Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1923, p. 24

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j^j^^^ »,' :,-.,â- , 'â- '!â- . THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FB'"AV SEPTEMBER 21. 1923 Magistrate Mickey Ties Knot at Speeders Wait Magistrate D. M. Mickey oi th«. Wilmette court laid aside the cares and worries atjtendant upon speeders and police casfs Monday of this week to engage in the pleasant task of unit- ing in bonds of matrimony a slightly agitated young couple that came out to Wilmette from Chicago. Delbert C. Miller and Miss Lillian Moretti were the happy pair who, at the behest of interested friends, made it a real party by coming out to the suburb for their wedding ceremony. To Canada and Return in 3 Days Some Jaunt To Canada and back in three days, is the latest record on file and that was chalked up by a Ford. The machine was piloted by C. A. Thorsen of the Kenilworth Motor company. Other mem- bers of the party were Mrs. Thorsen and Mr. and Mrs. Clement Ley, who are also of Kenilworth. They left last Fridayjnqrning at 10 o'clock and were back again at 11:30 o'clock Sunday evening. ' . _ Mr. Levy is accustomed to rapid travel, t>eihg KenilworuYs one arid only speed cop. village: of wilmette. proposals wilhette special assessment NO. 143 Wilmette. 111.. September 21, 192«. Sealed proposals for the improve- ment of the central eighteen (18) feet of the Alley South of Block 24, Lake 8hore Addition to Wilmette, and North of the subdivision of Block 2 of Dempster's Addition to Wilmette, Illi- nois, extending from the West line of Seventh Street to the East line of Eighth Street, and the Alley in said subdivision of Block 2 of Dempster'3 Addition to Wilmette, Illinois, in the rear of Lots One (1) to Ten (10) in- clusive, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, by grading, pav- ing with concrete, removing trees, and otherwise improving same in accord- ance with the ordinance and specifica- tions for said improvement, will be re- ceived by the Board of Local Improve- ments of said Village of Wilmette, un- til 7:30 o'clock, P. M., on Thursday, the 4th day of October, A. D., 1923, at which time said, proposals will be pub- licly opened, examined and declared by •aid Board of Local Improvements in the Village Han in said Village of ^Ellmelta----------- â€"----------------~â€" " The specifications for said improve- ment may be seen and examined at the office of the Board of Local Improve- ments in the Village Hall in Wilmette, during all business hours, and blank proposals will be furnished at said of- fice .of-Hie JBoard of Local Improve- ments in said Village Hall Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements, and must he, ad^ -dressed to the Bo^LToTorLocal Improve- ments of the Village oT Wilmette. Wilmette, Illinois, -and endorsed "Pro- $£%&&??!&<%<aB* Hfr&A "Shore Addition to Wilmette," and all Tjn-oposals mrust be accompanied by cash or a check certified by a respons- ible bank, payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Wilmette, lor a sum of not less than ten (10) per- , laentum of the aggregate of the propos- . al and no proposal will b„c consideied unless accompanied by such check oor cash. The contractor will be paid in bonds «nd vouchers, payable solely out of the Assessment for said improvement, When collected, in accordance with provisions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law. The con tractor, to whom <he contract may be awarded will b«--retiu4red to. furnish a. bond'to the satisfaction anaf approval of said Board of Local Imp movements, in a sum equal to fifty ?50) per centum of the contract price conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the contract. Proposals will be received for the Construction of said improvement as a wholer the said Board of Local Im- provements reserves the right to feet any andâ€"aHHMds: ~~~ '. EDWARD ZIPF « t HARRY M. BACHMAN .% •*' CLAUDE E PITCH m PAUL* E. HOFFMAN.... if ALBERT N?PAGE ft LOUIS T. STARKEL ^ FREDERICK TILT â- $ Board of Local Improvements of the * Village of Wilmette. I * L47-ltc same, in accordance with the ordinance and specifications for said Improve- ment, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Wilmette, until 7:30 o'clock. P. M.. on Thursday, the 4th day of October, A. d" 1923; at which time «»^ proposals will be publicly opened, examined and a«x>i«Lr«d bv said Board of Local ira- Prolments Xin the Village Hall in said Village of Wilmette. i«„-„-.. The specifications for said *mP"»v^; ment may be seen and examined at the office of the Board of Local Im- provements in the Village Hall in Wil- mette, during all business *">uâ„¢ an° blank proposals will be ^r_nj£J}fd ** said office of the Board of Locrtl Im- provements in said Village Hall Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements and musrbe ad- dressed to the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Wilmette. Wil mette, Illinois, and endorsed Propos- al for Paving the central, 16 feet of the Alley Jn Block 14, Game's Addition to Wilmette," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash or a check cer- tified by a responsible bank, payable to the order of the President of the- Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal, and no proposal will be considered unless ac- companied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bonds and- vouchers, payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when collected, in accordance with provisions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law. The contractor to whom the con- tract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per centum of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the contract. Proposals will be received for the construction of said Improvement as a whole; the said Board of Local Im- provements reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. ^ EDWARD ZIPF .