THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. PRIP'V SePTRMBER 14. 1923 ALLOT $100,000 FOR TRUCK ROAD New Trier Villages Accept Sum Allotted by County Engineer Quinlan FUNDS ARE LIMITED Balance of Cost Would Be Met by Assessments Representatives of the Villages of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe in a meeting late last week decided to accept the offer of the sum of $100,000 allocated by Major Quinlan, county highway engineer, for the pavement of an 18-foot concrete strip of the proposed through truck highway which, it is planned, will extend from the south limits of Wilmette to the north county line at Glencoe over a right-of-way immediately west of and adjacent to the Chicago and Northwestern tracks. The acceptance of the sum allocated by the highway engineer was accompanied by a request for additional funds in the event such were found available. Funds are Limited The amount available for the County aid portion of the proposed highway falls considerably short of the Sum expected by the villages, but represents the total amount the engineer feels can be allotted for the north shore joute in view of the fact that similar applications from other sections of the county, including the north shore, have been made to a total amount approximating $1,500,000, and that there is now available only a fund of approximately $500,000, representing a refund to the county from the state for road work already completed and which is to be used in giving road improvement aid to various municipalities in the county. The share allotted to New Trier represents approximately ten-nineteenths of the total probable cost of an eighteen foot concrete highway through the villages. Distributed on a basis of the mileage of the proposed highway in each community, the sum Would be allotted about as follows: Wilmette, $21,000; Kenilworth, $8,000; Winnetka, $37,000, and Glencoe, $34,000. $325,000 Total Coat The estimated total cost of the proposed 40-foot pavement will be approximately $325,000, it is explained. The portion of the cost not borne by the county, it is understood, will be met in each community by assessments against the property owners and public benefit allotments. The plan to secure a through truck highway for New Trier township was presented for approval before a recent session of the board of county com- missioners, which expressed favor of the project. The highway, local traific experts point out, would have the effect of not merely providing a route for truck traffic but _oi alleviating the congestion of traffic on Sheridan road and other busy passenger vehicle thoroughfares. ________ Protect Your Eyes from Sun and Wind In summer the EYES frequently become bloodshot from the irritating effects of wind and dust. Murine relieves this unattractive condition almost immediately, as well as eye- strain caused by the glare of the sun. To look your best after a day in the open, use Murine. Its soothing, re- freshing and beautifying properties make it invaluable to vacationists. If used night and morning. Murine will impart a youthful glow and sparkle to the EYES. It's perfectly harmless--contains no belladonna or other harmful ingredients. Our attractively illustrated boolc, "Beauty lies Within the Eyes," telle how to prop- erly care tor your Byes, Brows and Lashes, and thus enhance their beauty* Send/or a copy of this helpful hook. 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It's so easy to draw out a ten spot, if you have a savings account, even when you don't really need the money. .eep your money in time de- isit certificates; it's a good idea! WILMETTE STATE BANK CenttalAveatTrvelftji I III Your Home Bank" VSS?£LE- 5tAlE--£ baS* ISTATCMMK IB -- at \&sTrue Bottles of 100 Tablets 75c Aspirin is used so generally for the relief of pain that the question of getting reliable and efficacious aspirin tablets is of impor- tance to the majority of people at some time or other. PURETEST ASPIRIN TABLETS arel made from true aspirin and are manufac- tured under the highest standards of qual- ity. They disintegrate, rapidly and act promptly. PUREST ASPIRIN TABLETS will prompt neuralgia, etc. We recommend them and guarantee them to give satisfaction. Renneckar Drug Company TheRexall Stort WILMETTE