18 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices- SSS^p.^:VS:nS ff«S*iS? Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive, whon *«*»•â- *fg*l'ft JSj^Jo phone directory, or to perron* who nx?>*•*»»*tJiu or alScoe either The Lake Shore New* Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. ., . ., D„#„„____10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line titi all Ratesâ€" three papers. Minimum charge 3 lines. Average of Ave words to the line. No black face type used. M This- slae type charged as 2 lines. IMTThis size type charged as 8 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. tup TAifRCTroRRNEWsfiltlP^ AUGUST 24. 1923 "The Judge Deadline for Insertionsâ€" o'clock for The Lake Shore New Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday IS Newa or all three papers; Thursday 12 Tctockrfor"\hTwiiTne*tka 'Weekly Talk" fnj grTday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA S88. REAL ESTATE i CMI£@infiiii& DO YOU KNOW WHAT $15,000 WILL. BUY IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA? We offer, in Eagle Rock, in the ex- clusive foothill residential district, situated 6 % miles north from the business center of Los Angeles, and 900 feet above sea level, this beautiful bungalow home. Corner lot, fronting on two beautiful streets, comprises % acre. Land~ scaped lawn; shrubs; flowers; shade trees; fruit trees, including many orange, lemon, fig and apricot; con- terete tennis court; pergola; arbor; trellis * etc* The house, comparatively new, nest- ling at the base of the sage covered foothills, radiates the California atmosphere. It is comprised of six well appointed rooms and screened sleeping porch. Large living room. â- -Two lovely bed-rooms, Siciliana tile bath with shower. An abundance of of closet space. Property shows $20,000 appraisal. Can softer now, for short time only at * $15,000. Half cash. Write or wire S exclusive . agents for photographs Sand details. ! E@irir j <§b Oirwng Los Angeles, ^Hollywood, Glendale and Eagle; Rock properties. Eagle Rock ofllces 1770 Colorado Blvd. * Los Angeles. LTG-43-ltc. REAL. ESTATE North Shore Bargains GLENCOE 8 room stucco home; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, porches, h. w. ht. garage; grounds 132x200 ft., beautifully wooded. Price $22,600. fi-room brick bungalow, 2 porches, large lot, beautiful location $19,000. HUBBARD WOODS Lovely white Colonial; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun porch and slping porch; beautifully finished and decorated; very deep lot, artistically landscaped, $30,*000. New England style home; 3 bed rooms; very large living room; at- tractive location; $15,000. WINNETKA 7-room stucco house; 2 porches;' nice location in S. E. WInnetka, $18,500. 7-room stucco on Foxdale Ave. with 100 ft. of ground; 4 bedrooms; h. w. ht. fine trees; $16,500. WILMETTE 7-room stucco; fine location, S. B. Wilmette, 4 bedrooms, $15,500. 956 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 Rm. 218, 82 W. Washington St. Chicago Central 5309 .* LTG-43-ltc. FOR SALE â€" GLENCOE, 9-ROOM house, modern, h. w. ht. garage. Tel. Glencoe 338-J. Box 165 Glencoe. L-43-ltc. