22 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1923 C Promotion Day at the Coogr^ationaJ chorch Stwday School on Sunday will be most important for a number of our younger members of society. From the Cradle Roll the group promoted to the Beginners' department win include Edna Baturfiman, Jean Louise Becker, Rath 5J5s BBeKng, Dorothy Fisher, Pw Gifcfoer, Betty Green, Eleanor Embree lewis, Eunice Gilbert Mcintosh, Lorna toiiise Tideman, Eleanor Young, DonaM Seboneld Carpenter, Wtllfam Harndge, William Bates Hopkins, William John IML Charles Beckler Soute, William Scott Spinney and Henry Gates Webber. Those children passing from the Be- ginners' department into the Primary are Dorothy Anderson, Eleanor Beecher, Phyllis Brooks, Jean Fisher, Martha Ann Huff, Marcia James, Mary Jean Uw», Shirlye McGill, Jean Mcintosh, Cath- erine Munro, Betty Jane Rice, Phyllis Richardson, Eleanor Steen, Sarah Tone, Helen Young, John Adams, William Band, Berry Berblinger, Robert Cutler, Arthur Delang and Marion Pierson. Graduating from the Primary depart- ment into the Junior department are Nancy Andrews, Helen Bower, Helen Burt, Ellen Cozzens, Gladys Delang, Dorris Goode, Lucia Hollister, Janice James, Jane Spinney, Florence Young, Carl Anderson, Stephen Brooks, George Cole, John Hellmuth, Edward Howard, Hunter King and Arthur Rice. Promotion from the Junior to the Intermediate departments will be ac- corded Jane Anderson, Faith Burge, Rath Drayer, Betty Funke, Ruth Kmep, Marian McDonald, Florence Mitchell, Elsie Paterson, Alice Shirinian, Mary E. Townsend, Gertrude Walters, Betty Webber, Merl Zoernsch, James Baker, Robert Brown, Raleigh Blake, John Borncamp, Dorland David, George Clo- ver, Bertile Johnson, turner Lundin, Rus- sell Mitchell, Billy Overbeck, Richard Rossman, Paul Smith, Robert Stewart, Joe Swan, David Taylor, Gordon Wat- son and Howard West,, and those pass- ing into the Young People's department Will be Elizabeth Babcock>, Florence Biesemeier, Pauline Billow, Luella Burt, Ruth Caldwell, Catherine Colton, Lillian _ Duncan, France* Howard? Dorothy Law- rerux, Betty Mulford, Jane Owen, Vir- ginia Park, Eleanor Thayer, Robert An- derson, Robert Boyden, Robert Burtner, Bradford Htitson, Robert Kuhl, Dick Macallister, Nathan Pancoasi, Theodore Perry, Charles Roth and Warren Seibold. on Friday. Miss Margaret Heoer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Heuer, 335 Haw- thorne avenue, Gfcncoe, whose marnaje to Conrad Spoehr, son of Mrs. a. a. Spoehr, of Chicago, occurred on bator- day evenipg fast in St Johns Lutheran ._ _ churdr, Wilmette, had Mrs. Mathewjbe eaiertained Hickey for her matron of honor. Mr. Victor Spoehr was his brothers best man and John Bachman oi Uowtjoy, Pa., and William Priebe of Oak Park ushered. , ., « The bride wore a gown of~suver bro- cade and satin, and carried a shower bouquet of roses, lilies of the vafleyjind orchids. Her veil of tulfc was heW in place by orange blossoms and Duchesse lace. Mm. Hickey, the former Naomi Pope, wore a gown of wool yellow Elizabeth crepe and gold lace and car- ried an arm bouquet of yellow sunbursts and blue delphineums. The couple plan to motor east thrugh the mountains and upon their return will reside at the Rogers Park Apartment hotel until December 1. After the first of the year they will live in Wihnette. »^t 1 t;.-w« are stiB going «* a V** Lull** BSmAmMW t^ 0|KH Miss Anstis Tucker, of SaoPeilr^ Tj*&*J£J"J % |. Dav«foctt, «*-S- «* C«~£â€"^ Cat, Has come to spend the wmterwij «£, ^2? of Northwestern Um- fceToncIe and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. ticket manager «'. «râ€".t «^»*arv * i^^^C^ks Ward; secretary LoEas B^^ wsity -ansLJ^j*»^^ ntinois^ ^sdf ^rurt store-*t of the alumm MS^*"°j~ for aeats hoping to Iwve res . _t___: hatfo b«en sending in tor seats "*/y"»II.A;___« i^, Tadler/mrtal^enue. ^ _ ""^ ~ . « oLmni have been sending m for seats The Washington Avenue Circle wtH a;umnjve,y rate, Mr. Davidson states, «> eaiertained in the home of Mrs. " * now that the game is clinched James Crossfey, 407 Washmgton avenue, jg^™°Coba ^ Northwestern grads George E. Hartman, Jr., of 1129 Elm- wood avenue, has returned to North- western Military academy to complete his junior year. Nathan P. Colwell, Jr., left last week to resume his studies at Dartmouth col- lege where he is entering his Junior year. Thomas and Robert Wigrglesworth, 436 Central avenue, are leaving Monday for their sophomore year at Culver Military academy. ________ Alpha Phi sorority held a rushing party Monday evening at the home of Miss Dorothy Yonkers, 911 Sheridan road. Sixty students were in attendance. Miss Dorothy Camp, 528 Park ave- nue, left Wednesday to attend the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Miss Helen Haack, 1228 Gregory ave- nue, left Wednesday to attend the^t?