections of Winnetka. 10-room stucco IB. R. â€"1 bath (shower) on 1st. 4 B. R.â€"2 baths on 2nd. Fire place in master B. R. 2 maid's rooms, 1 bath on 3rd. H. W. ht. (both coal and oil, with oil storage tanks), 2 car garage. Ex- ceptionally large wooded and land- scaped lotâ€"-115x150. Price $27,000. Shown by appointment only. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 55fr Center St Winnetka 254 Open Sunday Afternoons LTG38-ltc WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE opportunity of aiding you in selling your property. As brokers, exclusively, for resi- d*en?.e. ^^ vacan* property along the Norths Shore, we offer you the ser- vices of our loop and local offices. List your property with us. We have the buyers. ' E0 So WISDOM I LTG39-ltc 411 Linden jiplondid construction, 6 rooms, twc !# baths, :.$ porches, hot water heat 4; garden, garage, lot 132x132, beautl- *feC^,v Jand8C£p"eo:i- 240 forest Ave. ^prinnetka. 111. Tel. Winnetka 672 .â-  :^i^^mw^^^:-':J'-K&:?:fP:: â-  â- -â- â- Â»â- ?.â- ;â-  â-  â- .... LTG39_-1 Tel. Wil. 93 L39-ltc BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BA1M3AVW FOR QUICK SALeIy OWNER LEAV ing town, new modern 5 room red. located for Indian Hill Golf club; pressed brick hiiS^«» ++£%&-*â- ** L/°2m8 and sleeping porch. Big n««-fJLi«Vewa,y' *»" improvements in. thrnt^w. in« 3 days- Furntture-r^n,, mrVanshin^„^^ ;^^^lVTG3S-2tc BIG BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR SALEâ€"BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL new 5 room pressed brick bungalow at sacrifice; Modern; Hot water heat; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; lot 40x160 Immediate possession all im- prvts. in. Must sell quick. Call Sundays and make me an offer. 1739 Washington Ave., Wilmette.____ LTG38-ltp FOR RENTâ€"8 ROOM STUCCO H0Lâ„¢, vapor heat, no-coal oil burner, autJ.1 matic water heater, metal ngeattoi strips, sun parlor, sleeping jâ€"«i nicely wooded lot and garage. „, rent unfurnished from Sept Ht, May 1st. 1924 at $150.00 per month< will rent furnished complete. &, A. R. Eddington and Co., 1157 m mette Ave. or Phone Wil. 640 L-JMfel WANTED TO BUYâ€"WE HAVE A client who desires a 7 or 8 room brick or stucco home in good North Wilmette location. Large wooded lot desired. Phone at once. WILMETTE REALTY CO. Phone Wilmette 1304 LS38-UC 513 4th St. FOR SALEâ€"SEVEN ROOM DUTCH Colonial house in Hubbard Woods wonderful location, beautiful land- scape. Reasonable for quick sale. Address Lake Shore News, A239. LT-39-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"FINE 8 ROOM HOUSE on Central Ave., large wooded lot real bargain, Tel Wil. 1304. _____________ L-39-ltc. WANTED TO BUYâ€"REAL ESTATE HOUSE WAMTED FOR IMMEDIATE BUYERS Wilmetteâ€"5 bed rooms, 3 baths, near lake. Winnetkaâ€"-Colonial, 2 baths, 4 bed rooms, one must be large. Glencoeâ€"^3 baths, 5 bed rooms, near to Lake. _____;________ DAVID BEEHLER Win. 1344 471 Hawthorne Lane 305 Woods Theatre Bldg. Randolph 0660 :rsV' ALL* CASH FOR GOOD BUILDING l°ii Reasonably priced; no brokers, Address Lake Shore News A-238.------- ---------------------"• ' LTG-39-ltc. FOR RENTâ€" HOUSES CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY. THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage' Leases ----------REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wimette,* III. Telephone 65 LTG20-tf<j BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARR«IW ms-wwfl, new, modern 5 room red i*eKSft9odoob«riick, bunsa!?w, $9,500. only 32,500 cash down. Hot water heat 5 rooms and sleeping Torch BigSt driveway. All -Improvementsi |n iS^^lr^rvT56?"^"^^ at FOR RENT from Friday ' " Ango 3 to 3®p|<,1 In Hubbard WoodsY com- pletely furnished house, practically new. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, on the second fioorâ€" ^ four rooms including sun ___V9*£k_ 9JL the_fb«t-n^wv-i3ar-"~' afe-fbr one car. House well located in good residential section, good terms to right -,â€"-â- -â€";-:.-,-:-;~7~7^~~ T^oriOliSnnlBtka. 247 Wmimeltlkai9© New as<0)ifiiEC Tempi® is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman oi the Temple House Commit- tee. Phone 1211 Dr. J. E. Fonda WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED nine room house; Greenwood Ave,; Wilmette Tel. Wil. 685. • I LTfl-M-lte WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSES I w&nsft to rant age For" September and November State location and price in first letter. Addressâ€"Lake Shore News A-233. LT39-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"FOR SIX. mos, or year, beginning Oct 1«V four or Ave rooms, furnished or an* furnished house between Evan«t" ana Qlencoe. News, A2 35. Address Lake Shore LTG39-KC WANTEDâ€"SMALL HOU8B OR BlW- galow by Oct. 1st one or tm vef lease. Tel. Wilmette 247S. L-39-Mk SIX ROOM fiOUSB WITH BATB steam heat, fine location, telephone Winnetka 68. ,;..';^^--\*;-.yfiTOll-«e; 181*"*** lWWT--iWFFlClSS JPOR^ RBNTâ€"^OFFICB SPACE, APPJit G. Fi Gonsalves 746 Elm street Telephone Winnetka 62. at :.' -.::â-  :x;::^;.", â-  ' "'â- . â- â- â- â-  . &*fr.39-lt&'. WANTED TO RENTâ€"APARTMENT THREE ROOM APT AND BATH; ON or before Oct. 1st. Tel. Al Rodeo- kirk, Wilmette 684. L39-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS LARGE LIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS, near lake, Indian Hil station, kitch- en privileges; 161 Woodland Ave. Winnetka^ Tesfc^Winwr 1S4ST m .'.. â-  ._...•: n-i^V-:. â-  â- -t«:........'i/ro-99-w-M COOL COMFORTABLE ROOM. EAST j side home, convenient cafes, and transportation. Tel. Wil 844-J. L-39-ltP- FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED __Hith^prlv^kteH^th-iinorsTeepfi.6 until Oct'Ist.^ Tel W!inn. 8»8. i* «' -5. LTG-39-ltc FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED room, gentleman. Private fam»y * ^aj*^!d^SWi04-4«»H^^ CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; BTEAf-;-- heaX ht. and cold rung, water. Tel HV1L IMO. 429 Main Sk^sWilmett*. * .....-...£2gLTS*-tfc=- iMÂ¥}.

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