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ACRE LOT! $1,250 Buys an Acre Lot at Highland Park. Terms, $125 down, $25 monthly. No interest. Just what you are looking for. An ideal spot for a country home. Fruit and shade trees will be planted on the clear acres this fallâ€"no extra cost. An acre lot is equal to 12 city lots in size. Let me show you. Subdivision office 540 Central Ave.. Highland Park. There daily from 1 to 5 P. M,< Sunday 9 A. M. to 5 p. M., or 1.33 W.,Washington St,/ Chicago, or 2605 Broadway, Evanston. " Ho Bo BENT, Agemt.' REAL ESTATE IPECIALi OUT OF THE ORDINARY, NEW 'Iartistic-6-rm. brick, attach, gar., h. sw. heat; large wooded lot in quiet location; a home you will like, at 1$19,000 Small bung, one b. r. slpg. por., furn heat; 50 ft. wooded lot in fine ^location; only $8,000. ;% 7 rm. white frame col., 2 yrs old; 4 b. r., 3 baths, sun and sip. por., attach, gar.; near lake, schools and station; $26,000. 8 rm. fr. colonial; 5 b. r.. 3 baths, sun and sip. por., garage; just redec.; Jarge lot; $30,000. .. .. ? The above are only a' few of the "places we have listed to sell; see us |before you buy elsewhere. EoEoSteIitsE@siiftjG(0)c 7»0 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph Win. 1800. LTG-43-ltc. REAL. ESTATE 15 ACRES. MODERN 4 ROOM HOUSE, 2 porches, Oak Floors, Hardwood Trim, Furnace Heat, 3 Car Garage, Water and Gas; Bargain at $16,000. 7 R. Brlcx home in Indian Hill; h. w. heat, 60 ft. lot, 2 car garage. A real snap. $17,500. 9 R. Stucco in best North Evanston location, 2 bath, sun par., break and sip. pens., only $23,000. 5 R. FRAME. SO. WEST LOT 71 x75 only $7,000. 7 R. house, No^West,, h, w. heat. $9,500. 7 R. Stucco, No. E. on Elm wood Ave. Cor. lot and garage. $16,500. Beautiful colonial on Greenwood .Ave., near sheridan Rd. $40,000. I 10 R. Col. in Kntlworth $55,000. SCHAEFER & GOLBACH 909 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364. See us for acre tracts in .New Trier. LTG43-ltc VACANT 50 Ft. lot on Lake Ave. Special price this month, $60.00; 50 Ft. on Ashland, $110.00. Beautiful 50 ft. lot on 9th St. Must sell at once $125.00. N. W. Cor. Forest and 16th in- cluding garage. Only $3,500. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. Wil. 640 L43-ltc 1157 Wilmette Ave. &® Misi'Killing SHE IS HERE TO HELP FIND THAT . particular one. â- _„„ Call at her new locationâ€"1126 Central Ave., 2nd Floor, Room 4â€"-or Phone Wilmette 215. L-41-4tc. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE $750 . . $75 cashâ€"$20 per month NO INTEREST ' . M Buys a fine lot, 51x140, in our new subdivision. J. S. Hovland's Second Addition to Highland Park. Cash price, $675. If you need a building lot, here is an opportunity to get one at the right price on unequalled easy terms. As a Speculation it will bring you a good profit before you have it paid for. ------------ - -â€"---------------- Our first addition of 64 lots sold out in 11 days. If you are wise you will make your selection as early as possible. A Splendid Bargainâ€"Do Not Miss It Office: 540 Central Ave., Highland Park, open 1 to3 fr P. M. Daily, Sunday from 9 A. M. * P. M. Evanston Officeâ€"2605 Broadway, Phone Evanston 1242 Chicago Officeâ€"133 W. Washington, Phone Franklin 2247 It D. BENT, Agent. Painting and Decoratit| 1632 Central Avelj Wilmette Si! Phone Wilniette 29$1 HFiAI, EST4TE ACRE LOTS LAKE AVE. FRONTAGE ON NEW conrete road, % mile Playmore Golf Club; North Shore Electric bus ser- vice; 10 minutes from Wilmette sta- tion. , .. : -.'.â- :. