THE i tt -nnrr *TI?"rg â„¢TnAY- TULY 27> 1923 HE SELLS MUSIC opened the Wilm«tteMS«c Shop lh the new Rockhold Building; |t»i a beaut Jr loo. Boys Take Lay-Off to Enjoy Vacations There appears to be considerablecu- riosity about town regarding the Wil- metteball club. Some people: seem to think the team is "« more but such is not the case. The Wilmette A. C. will again make it's appearance Sunday August 8, at their new diamond near J7th street and Washington avenue. At this time it is expected that all the old fans will be present and.many new ones, as well. "Don't forget that the ball Kames cannot continue without some fi- nancial backing, so be a good fellow and help the cause along, is the man- agement's plea to local .fandom. NOTES OF "THE TEAM Earl Estes, demon outfielder of the A C's. is on a fishing tour through Wisconsin and Michigan. .Using some of the "flies" on the fish, eh, what? "Doc" Rennolds "Chief Boss" of the A C's is spending two weeks vacation near Appleton, Wisconsin. Fishing re- ports from up yonder are good, fays "Doc." __ "Pete" Smith, financial boss, is spend- ing his vacation touring in Michigan, roads are good, but he can't pass the hat for 'gas' money. "Jeff," known to his mother as Neil Saunders, the giant first baseman, is *ko on a vacation, we hope 'Jeff s eye- sigm, -«wrh was reported impaired, in thea early stages ©€ baseball has im- proved to enable him to "see"â€"Manager "IsolsmsdiToT the A. C's. "Wee" Artie Herald the third base- man inherited a bad arm, nis ianuT5~roJ appear was learned, he too sojourned. Vacation, time came his way too, so he dashed to Kalamazoo, Mich., where he has been learning the finer points of the game from the Kalamazoo club.______ All the boys with the exception of Jack Brewer, who will leave for Michigan Sunday, will be back in their "Monkey Suits," Sunday, August 5. Talk is going around that Glencoe will be the visitors. We all know the Glencoe aggregation has quite a following so it's up to all the Wilmette fans to get out and do their bit. .._________ - ----------------- Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central ave- nue, entertained the Tuesday Luncheon and ~tmagr~«iui> ax iitr^trome ^..Tjaes- day, â- r^'" Ita easy to swim in "Non-Sink." â€"Adv. use • w& Night and Morning Have Clean, Healthy Byes, H they Tire, Itch, rKKC!^^m.JSrm Smart, Burn or Dis- VniifetvirC charge if Sore, Irri- IUUK t»I W tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often, Refreshes, Soothes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. XhJyPurejCream Used in Meadow Gold Butter In our immaculate.sunlit creameries the cream used in churning Meadow Gold butter is always the finest «nd richest â€" carefully selected. Cream which does not measure up to Meadow Cold standard is churned and packed under other brands. All cream is care- fully pasteurized before churning. It is churned by scientific methods to always assure the same appetizing, deliciously flavored butter â€" a uniform f butter that you can depend on at all seasons. _^w.,^,,^,„,rfTMsMow'-'Gold butter i« churned fresh every day, triple^. :/^KS^^^.^^W^-*j»d":*MW « the'.creamery to protect it against "? ^ftl^RRl|coatariMnatioii':by..odors and dust Use ALL Our We are equipped to serve you in many ways. We have sev- eral departments at your serv- ice, undoubtedly, that you Ire not using. Why not let us be as useful as we can? We'd be delighted to have the oppor- tunity of enlarging our useful- ness to you. When you have some financial problem come up that, seems rather complicated, ask us about it We will be able to help you; able and very glad. VA *Uf* K #••/. STATE BANK m T » Home Dank- \m#& StATE BAHK mt •â€" - -rlB!-'- - iâ€" w> - - ,-JL _L 5! Si 5" â- •â- », MV^ Lord timore in ShcfesmJBnts ft For vacation requirements LORD BAL- TIMORE LINEN is especially popular ^vsrith our regular custcmiers, kecauselt ^offers excellent quality at a moderate â- price..,':;,Have you seen it? â- "'W^StSSi '^^t^f^L ^^•fi£L£i^^ ;We::are^eadquarters f&ralllla||SSrgl| supplies. Whether y^i^^eii.lti^^Vdl^' S*i:s^»t::> ^antee^x£^ality^fc^^ blotters., ; Picnic: lunch setsli^f^f^^^^P^p^?^^' ^-^m '^MW^. Boy Your Butter by Nomeâ€" Say Meadow .^^fe.a'gn^ Beatrice Creamery Company Chicago, Illinois /^rjki^-^- 50 Sheets of Purity Wax Paper/..t.... 1. ..... SO High Grade White Paper Napkins ........ .'.10; cents? 15 cents? '-â- <.*?&:- â- â- •.'.• #?»&â- $ Phones 28 and 29 :ore â- vM^tefti -WILMETTE ?? Aj%i^?s?'iJfâ- â- "%*.'"'â- '.' tMM&^M&Z&ii