Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1923, p. 8

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««fpv TEACHERS BEGIN CLASS WORK SOON National Kindergarten School Opens September 10 Monday, cation and 300 September 10, will begin vocation for end va-r between KMHMTATTENirBIG ~ ~ NEW TRIER DAY FETE (PnnHnued from page one) GapciiMW to it that there was light and " l - "„_ it___..rrU tilf> fflOOm. Mil- assisted of use and 400 young women who plan to and To enter the National Kindergarten ^Elementary college at that time, date the dormitory registration shows a twenty per cent increase over last year. The six dormitories are already filled and it has been necessary to secure ad- ditional dormitory accomodations. No definite information is available as to the registration of students from Chicago and the suburbs but it is con- fidently predicted that the increase here will equal that in the dormitory enroll- ment. The fact that the college is not yet located on its new north, shore site on Sheridan road at the Wilmette-Evans- ton boundary, is deplored by many stu- dents. Invariably, however, the student has decided that she could not afford to postpone the training for a year or more even for the sake of ideal surroundings and equipment. Students from the north shore will ap- preciate the lovely new clubroom in Thomas House. Other improvements have been affected during the summer. A double schedule has been arranged in .order to accomodate the increased en- rollment in the present buildings. Stu- dents doing labratory work in teaching in the schools of Chicago and suburbs will have classes from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. All other students will at- tend classes from 9 A. M. to. 2 P. M. Electric Shop Installs ^^EjSejctiseJ^indo w4Wsplay ^^Shoppers in the "L" Terminal business district are commenting on the effective new window display arrangement at the North Suburban Electric Shop, 410 Linden avenue. The display includes an attractive variety of electric J>u]bsand other ap- liances;-------- S. C. Hirsh and L. A. Hirsch, co- proprietors in the concern have been lo- cated on the north shore about a year and in that brief space of time have succeeded in establishing a flourishing business that reflects credit upon their progressive policies and prompt at- tention to the needs of north shore ^households. HEALTH HINTS Medicine makers advertise medicine for everybody's health, the yeast mak- ers advertise yeast, the quacks claim fcto be .a tNytre .aH,"v the^meat, packers say eat more meat, the -miller* say eat more breadâ€"all for the sake of health. That's one reason why the state maintains a department of pub^ lie health. 'Information from the state health officials is always reliable. for New no stumbling through the gloom The Chicago North Shore and waukce Electric railway also nobly by contributing the set vices ou/of the huge motor ^.J°' in conveying the plcnickers to the grove from the various v.llages m ship and back home again. General Moran was personally instrumental in securing this splendid service Trier Day. Unusual interest was attached to the annual Children's Flag parade. In this event, also, the picnic management caJ- culated only too conservatively. Theie vie not near enough favors to go around, so great was the throng of eager y°Steevents and ball game went off as per schedule and with the customary custo. It was estimated that 3,000 peo- ple watched the Glencoe ball club squelch the Ouilmette K. of C. nine, 12 to IV in a positively amusing pastime Results of the field events are recorded below. _ _. , The Dancer* Danced The late afternoon and evening were eiven over to the dancers with the Lni- ?agd Elevated orchestra doing the hon- ors The dance pavilion was literally, jammed throughout the evening, but it was a happy crowd. At 9'30 in the evening the beautitul fireworks display was heralded by three resounding "booms." Thousands wit- nessed the spectacle, but the dancers kept on dancing. There was no formality to the day's events, just a democratic good time for every body. Field Event* . 