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. Phoine Winn. 314 LTG43-ltc FOR REMTâ€"APARTMENTft- FOR RENTâ€"OCT. 1, HIGH GRADE 6 room apartment, first floor of duplex building on most'beautiful street in North Evanston: excellent trans- portation; sun parlor, sleeping porch and garage; a home for particular __.person, Tel. .Evanston 3518-M. LTG43-ltc FOR' RENTâ€"3 ROOM APARTMENT; living room, bedroom, kitchen; sep. entrance; hot water heat. 1046 Lin- den Ave. L43-ltp FOR RENTâ€"OCT. 1 NEW 4 ROOM apartments; steam heat; janitor service; 625 11th St., Tel. Wil. 2399. LTG-43-4tc. FOR, RENT FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED â€" 7-ROOM HOUSE, sleeping porch, heated sun porch, convenient to "L" and lake. Tel. Wil. 2113. L-43-ltc. WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENT-=-SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, 1 or 2 year lease; op- tion to purchase; anywhere from North Evanston to Glencoe. Ad- dress Lake Shore News, A-272. LTG43-ltc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE sf; WINNETKA HEIGHTS . Situated on an immense wooded lot, this new residence is a joy to look at within and without. It has eight large, light airy rooms, with two %te Jbaiihs, each having tiled walls, on the second floor. Newport boiler. Va rooms and bath in attic. A house built by owner to live in. A house that will be a good house a hundred years from now. H®Sifii$@ffii <§s 556 Center St., (former W. R. R. Ave.) Winnetka 254 â- *f* â- y WANTED â€" SMALL HOUSE OR apartment for reasonable rental. Tel. Chicago. Juniper 7086 or ad- dress Lake Shore News A 267. L43-ltp. WANTEDâ€" 3MALLâ€"«OUSE OB BUN- galow by Oct. 1st, one or two year lease. Rent $100. Tel. Wilmette 2475 or Irving' «323. L-39tfc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS POR RENT â€" TWO NICE LARGE rooms for light housekeeping; furn- ished or unfurnished; good location. Address Lake Shore News, A-271. LTG43-ltc WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE with Pro*, or q. a couple, desiring z rooms and some housekeeping â„¢*lvelieres in Hubbard Woods home. Tel. Winn. 567. LTG43-ltc HEAL ESTATE ^lliimeltft© Eimys irwfm. stuc#o, $12,000. lge. elms., Wash Ave. lpiT*7"rm. stucco, steam heat, Jenks $sKt*'St. ' $14,500. ' 7 rm. C w. heat, garage, Maple 'SMSM fAve."-. IICOOO. . J?M ' 6 rm. brand new brick*and stucco, >fi| "lLinden. !$18,000. lifl ; 7 tin. friime, lge. lot. Chestnut Ave. *«*«.< â- $i$.,500.;':'r • :â- :: T rrhv $19,500 inB.J:.' 8 rm: bi â- â- W*w«Mjp$*j.©t«». •â- ucco, 2 lge* pehswrMJth St. baths, h. wv heat, k'atns. Ashland Ave. ppgs^'"H * rm. stucco. 2 baths, h. w* heat,' wmmm * Ashland, â- . JfM WwM. Grnkmim. C© '-REAL ESTA tEil â€"tim fiff .iff iti «?%». *&**« .,.,.. -^WlLMEfTE 6 ROOM STUCCO, HT. WT, HEAT, sleeping prch., 2 car gar. Prlce^ $i4,oijofi5;ioirdownr â€"râ€"------ 5. 10, 15 and 20 acres and alarms west of Wilmette and on Wau&egan Road, $3.50 per acre and up. Several SDrfpot lotB 1« Wilmette rangltttr from $1^760 to $3,500, and other homes. List your property with me H. J: Kaup, Real Estate and Insurance, 619 Main Street. Phone Wil. 2949. 5 room bungalow; sleeping porch, ht. wt. heat. Price WiOOO.---------------- 5 room bungalow; furnace heat, arage. Price $11,000; $4,000 down. FOR S^LEâ€"8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE; ,^2-car garage; h. w. ht.; price reduced l^lto. $17,500. TFou.wilL agree that it is to^i,.