-: versity of Wisconsin. Albert Tucker left Monday for Madi- son to continue his studies at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs; H. J. Tetrfef, 5*2 Sheri- dan road, left on "Saturday for an ex- tended stay in California. Mrs. J. Robert McCfure, 1215 Lake avenue, entertained the "1200 Club" on Tuesday last, Alt of the papers in the contract between officials of the Cubs. Park and Northwestern University have been signed and the big game between Northwestern and the Illini the after- noon of October 27 is assured. Mean- while Directors George Huff of Il- linois and Dana Evans of Northwest- ern have-discovered that by re-ar- ranging the gridiron somewhat at each end there will be practically no abridgement of distance behind either goal-Fine save at one side oi the field. This slight cutting-off will not be over two yards at its most and will taper quickly into regulation distance so that neither ,team should be em- barrassed to any extent. ♦**♦*♦♦♦**♦**♦*♦*♦*♦*♦**♦***♦***♦*♦******♦♦♦♦*♦**♦**♦ + . f * : \ Welches Cafeteria | * * * ♦ ! Wilmette * ». ____ v ♦ * * * * * * :•♦ * I Not the only place ! * * ' * * * ♦ * + :#â- â- + ♦ * * ***** to eatâ€"but the best place to eat. Try us and see 1129 Central Ave. ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦♦****+**++++♦*♦++♦+♦+**++*++*+***♦♦♦***♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ All READY FOR N.D/TGAME Cubg Park to be Scene Seats Going Fast EVERY JOB WE TURN OUT us. is worthy 6f youâ€"and of You are jniighty glad to_ arise- a car that has been newly painted and finished by our firm. We don't care how old and disreputable looking your car body is, we can make it like new. Robert W. Mclntyre Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wilmette 684 ,in large numbers are asking for reservations.' A. feature of the pro- spective football season at Northwest- teW according? to- Mr. Davidson is ! At practice of an increasing number of Purple alumni to reserve tickets for the home games for the entire season. "Our alumni ace discovering," ex- plained Mr. Davidson, "that this prac- tice insures them good seats for each and every, game. Some of them want the same seats for all games and by reserving seats For a season, they od- tain just what they want, avoid get- ting caught in the crowds at each game and have the assurance that they wilt have no trouble m reaching their places. 'Seats in the alumni section, however, are reserved until Thursday prior to each home g»m« but it is easier if our thousands of grads would reserve for the season and thus insure the Purple team ade- quate backing for all its contests. Lufias Brothers, proprietor* of the re- tt «7 Siam street, arr hoping to have ready in the near future two additional stores whict) wiH be en. tirely devoted to the hamfling of fruits and vegetables, while their present loca- tion will be converted into an up-to-date confectionery. ;v- While it is expected by the proprietors that the new store just three doors south of their present location will not be ready until about two weeks, the other site in the new Nelson building on Central ave- nue will be open for business Saturday morning, it is said. ______ A very unusual varietur of Fall Prettet and Winter Costs at prices that cannot be beat. .Come in and convince yourself. Unique Style Shop 112* CENTRAL AVE. Ph. WU. 2M3 O PALACE Cash Meat Market ' 1559 Sherman Ave^Evanston ST C â- v o RUMP CORNED BEEF...... 30c FRESH DRESSED BROILERS .. .35V2 VERY BEST SIRLOIN STEAK... .48c VERY BEST PORTERHOUSE STEAKâ€": ±~r:tttt. t.ttt. .ttS5c VERY BEST POT ROAST.........20c FANCY LEG OF VEAL ....... .-.28%e ^ANCY^LEGXH^SPRING LAMB .39% FRESH CALVES* SWEETBREADS 65c _„__,- Our chickwM are selected at the bert, NOTICE fre*Uy *reMed by""* "?*"?*nen" JACK SPRAT BACON, Sliced, 3 lbs. $1.00 JACK SPRAT HAMS ...:.........25%c VERY^BEST PEACOCK BACON 32»/2c PEACOCK HAMS.................28% For Your Drug Store Needs Call Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmetteâ€",â€"__ 400-401 Wilmette and Central Aves. LULIAS BROTHERS PhonelS4 or 159 QUALITY FRUIT STORE 637 Main Street, Wilmette, 111. Fruits arid and Vegetables An Overflow^ Reported Hei^e f /^\UR shelves have just Your selection here is as- sured of the highest quality, and our prices always give you the greatest value. Phone 154 or 159 The finest peac^es^on the market will fje priced^ very low for Friday aiid Saturday only. ^ ^ :J3 East Side, at 1135 Central Avenue. 140^ SM-y â- .'.'•â- -:^;~i-^a:i' â- W