-'*;' :â- )?<: 4v-.f»:;fei:J:Ji^ ........"""""^THB LAKE SHORE NEWCT^iP^t AUGUST 17, 1923 ga»jawwii â- ^T^V^'^'K?":1 Many HappMFunes Planned H "\A7lTH its unequalled facilities tfl| ^tertainment The Omngton ali§£^ a most enjoyable measure of happy tiliis for .;;its;:1guests. "^S "~^p^~~~â„¢~" The calendar of social events now be^ ing developed exclusively for guests pro- ,,, vi^s Jp^lrfpipl^piipcfles. to be given i|g' , :by thtMMiesf JrtiJs H the quiet and J ease of the spacious Tudor lounge. There H will be stag parties for the gentlemen in j| their club room, afternoon cards and teas Jf for the ladies in the Pompeian room, with Jf special features and parties for the chil- Jf ""' dreh%ikI young people. For those who enjoy dancing there wi be cotillions and dances in the wonder jrj^igMf^^ ballrooms. * The holidays will come in with|peir share of Hallowe'en, Thanksgivin|^2ilris^ mas, New Year's and similar PgBffJS* Thei smaller children will be ent^^Ked by aaff experienced young lad^jplK stories, folk. Looking toward IK Mi room from the south roof garden. Refreshments will be served out-of-doors during '4^mmmm^ tner months. ^f^tmjm0. dances and playletM11^ a^*.-:^% s%«f ese complete ptenr^pr ^sp<|[it events that will make living at The Ori$Sg« ton particularly enjoyable. There will be no garrish hurrah, no stiff formality but an abundance of good wholesome enter- tainment and laerryjtiii^ § I *S1^- Ifef. â- --'^$^""^'~' **WW' The guest list ii fast hearing of capacity but there are still a number of home-like accommodations availably for those who make their reser^tip|s MpSf ^ Ready September First Many of the flnnr-g arp now completely carpeted and truck loads of furniture are arriving daily. Everything will be in readiness r*ff !gue|t? JJS originally scheduled and leasesu,^aay£^ jftjpa^ged for September first or later cK^|nj>ai^^^ g | ...... :•( ,^fe Two Renting Office* Now Open Daily To accommodate the heavy inquiry for quarters the * £>avis Street arid Hinman Avenue renting office is now supplemented with another office diagonally op- posite the hotel. For the convenience of those who have been tardy in their reservations both offices ..arej « open daily 8:30 a. m. until 9:30 p. m. Sundays 9^30 a. m. until 7:30 p. m. Make your reservations now. - Telephone*: Evanston S7W and 8701 EVANSTONi ILLINOIS »&«&»^£* 'sS^I^'vf -Iff n Slife "ft;?*?;':