THE LAKE SHORE NEWS^BRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Zh 1923- Happenings Mr and Mrs* ^rank Ketcham and iter, Joan, arrived home from north- rn Wisconsin Monday and are living n an apartment in Evanston while their new hojne on the lake front is being Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison aria* family- 307 Abbottsford road, returned Monday from. their farm at Iceland, Mich. Mrs. Modie J. Spiegel, 140 Melrose avenue, is entertaining forty-four guests at dinner this evening in honor of Miss Clara Gatzert, whose engagement to her •son, Frederick Spiegel, wa's reentry an- nounced. Mr. Morrough O'Brien was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph* Gromann, of Chestnut avenue, last week-end on his way to Boston School of Technology. Miss Helen Cresap, 239 Essex road, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cumber- land avenue, leave today £pf\ Vassar I dance at Exmoor^lub last college, to complete their senior years, ning. ' Miss Frances H. Benson, niece of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Essley, 234 Warwick road, is visiting in Stockbridge, Mass. She was one of the bridesmaids at Miss Marion Benjamin's wedding Qn_Sep- tember 1. ..... â- â- -...... .......;..'...-..-.,-«..- Miss Elizabeth Meyer, 423 Cumnor road, leaves Sunday for Northampton, Mass., where she enters her senior year at Smith college Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206,Cumber- land avenue, was hostess at a dinner ~ ' " " " " Saturday eve- • Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Parraelee entertained the Evening" Bridge club at dinner at Gtengables, Monday, playing bridge later at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ^J^ ^yj«* :tn^Glencoe. ^^^. Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, 206 Cumber- land avenue, entertained at tea Sunday for the Brophy, Burnham and Cresap families, whose children are all leaving for school this week. Miss Louise Durham, 431 Abbottsford road, and Miss Martha Stevens, 330 Abbottsford road, letr. Wednesday lor Madison, to attend the University. - Mia*e»i Waxj atid FriWMis Mittt jtt^at Calumet, Micb., and Mist Kathryn Sbfe j man of New York city spent last week|| end visiting the Misses Emilie and DoMifksgpg : Mrs. Warren Pestse, ^3»lJMceaer:â- 'â- â- â- M&BL;-.-*. 'road,"entertained'at luncheon .and'bridge• Ȥm -Mrs. Henry Everett, 415 Cumnor t*^tf$$$$jffl entertained at a -birthday dinner party -:-|M| for Dr. Everett, on Tuesday. ^p^p'^§0^lf§, fe^n^ Burnham, 536 Roslyn .rc^./;|Plilf§ left' Wednejday^^iSft^^ ::M,1,iHiimiMiHmiiHH»iiiiiiHiiiiiimHiHHimiHHiiimmmiH»iHiniimiiiMiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......miiiiiiiiiiiii.......iiimiiimiiiimiiiiiiimi......iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii«imiiii........n.....n......iiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiii.....iiiiiimitiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniMimiiiniHiiiiiimuiMiiiiiiHiiiii^^^ ** These three weather signs are very oldâ€"but ever new with us, for they remind us daily that^we- aim to get work done ON TIME W MakeJLEasvio North Side Gleanin \x7HEN_yx»iLwantclothes ** cleaned right, use our new branch station at 504 establishment is ^ki her particular job. We clean sportf suits and â- * *;^iW.„ - Main tel, in Evanston:; The telephone number is Evanston 2410 or Wil- mette24iOT Clothes cleaned rigkLdo wear better, yes, and look better too. The reason we can clean clothes * clean fe^that our work rooms are equipped with the most efficient, improved ma- chinery. Alioreveryone in th|s wraps as they should be cleanedâ€"thorough- ly and without a trj Rugs, furs and curtains too last longer when they are cleaned the North Side way. }' atf§ pi Leave a call for the you want cleaned^If you want them back by the end of the week, he sure to get them ta us before Wednesday noon. 'â- ^-^•Si il -V'lll Till" â- â- -:.....^'â- ^â- -^.â- ^^â- ^v---**'**^^