,.,â- ;'" ' "' ' ' ..... ^^^^':"^SSl^fS TOE £^ SHORE NJm FRIDAY. AUGUST 17,1923 i - â- • 0 -,^-r â- â- , ,,;,^^~~~^SSS^&t^^......uaa^Egaaaacsga............L, rBUT YOU if I ^ f NO JUWJt YOU AINT dl/A SUPP03L SOMEONE CALL YOU THE KIND OF UAP VOU lS USED CAR EARGAE 1919 Holmes 5 Pass. Touring, good paint............ 1919 Moline Knight Sedan, 5 Wire Wheels.......... 1920 Paige 6-42 Sedan............................... 1922 Haynes 55 Touring, Winter Sides .............. 1922 Haynes 55 Touring ............................ 1923 Hupmobile Sport Roadster, 5 Disc Wheels,,... 1923 Jordan Touring, demonstrator ............. 1923 Jordan 4 Door Brougham....................... 1922 Lincoln Coupe .$ 375.00 400.00 . 800.00 850.00 . 800.00 . 1250.00 . 1575.00 . 2250.00 2050.00 Several of the above cars are just like new and are all ready to go 1512 Sherman Ave. Phone Evanston 2717 North SH&0F® \J©tfdlainL C<o>0 HELP WANTEDâ€"(FEMALE) MINTEDâ€"GIRL AS APPRENTICE. Lpplv at Spur lock Hat Shop, 557 .inroln Ave.. Winnetka. LTG42-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE College Preparation In French TEACHER OP EXP. IN EURO- >ean and American schools, senior _tnd junior girls. Special attention [given to backward students. Cori- fversational French by Appointment. â- Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl Ipeck, 228 Green Bay Rd.» Hubbard roods. Phone Glencoe 355. ---------LTG40-tf c tS. F. S. MILLER. GRADUATE OF iBurnham school of beauty culture; {expert care of scalp, face and hands. {Phone Winn. 1543. LTG42-ltc m FOR SAMBâ€"AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC' 61 COUPE just out of our paint shop; com- Ij pletely overhauled, painted in special Cadillac green with black running gear; equipped with a new set of Royal cord tires and many extras. This is one of the current models, and carries a new car guarantee. We recom- mend this, car to any one looking for a 5 passenger coupe specially priced at $3250. 59 PHAETON------- 4 passenger sport in the best mechanical shape, equipped with a set of good cord tires, wire wheels, and' seat covers; also many extras. This is a very de- sirable type of car, will be pick- is, and the price is right, $1500. 59 SUBURBAN SEDAN Due to the rush work these days, we were not able, to put this car through our paint shop, but we did all the mechanical work necessary to put it in an A-l condition. This is one of the best bargains of the season; price $1800. m Motor Caur Go>o ;, Evanston Branch 11820 RIDGE AVENUE lEv. 1091 Rogers Pk. 9810 OPEN EVENINGS LTG-42-ltc. Don't forget that we%re your headquarters for g*n* uine Ford Parts, accessories and service, .^j^^/.,... . ^^.. 712-714-716 Elm Street ^"â- â- 'â- :p;Win^t!ka. â- â- S^-.^- ^Authorized Ford and Lincoln vM-yh^J\yi dealers ' ^^::'irâ- â- /â- ,..:::':-,, FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND 6 TOURING 1921, new top. newly painted, me- chanically perfect, new battery, 2 good tires. 2 like new. 1 new spare, and tire carriers fullv equipped^ owner must sell. Phone Wil. 776-M. LT-42-ltD. FOR SAL.EIâ€"WILLYS-KNIGHT 20 AND Willys-Knight 88-8; both tourings; big bargain. Owner leaving town. Can be seen at Wilmette Motor Sales, 515-4th St., phone Wilmette 636. LTG42-ltc FOR SALEâ€"REO TOURING, 5 PAS- senger; paint like new; 5 new tires; 2bther good spares; 2 spare rims. Motor recently rebuilt. A good buy at *285. Phone "Winnetka 3«8, Grant. LTG42-ltp FOR SALEâ€"4 CYL. CADILLAC, HO- tine Knight, Chandler; bargain. Can be seen at Kenilworth Motor Co. Tel. Kenilworth 261. LTG42-ltc FOB SALS â€" STUDEBAKER AUTO^ mobile, $100. 1283 Scott Ave. â- ______________________________LTG42-ltp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE â€" PORCELAIN LINED Bohn syphon refrigerator, almost new; will sell cheap; also sun porch furniture and draperies. 1045 Ash- land Ave. L42-ltc FOR SALEâ€"COMBINATION GAS AND Coal Range almost new. first class condition; reasonable: Tel. Wilmette 705-M. LTG-42-ltn. â- itiuitmi&mmiiimmmtwmm Uilii % FOR SALEâ€"LARGE DRESSER. TA- ble, rocking chair, and 2 single white iron beds. Tel. Winn. 1934. LTG-42-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"AN UPRIGHT EVERETT piano in fairly good condition; $50. Inquire of Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, Tel. Winn. 520-W. L42-ltp FOR SALE â€" FURNACE, GARAGE doors, bath tub, stove, davenport, desk, buffet, buggy. Tel. Winn. 1212. LTG42-tfc N. FELL â€" DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc FOR SALEâ€"GARLAND GAS STOVE; very good condition. 