Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1923, p. 19

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mmam mmmm ^jllilffi^^ ;i,|» WANTED MALE AND FEMALE An experienced man or wo- man who can furnish respons- ible references, must be over twenty-one, who can invest $500, or more. Can become interested in the affairs of a corporation that in over a quarter of a century has built up on the largest businesses of its kind in America, has paid large cash and stock dividends because employes, managers and officers are v working in the interest of the corporation for which they are well repaid. Give full information in letter, same will be treated confidentially. .;, Suite- 910 ""Putnam-' 6id#,:?*®^ Chicago, 111. . LTG43-ltc. INTED â€" ' ' BOYS ANlTrlGtt1iLW {(preferably Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls) to sell cook books all clav Wednesday, Aug. 29. Books sell for 50c, commission 15c. Apply Miss Frances A. Barron, 817 Linden Ave. L43-ltc. ANTED-^CASHIERâ€"ONE WHO CAN handle small set of books. Welch's Cafeteria, 1133 Central Ave., Wll- mette. V , LTG43-ltC FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES <s> Y©mi Owia Don't forget that^we -are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. 1 ri 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers SLIP COVERS, COMPLETE fu^ti $'WBK%- Davenport Satis- fUIn $11.00 factionv:.i-'BBf Chairx anteedi ^ ^lllllll $6.50 Also a wonderful selection of im- ported Covering's at a tremendous reduction due to our wide expe- rience in the "making of Covrs, en* ablingr us to give you superior quality. # GOLLIN BROa i Formerly With Mandel Bros. I Can or Write S 713 MAIN ST., EVANSTON I l^ig^'^o^e, ,E,v*ns$on;; $12i%.^:- w -â-  ft :j|4|^*|li;|i||Sii||| WABrrPH :S$. .BUYâ€"MISCEMrfANEdtJ* WANTED â€" FORD CAB; PIANO,, rugs; must be in-good condition and reasonably priced; Tel. Kenilworth 1904. LTG43-ltp who is ready to meet it may do so with profit ..ilt^ilifeil at any time. ^*;. ,...,*-..... """.......-............ I^atever your particular opportunity may - ^ y^ wiU .n^ the most -h,-': ..ip :5£r-: ':""'; ,^g-:::of it. Prepare nowâ€"-open an account'at this V â- â- â- â- 'â-  WWS$$&§ WANTEDâ€"OLD BLACK PONY FUR | to repair coat. gaTel. Rogers Park 1284'> ; .,,-.. y\?:W •':â- -?;â- 'â-  LTG43-ltp LOST AXP FOUND LOST â€"- A BLUE DISTEEL WHEEL1 and tire on Wilmette Avenue. Re- ' ward. Tel. Evanston 2688; â- _________________ L43-ltpj â- DR SALEâ€"4 PASSENGER SCRIPPS Booth â€" chummy roadster, newly jgjpainted; $250 cash for quick sale, Tel. Glencoe 48; Garage, 658 Vernon Ave. * * LTG43-ltc =T= FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS !0R SALEâ€"LARGE RICHARD BOYN- ton furnace without piping, suitable for 8 rooms; good condition; price $20. Also extra large gas range, 4 burners, and oven Tn good condi- tion, price $5. Telephone Mrs. KUr- owski, Wil. 2791 or call at 567 Ash Street. Winnetka. LTG43-ltp OR SALE â€" NEARLY NEW "SIM- mons" twin beds, springs and mat- tresses. $50 each; 48 pc. China dinner set. $17.50; large iron bed; cretonnes; oval h. w. heater. Tel. Wil. 844-J. L43-lte OR SALE â€" SOLID OAK CHIFFO- nier with beval mirror; good condi- tion: also single metal bed with snrinps and mattress complete. Tel. Glencoe 468. LTG43-ltC OR SALE â€" FURNACE, GARAGE doors, bath tub, stove, davenport, aesk, buffet, buggy, Tel. Winn. 1212. LTG42-tfc. PELL â€" DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. :^â€" ^_ LTG16.-tfc. P* SALEâ€"GAS RANGE, *N FIRST t«i 8 _r°ndition; very !v reasonable; I*. Wn »aai % X,43-ltp. WANTED TO BtTV â€" HOUSEHOLD GOODS _________ fANTED TO BTTYâ€"SECOVD HAND â-  w,!lnJture and other household goods. "iRhest pr»ce paH for nnme. Croat furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Phone 189. t/ro-S7-tfe. _POR SALEâ€"-MISCELLANEOUS ^LSALE--"RELIABLE" GAS STOVE •?