1 Girls' Raceâ€"25 yards (6 to 9 yrs) -1 Elinor Belten; 2. HoseTnary^n- son; 3. Hilda Swanson+-^^8|J«t- plant; 5« Anna Chutoff; 6. Butn sor Sen2. Boys' Raceâ€" 25 yards (6 to 8 yrs) __1 m Krape; 2. Phillip Balalk; 3. Wm. McFadzen; 4. Geo. Gonsalves; 5. â€"1. M Thorsen; 2. E. Schubert, 3. M Wechuskie; 4. M. Fowles; 5. M. Bre4WBeoys^Race?-eJr0Olyyards (8 to 10 yrs) â€"1. R. Kidder; 2. L. Martin; 3. J. Kerper; 4. P. Netterstrom; 5. A. Schuett; 6. C. Stefflns. 5. Girls' Raceâ€"50 yards (10 to 12 yrs)â€"1. M. McCittlley; 2. H. Freeman; 3 A. Phillips; 4. A. Christof; 5. H. Gerloch; 6. Ruth Herbon. 6. Boys' Raceâ€"50 yards (10 to 12 vrs)â€"1. Geo. Eaton; 2. John Baak; 3. L. Thompson; 4. J. Hoffman; 5. B. Anderson; 6. H. Schwartz. ^ rJt 1. Girls' Bob Raceâ€"50 yards (for DRESSES akd Sport Apparel REDUCED PRICES for July and August S Room 217 Hoyburn Building EVANSTONâ€"-------- Phone Evanston 7647 --------------^=j=^nm\^J\~" M. McFadaen; -t^totr-mrtr; *1TO Anderson; 4. G, 2. E. Smlth; 3. A. *"" . Evans. Fehlen; 5. D. Herbon, *• * 0 rd8 8- ^y"\i?P»fnNew Trlir)-1. Joe (Chamy.onsh^of New Ten Reasons Why We Believe Yoiu^hould Investigate Kleen-Heet Kleen-Heet Automatic Oil-Burning Systems enjoy an enviable position - â-  -â- --- Back of tfje universal approval accorded them which you owe to yourself to investigate. In the home-heating: field are ten reason*â€"reasons Kleen-Heet «. In ' Completely Automatic v f*. All that you need do is set the thermostat, in your living room, to the tempejeaJtarsL vou--d©sire-z irad from then on., day-in and day-out, Klqgn-Heet will main^ tain that temperature regardless of the weather conditions out--; â- side. â-  In Quiet In Operation ; Kleen-Heet has but one moving partâ€"the motor-pump-fan unit, operating at a low speed. There are no nozzles, whirling discs or fast moving parts to create a din. 3i;yyi [« Simple and Substantial building Kleen-Heet, a corps of experienced engineers spent years to perfect it in eVery de- tail. Only the very bestma _______w____.___.„___ ts«5rift~*i« -eonstruett&it;. ,,,„. Require* No Oil Storage ^m^- In Basement _ . â-  â-  •,'^W^ By means of our exclusive vacuum feed system all of your oil is stored in a large tank underground In your back yard. Your oil supply is automatically brought into your burner. > Utilises Low-priced Oil* ...,m^§MsM Kleen-Heet burns gas oil or >9|^y distillate. Oils of this typeeu^*|« g; c plentiful- and' low in .prlce^S^./,m£ .72 L8., i»v 10 Secitrew^^Tl^proiimately 100% Heat Value "...' , . , Due to the efficient nre-pot and the normal deltVTeTy of airland oH to the point of combustion, Kleen-Heet secures maximum Hheat from every drop of oil. Operate* In Practically AH *rypes of Heatins; Plant* ^Kleen-Heet can be installed right in your present heating plant. No extensive remodel- ing or extravagant expense is necessary. " In Endorsed by Thousand* sp of U*er*- '•'.'•â-  v, ... Thousands of JUeen-Heet's are in successful use all over the country. No Kleen-Heet user has ever returned to coal with rntencear "This group- of- scientists- grant the highest and safest rating obtainable to Kleen-Heet. This rating is worthy of your con- sideration. 1* Sponsored by a Responsible Company â-  . Kleen-Heet is manufactured, sold, guaranteed and serviced free for one year by the strong- est company in the oil-burner â- .