^, -^--ili*2^'000 valtt«: Mu»t_be sold this L43-ltC L-48-ltc. FOR RENT--2 , FURNISHEII ROOMS; conveniently located near^tll Itrans T^epbone Wilmette 5t|.f^Ga)l at 822 Prairie Avenue^ # i.TGl3-ltp CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; STEAM "gat,- ht. and.-cold-r-ung^waterr-^eli Wil. 1080. 629 Main St. Wilmette. FOR ftENTr-FURNISH^D EAST SIDE room; near trans. Gentleman i»ref. Telephone Wil. 814-J. L43-ltp FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO J^o^ii6?111? apt w Tel.#Wil. 935-M near aU trains. jf % LT2S-tf^ WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS ^♦P^^^V UNFURNISHED ROOMS j- TiA^le rfo,r a,firht house-keeping. ^Address Lake Shore News A-868, «.________;__________ L43-ltp. WsiSdEDnoI° pENT_ ONE GOOD lirlhlJ^v-unfurnished room pre- SSScenKWr^1!^ w2i»jing dlatanc^rof Ka 88^' LT43-ltc S JN@W as®inii© Tempi© is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. <:^,v:^r;""N:r.:^ Dr. J. E. Fonda Phone WINNETKA 1211 Meyer Bank Bldg. Eleydl® R@paWi| We repair all makes of bic; Expert electrical work. Sj$ faction guaranteed. NORTH SUBURBAN Â¥ EL^dTRIC SHd Ph. Wil. 1346 415 Linden Ivi WILMETTE SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers Jo Eo MatsFairlaiiae Interior Decorator ^jf°™Le-dy wiVA Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTED â€" MAID % FOR ' GE1L housework; 3 -adults in .family, not be experienced cook, out be willing and courteous. Prh room and bath. Apply in p«j 415 WashingtonYAve. Glencoe.. - LTGif WANTED â€" COMPETENT TOlfi lady for work on ledger; prefer^ one who has had some municipal* perience. Apply to M. Noe, Vila of WInnetka. Telephone WinMl 860. LTGlMlJ WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL OR WOJ to assist with hswk; good m 511 Willow St., Tel. Winnetka.11 LTG-iJ-f WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GBNBB dental office work; apply Dr. & for particulars. Village The building. Tel. Wil. 2259. L4S-! WANTED â€" COMPETENT GIRL cooking and downstairs work; washing; $20. Tel. K e nil worth . LTGtti WANTEDâ€"DEPENDABLE MAID general hswk.; 4 in family. â- JB . 269 Woodland Ave. TelephoneGl coe 1057. LTGUf WANTED â€"MAID FOR GENBB housework; white only: clean; cook; Tel. Wtnn. 1642. LT04jh SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEIM HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WOULIX position as mother's helper, in J |y payment for room and board, m ence. Telephone Wilmette IWv; WANTED â€" FOSITION BY girl; mending, plain sewing. or» er; one who is anxious to Wfraj about sewing. Tel. Wil. 8*9;]j*j SITITATIOX WANTEDâ€"MALE SITUATION WANTED-J|AIj£ 'twP' '$$:), â- <; !ss*isai=n ^iftfciJiilja^A'jfj .^v^.^'- .-_, ^Builder of Fountains and Stone Gateways J ^Â¥ %|SC#S1N iLAO STONE NEW YORK BLUE STONI* •»'â- ' it.t ~~r- "^ J^0 'tentlr St^et, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1530 SITUATION WAJTTEPâ€"MALE" SITUATION WANTEDâ€"yg^' HELP WAXTED~PEMALE WANTED^ â€" MAIDâ€"PQftâ€"CHPHBRAIr1 peSrLUn famiiy: "o^aundryYl GS--Kwft,55,K?J55Kd» 8tliti<"» 9* and junior girls. Special g given to backward "tudeggto versational French by *W?v | Terms on application. »]»» H-^ SpecTcT 228" Green ^Bay Rd.. n» Woods. Phone Glencoe s^^j-i , oel ^° Hubbard Woods station of ' â€"^-atr(« 9 ' ' ^,nnetka. Tel. Winn. 762. WilMams. «03 Bowen Ave. ^ ^ Williams. «03 Bowen WANTED â€" D«^SMAS^H ft â- and ;f«nor;;v^|atering. - â„¢^ffim M -i.trJsfete^feS'- " Sippx:- liife- '^liiHl "^ 'Mmm