£? -?°pd condition. $25: 9x12 rug, terSt â„¢ •8ra^den hose« *2- 714 Cen~ I^OR Tel. Winn. 1813. LTG43-ltc sis* a^H^-0^ MUSKRA-T COAT. V£l 3& *25- One black coat-(lady's) l?*i. 3*-_ Worn 3 times. 220. R, B. g^ynWorth. in: - 1,43-1^ ft)R SALEâ€"LADY'S BICYCLE AL- K1 siSf'ce-t^ ve'ry^e^p: Tei Glencoe 770, Mrs. Rubin: cne*p- OFWLMETTE "â- *-it,-&' ' â- " '•> '.'- ' " ' â- â- â- i^;-';:'* 'J&J^ecfSariqgs^posifars *^fe*% %$m Tent and camp-fire, and my old dog, '"'*' h'^^j^m%':MfH^. through^ mii^ And pat much wantin' to. y§§: Sit an' smoke, an' dream, an' nod, Then tinker with- my gun, or reel, Old dog gits up an' puts his head Against my knee; ^iMS%M"'^' He's tmrm, an* lazy, an* well fed, An' happy, like me.'%â- 'â-  "% of sparks from the log of oak That's been burnin' till H burnt in \y^y-fwo an' broke>'^.xv^-%c&&$$ l^lShoots, up int0: the sky^^M^MIi '^"S^'And fades away, &'^S,;$,^~M An' I sit an' wonder why ^^ % â- â- ' Thev acts that wayvf^ ,1-f%'"'% Old dog wags his tail, an' I can see Thgt he's thinkin' 'bout tomorrow ;fff â- â-  tike J be, \. ^Cause'- hi; imdws "wftei^f^ctecms \:§ ,r the gu%.. -|:.%-:-.iBf-m- ***#:-. jifat fcm an* - me *â- ,.. ..•.-.*...*: â- ; -•*•«». IVill be huntin' long 'fore the sun jxGits up to see. , 4J . :' 'â- .....^"~r^ srMâ€"â€"r:;'. An' when the fire's burned durn near out Then'me an' dog gj&â-  uf m£ stgr about, .yCr<;J-«~X*.:t -^f?-& â-  yAn' fix the fire an' git in bed -j An' that old dog Crawls close to me, an' I cover up my head An' sleep just like a log. ___Zi'lft^ V- "i S "U. -i Â¥, Tent,.and campTfire, and my old dog Pif&between my teeth, back against a log; Leaves a rustlin' overhead, â€" Moon a sijrtiri fhroughr^â€"^ It's ontfhardt job tifgit to $e# %Bven^'H youfre wantin*t'}0^^ â-  -^^â- â- -M'- â- ^â- n/'Kl Grants" v'-^ The t/ake Shore News. A drunkard who has taken the mrw^-TTwr^liS^i^ never be locked up -. « in^ a wine^cellar.^.;^^^^ LTG43-ltc. rCl% SA^^PPSYl. CART. HARNESS Shore News, People without fortunes must be "^k-iffff^^ii^^iS^ ^ :Hfe ..... ,„,,.,., ,;,,. ,,M,,,..,,, ,.i,...1,.„. .,v,;iilt;::-:IM^"'!|!Kslil ^'^â- f \i:;;: w^llSft^ -i <"#-4 . iff' ffi^Sljill ;V"' >-^^'/;V^J7^^^^./i^V-r\^>^T\i"^H^^>;i f ". / *.^H""â- â- "â- '. ?^iv:v.:,: ^^"^^--j^^p a.:^; |iii|^ UTTtESnMffi IS NOP! DE LUXE GARAGE BOSS H. Y. littlestone, foir scSvtral years a partner with Benjamin Linsberg in the ownership of the Linden De Luxe garage, is now sole owner of the busi ness, having recently purchased all of Mr. Linsberg's interests. r The Linden De Luxe garage, located on Linden avenue opposite the "L" ter- minal, was built two years ago and is considered one of the big developments in the east end business district. The residence district south and east of the De Luxe garage has grown rapidly dur- ing the building boom of the last few years, and instead of being a pioneer business, the garage is an established and much-needed business in that section., Since taking over the management of the garage, Mr. Littlestone has added a complete stock of all sizes of Hanes tires. These-tires are purchased under a guarantee of 15,000 miles, he says, and VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT NOTICE OP SALE OP VILLAGE PROPERTY. | PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of tHe Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Ptoin^ held on the 17th dfay of Augustr-Ar-Dr- 1923, the following Ordinance was passed by a vote or more than three fourths of all the members of the Vil lage Board. VILLAGE OP GROSS POINT NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP I , COOK COUNTY ;:*â- }": .; -f; r â- ' ;,...v ILLINOIS . ,. Section thirty-three (33), Township forty-two (42) North, Range thirteen* (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, to% gether with aU the buildings and lni«» provements thereon, being the property on which the Village Hall is located, which said building was used by the Village in the conduct of its business, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required for the use of said Village" or profitable to, or its longer reten- tion for the best interests of the Vil-r lageii^fep.".'::,;vv; . ^'-"'^^iy-^^^W^W^ .'