â- â- field. â- ..: . ..,',,..^-,,v-.,,^. c M. 4 A9rydirlB' Open R^.6 s^D.^reck KfT%2'A\uiSon;n5.A. Phillips 6* ^Married Men's Race (75 yards)- 1. M. "Brown; 2. C. *• Xrf; L,elc-hs«Milng: 4. t». yeaion, Borne; 6. H. Eagan Mr. Seller: 4 Uri. M. Lewis; 5. Mrs. Da I.lJn 6. Mrs. E. Fischer. 12. Fut Men's Race-50 ^^as^ner; 200 ibs)-i. E-.c-I1c,Sf11c|0fi,hJ: Kassn---' 3 Mt. King; 4. J. Rudoipn, Plant; 6. Mr. Young. 13. Stout Ladies' ^-25^^ (over 17f. pounds)â€"l. H. »J[Jer' Mrs. Stelner; 3. K â- _,h«lnl|n*6 Burkhousi-n; 5. Mrs. A. tu. won, t> J. (ionnor. 14. Wilmette Business Men's Race 50 yard*â€"l. Wm. Wood; 2. fc. C. Cazel, 3. M. Ferguson; 4. C. Drew, o Brehams; 6. W. Lewis. p. winnetka Business Men's Raceâ€" -,n vards-1 2- Mr- Hanson; 3 B w! Blow; 4. Sam Stettin: 5. S Stettin; 6. Carl Braun. 16. Thrte Legged Raceâ€"50 yards (Women and Girls)â€"1. 1- « rnn!S?n:3.2B. Schuat; 4. R. Bruch h-nmen- 4 K. Karbogen. v haiU7 Three Legged Race-50 yards (Men and boys)â€"1. W. Stachel, 2. M. Rudolph- 2. H. Lechsening;, 2. M Borne; 3. O. Haines; 3. Psenicka; w R«innett' 4. M. Hanson. H18 Young Men's Race-50 yards (50 years and over)â€"1. L. Hout; 2. L. J Hayes; 3. William Wener; 4. B.Schild sen: 5. T. Fluit; 6. J. Trone. 1923 Old Settlers' Picnic Given by Legion Po*t Labor Day will be celebrated in un- usually fitting manner at the American legion park, Gross Point, where the Peter J Huerter post will hold its sec- ond annual Old Settlers' picnic, to which all the residents of the north shore are invited. » \ six-piece orchestra will provide music for the dancing, and there an interesting variety Edward Meier, of field events, chairman of the En- tertainment cdmmittell If # has charge of arrang^n^, " The post:talw':its'%^|y Point youth who lost |d» j^f^v war vessel President i|^ buried at sea October 4^ „ Engels is commander of fcJS BUYS THIRD Ifii^ Herman G. NordberJ of purchased-the R. I), L at 109 Third street, ':.„ company negotiated the" A^sX^f Good eyesight is nature s greatest blessing, â€"44â€"your eyes have become impaired seek an examination at once. The practice of optometry is a science of certainity. "You're not taking chances when you seek the advice of a competent optopiet- rist." Dr. 0. H. BERSCH Optometrist FtiMU Mp. Opt. Deft C D. Ptwnk Ik. 1177 WILMETTE AVE. or Residence Wllm*«e 1TOT For A»poIntment Phone Wll. 27«« Roasting meats and jowl Baking apples, tomatoes, potatoes Cooking entire meal at one time Cold, pack canning and preserving Baking bread, roll; biscuits Deep fat frying and rendering LHE "Wear-Ever" Roaster may be usedfof so many purposes besides roasting that it ii one of the most ECONOMICAL utenifb that a housewife can haveâ€"one thatcanbe used EVERY day throughout many yean of service and always insure better-cooked, „ better-flavored foods. Get yours TODAY, JOHN MILLEN g Hardware ' IS! WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR PHONE |f 60S Main St. Phoned ;S#5= silSftSSffi MmsxSii^^Mmammmk surprise; in siorglllfl Sii%ftfe*^*$ft'^!*^ plKil , No evidence we may offer f<fxx i* &s convincing as an ^ual. demon- stratron of these wonderful heating systems. We invite you to step in, at our showroom and see Kleen-Heet in operation. If you cannot do this, ?eleDhone us and we will sendfc you complete Information. With winter and zeroT weather close at hand, we urg6 you to act .todaj^.,,^+.^,££& DU-lalon ^||S|iip; WINSLOW BOILER A ENGINEERING CO| â- ^'^ "^0Mf^^' '*iMy'M.'&fy'^$i" }£^3%$?$?%^it'! y:)M f&wfr£$ Mk........." &i:XM §M&sS^ WM& NORTH SHORES BRANCH Chleagro A venae, Evaniitoa ,; elephonet JByamiton 9235 iM'&!M ors mm Phone â- d*S!itesi vanston 578

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