1041 Oak St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 2074. _________. • LTG42-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Phone 189. _____^ LTG27-tfc MISCELLANEOUS Bicycle Repairing We repair all makes of bicycles. "Expert electrical worlt^ Satisfac^ tion guaranteed. %„M" I NORTH SHORE SUBURBAlf ELECTRIC SHOP Ph. Wil. 134*T 415 Linden Ave. -MM. 4fN»_^ FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE â€" GENUINE GERMAN police puppies; almost three mos. old; one male and one female, cheap; not a dealer. 850 Sheridan Rd. Tel. 'Glen. 440. * L42-ltp FOR SALE â€" BEAUTIFUL WHITE Italian marble fountain with mosaic tile floor and marble sides. Fine fdr sunken garden; very cheap for im- mediate sale. Phone Wil. 1653. FOR SALEâ€"TWIN STROTXER. $10; lawn mower. *Rt both in good con- dition. Tel. Winn, 2591|fe- . . OPPORTUNITY f Do not sit idly at home waiting for oppor- tunity to knock "at your door. T~^C^^%0M7. Opportunity walks abroad, and the man who is ready to meet it may do so with profit at any time. Whatever your particular opportunity may be, you will need money to make the most of it. Prepare nowâ€"open an account at this Institution. :«!i of Wilmette 7&&fa</$*^^ Member of the Federal Reserve Bank UM? i&mmgmm..,^ tiiftti in liiS FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"RHODE ISLAND COCK- erels; high grade strain; 4 months â€"old-tLBO-each. Tel Wil. 969-W. L-42-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"REED BABY GO-CART with hood, $5. 1631 Washington Ave., Wilmette. LTG42-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"JULY 18 ON THE 4:15C. & N. W. train, fur "choker"; reward. 1224 Elmwood Ave., Wil. Tel. WU. 2108. ________________I/TG4l-ltC ON MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs^Jesse B^Denman and son Willis, 1411 Hill street, left Fri- day, August 10, on a motor trip to Cleveland, Ohio. corporate purposes of the said Village of Wilmette for maintaining Free Public library, for establishing and maintaining a garbage system for the collection and disposal of garbage, for creating a Firemens' Pension Fund and Police Pension Fund, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed on all the real and personal property within said Village, subject to tax- ation, according to the valuation of said property, as the same is assessed for the State and County purposes for the current year; the, said tax so levied being for the current fiscal year of said Village, and the said appronria- tion to be collected from said tax levy, the total of which has been ascertained as aforesaid, being specified as follows: FIRST: For constructing and repairing streets, alleys, sidewalks and cross- walks and cleaning streets and alleys, the sum of........$7,500.00 SECOND: For heating and lighting Village of- fices, for stationery and office sup- plies, printing, court and legal ex- penses and costs, election expenses and other necessary expenses, the sum of ........... ......10,000.00 THIRD: ' For supplies for and expenses of street lighting and incidental ex- penses in .connection .therewith, the sura of........... $20,000 I Less from other ..... 10,000 10,000.00 VILLAGE OF KENjLWORTH NOTICE OF AWARD KENILWORTH SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT NO. 15 Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Local Improvements- of the V-illageâ€"of-Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, afterdue PUbjication of notice as required by law^fld on the 13th day of August. A. D; 1923. award to Ber- nard Meyer the contract for. the con- sources struction of the Improvement consist- "ggJSf* - ing of a connectedjvsteni.of concrete *^«^, salaries«of the officers, sidewalks «n certain .^.^j'" 8aJ$ clerks and police officers of said s'a^hltle.^nd1^ S. °££Sffil£ "^ *« "m °* ......"'000'00 of which Jmprovfi^nt; a••^erc»a^ ^ * "i operation, supnort and maln- ffi^O^S^^A^cS^^Kl Jg*»g of fire department, the Iftfnois. arKenilworth Special Assess- STfâ„¢ .of ~*............•••••• 7.B00.00 ment No. 15. for the ^total,sum,_ of SIXTH Thirteen ^oasa1**! ' â- One /# Hundred Eleven and 50/100 Dollars ($13,111.50y (upon the approximate quantities or the estimate of cost). JAMES C. MURRAY. .. President of the Board of Local Improvements of Kenil- worth, Cook, County, Illinois. L-42-ltc. 