â- >*>**â- ' ";:"';:SECTIO^f' i':"'$*â„¢W^l*:'^ That proposals to sell the said prop- erty shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Lake Shore News, .the first publication to be not less than thirty^ (30) days bef©r«f - the date of the meeting at which bids are to be received, and that said prop- erty be sold to the highest and best bidder; provided, however, the Board, of Trustees may by majority vote re-*: iect any and all bids received there- for. ' ' â- â- '. .^V"-~-y -^wo*v That in the event said property is sold as- herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk of the said Board are hereby author4 i ised and directed to convey said prop*:,; erty to such party or parties whose bTdsTRave been accepted, by a proper' deed or deeds of conveyance, statins;: thereinâ€"theâ€"price therefor,â€"w4tftâ€"theâ€" AN DENT ORDINANCE NO. 183. ORDINANCE BY THE PRESB- ._ AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OP THE VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT, PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OP CER- TAIN REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; ___1^__T_... :% Lots Ave (5) and six (6) in Block "seven (7* of. Soger's Subdivision Of the Northeast Quarter of the North-- west Quarter, except the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (33), Township forty?? two^ (42» Notm^M&nm *3, Eastcl the Third Principal Meridian, M C^bir County. Illinois together ^rt^li all the buildings and improvements thereon. 1 seal of the corporation. SECTION-*-----â€" This Ordinance shall be In force ana effect from and after its passage, ap- proval and publication. MASSED this 17th day of August, 1923 ~ â- *" APPROVED this 17th day of August, 1923. â- :" â-  â-  -^m -:â- "-:-^: ^EDWARI>^aElp,SCHELf?a|^ •V>::• ^"?. ..we: President^"; Mathew Schneider l*^:|-|,^r . ,,,*•$> N. J. Miller' ;:--- -"â- - • " Joaenh Bleser';:.^-.1-.'1 .^;<::^--^~ .â- 'â- "::.]^':S ATTEST: :Ty^ti- ^ â-  Edward A. Schneider;^/ MMTM^t's â-  ..^--' â- 'â- =.- .- â- -â- â-  Village Cferk^-©«:*^^#^ :;-::â- "'- â-  PROPOSALS ' y^mmtm , Bids- 'for" the.i'^kb«^r^^ides^w|^wâ- 'â- #ti*%;^• ertv are hereby solicited. -' * *. j:^ i Said bids must be ift writing andr 5 sealed and deposited with the. Village; Clerk of the Village of Gross Pblnfti;! On od before the hour of 6:00 P.^Mfcii dhttte^ra^aay or^XJctelwrlsfe D? tt iSirm accompanied by a certified check ^fog^s^ two per cent (â- *%'.) «f- the arngmt< o|!'" the bid. »afd bids will he submitted to the Board of Trustees of the V114 BE IT ORDAINED, by the Preside*^ and Board of Trustees of the Village 4>f-GToa8~^>»lnt in the CountyLof -CooltJ-On^-theSriL day,Af &Rtahsr. Jk. M and State, of Illinois SECTION - ~ ...... That the folloWingr deacribed re£estate, to wit: Lots live (5) and six <R) In Block seven *7) of Seger's Sub- division of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, except the hundred fifteen (115> feet thereof; Ihi mm WW?: ! l«ge of Gross Point and will be opened! and- considered at the regular meetln. of said Board of Trustees to be hel or at the first regular meeting, or ad-* Journed regular meeting of said Boar* of Trustees held after that date. Th right to reject any and all bids hereby snecifl callv reserved. EDWARD^ A, SCHNEIDKRv Village Clerk, 20th day of Augus^ â-  â- \ ipii,;>i* ej|^; DATED this lift /l^fc^B iiSSfe

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