'I : " ' . n r VILLAGE OF WILMETTE * ORDINANCE WO. 13115 AN ORDINANCE, for the levy, as- sessment and collection of .taxes for the VUla«e of Wilmette. Cook County, Illinois for the fiscal year commenc- ing April 20th. A. D. 1924 and ending the m.h dav of Anril. A. D. 1925. . TIEIT ORDAINED BY THE PRES- IDENT AND BOARD OW TRTTStu'.ES OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: Section 1: That the sum of Eighty Eight Thousand Dollars, ($88,000.00). he same being the total amount of -he appropriation heretofore legally made by an appropriation ordinance *Prmed.â€""The^â€"Annualâ€"Appropriation^ 4jil" passed by the President and woar'd of Trustees of said Villasre on For creating a Police Pension Fund woara ui x»«-v^««, wt o^.v. *...<»«; w.. the sum of. >....,. ..ti .v i 1.000.0D the--29«nrdfl^o|^^|J^J|^ For paving" the interest o»> the bond- ed indebtedness of said Village, the •ni"* . «f â- ................... 2,500.00 SEVENTH: For a sinking fund to nrovide for th« liquidation of the bonded indebt- edness of said Village as the same mx*'tri>s, the sum of ...... 3,500.00 EmRTH: - -------------- For a Library Fund for the main- teppr>f>e of a Free Public Library 4n said Village, the sum of.......... -----:...... i i... â- *...%....____: 7,500.00 NINTHS-----'~ z~^tZ7-...... For establishing snd maintaining a garbage system 'for the collection and disposal of garbage, the sum of ............................ 7,500.00 TENTH: For collection and disposing of ashes, cans. bottles and miscellaneous waste, the sum of S13.000 Less amount payable from other sources .... 13.000~""~ ELEVENTH: For creating a Firemen*' Pension Fund, the sum of ^.... *L± 1,000.00 For equipment and maintenance T»f public playground, the sum of.*.... .. •. •..................... 5,00<MM> : Total.............____$88,000.00 SECTION II: .-v£ fl *; Th« Village Clerk of said Village -Qbt* Wilmette. shall forthwith file with Hie County Clerk of said Cook CoTittty^ Illinois a copy of said Ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk as re- quired by law. SECTION IH: « This Ordinance shall be In ifojN&e from after its passage. PASSED: By the President and Board of TrtKi- tees of the Village of Wilmette ott the 7th day of August, A. D. 1923 and He posited and filed in the office of Village Clerk of said Village this day of August A. D. 192$. v, EARL E. ORNER M Village Clerkt Approved by the President of the Village of Wilmette this 7th day of August A. D. 1923.. _ (Signed) EDWARD ZIPFv ______ President Village Wilmette, ATTEST: JE EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. jf ^ _________________ L-42-Itc ULLAGE OF KENILWORTH ".;t STATE OF ILLlWoiS)OQ COUNTY OF COOK CSS. IN THE MATTER OF THE) If PETITION OF THE VILLAGE) OF KENILWORTH FOR THE) KettJl- ASSESSM.BNT OF THE COST) worth OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF) Special A SYSTEM OF PAVING.) Assees- GRADING AND CURBING IN) tnefct- CERTAIN STREETS IN THE) No. 14 VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH.) â- â- \® COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) NOTICE Is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the said Village of Kenilworth has heretofore filed in saAd: court In said cause, a certificate show- ing the cost of the work provided for in said cause, the amount-reserved -iterâ€" Interest, and showing also that the Im- provement has been constructed in substantial conformity to the require- ments of the original ordinance there- fore The hearing to cdnsider and determine whether the facts as stated in said certificate are true, will be held in said Court on the 27th day of August, A. D. 1923. at ten o'clock A. M. "- >»s soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit;â€"All-persons desiring may file objections In said ^ause by or before said time, and may appear on the hearing and make their}/ defense^ i'j|t|§ ii Dated, Kenilworth, Illinois, August VWkm 7thvi923.- â- •.. ^ tmM ROARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS i^S GE..OF KENILWOlKraLJ^ by JAMES 'C. MURRAY, :,^d$X^". 'â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- 'Preslde^tllllp?^ w iMiSilmKt 11^^:\i;;>.'â- -e-i- â- â- !, iii^W-. Wm:SmM'M \^ ir^^^^tMiM^ ^^--,^j,l£-WMM ^i^MW^^^M&^^MS^Mk^^iM