--^- HARR1T M. BACHMAN CLAUDE E. FITCH PAUL E. HOFFMAN ALBERT N- PAGE â€"- -LOUIS T. STARKEL FREDERICK TILT Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. . L47-ltc VILLAGE OK WILMETTE. PROPOSAL S WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ST©. 147 , ,., Wilmette, 111.. September 21, 1»2& Sealed proposals for the improve- ment of th central eighteen (18)» feet of the Alley in Block 12 in Gage s Ad- dition to Wilmette and &*a#5«{w««2 the West line of Eleventh Street and the East line of Twelfth Street, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Il- linois, by grading, paving with con- crete, removing tree* and otherwise improving same, in accordance with the ordinance and specifications for said improvement, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Wilmette, until 7:30 o'clock, P. M., on Thursday, the 4th dav of October, A D.. 1923, it which time said proposals will be publicly opened, examined and declared by said Board of Local Improvements in the Village-Hall in said Village Of WIT^, mette. The specifications for said improve- ment may be seen and examined at the office of, the Board of Local Im- provements in the Village Hall in Wil- metter^dtrring all business hours, and blank proposals will be furnished at said office of the Board of Local Im- provements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board .of Local Improvements and must be ad- dressed to the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, and endorsed "Pro- posal for paving the central 18 feet of the Alley in Block 12 in Gage's Addition to Wilmette, lying between the West line of Eleventh^Street ^and the East line of T^eltn ?vre« fc metteC£ddbv cash°S? a check certified companied by casn or » j % the by a responsible banK^ pay Board ?»;«« Jin /i6l Der centum of the ag- ^Eontr^r^r^^Tifin bonds Moment «!d *&%oj£Jl when" 88cofimcted. in accordance with nt-Avtaions of the ordinance therefor, ^d ln?the manner prescribed by law. ^ The contractor to whom the contract m*v be awarded will be required to fuXishabond to the satisfaction and approval of said Boar* of Local Im- oi-ovemerits, in a sum equal «, to fifty Pko\ ner centum of the contract price, conditioned foâ„¢ the faithful perform- ance of the contract. Proposals will be received *°r the construction of said, improvement as a whole; the said Board of Local Im- provements reserves the right t> re- ject any and all bids. EDWARD ZIPF HARRY M. BACHMAN CLAUDE E. B^TCH PAUL E. HOFFMAN ALBERT N. PAGE LOUIS T. STARKEL FREDERICK TILT Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L47-ltc Harry Mitchell â- m Iff: III Fall Opening Sale FOR SALE Black Dirtâ€"Manure Fertilizerâ€"Cinders ESLINGER G. WELSH Also Landscape Gardening Phones: Winnetka 1613 or Evanston 9579 Extra Pants Made-to-Order Values Up to $90 It will pay you to make a special trip to Chicago and order your Fall and Winter suit during this sals. HARRY MITCHELL 16-18 East Jackson Boalsvard Hall Block last ©I State St., Chlaag• M t~~ Store Hours Daily 8:30 to 6 Saturdays 9:30 to 9:30 Fountain Square, EVANSTON, Illinois fr VILLAGE OP WILMBTTE. â- ;§ PROPOSALS WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - NO. 144 It Wilmette, 111., Septembr 21, 1925. ',' iM Sealed proposals for the improve- tnent of the central sixteen (16) fe^t of the Alley in Block l^Ga^s Addi- son to Wilmette, in the Village ot ^Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, by Mrading, paving with concrete, remov.- 1 flng trees, and otherwise improving Soft Wool Blankets â€"........--------------------------- «* Come in Attractive Colors and Designs and Are Splendid Values These blankets are the really beautiful wool ones that make for long dreamless nights of sleep; they are warm, comfort- able and light. They come in various attractive colors and have all-over and border de- signs. Splendid blankets with color, warmth and wear all in their favor are perfect blankets for home or college use. They are unusually values and have moderate_4>rices accompanying them. $10.00 to $27.00. ^ 75% Wool Blankets 72x80 Kenwood 'M 'i MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Call or Wtite far Free Booklet. Chronic Cases that fail to respond to other treatments especially solic- itedâ€"But why,-wait for your trouble to become chronic? EHectrical treatments, are especially reei>mtnended in high blood press- ure, nervous troubles, post operative adhesions, Ulcers, accesses and all female troubles. ELECTRO PHYSIOTHERAPY IiS| LABORATORY â€"*-â€"â€" U18 Capitol Bids;. 168N. State 0t ~TeU Dearborn tSft" ^â- ^Mw^M 20x84 All Wool_; Blankets $15,95 Beautiful block plaids in blue, rose, pink, lavender, yellow and grey, soi- sette bound in corresponding colors. 70x80 and 70x84 in plaids and border colorings of finer grade of wool are priced $18.95. _____L___ |" Size 60x80 $10.00 Pr. Soft wool blankets full bleached - ground with pink and blue borders bound with double stitched soisette ^ borders*-........-.-.r...........'ZZ--22"X^~â€".______......___ OffieFmmifrers in the same quality varying in size from 60x80 to 70x8& come in attractive plaids and are priced $10.95, $1130, $12.95. {".'â- ' 70x80 AlLWool Blankets $25.00 Luxurious all Wool blankets in solid colors of apricot, old rose, blue, tan and orchi<h_i Twoj^neoverplaids- are shown in white and rose, white and blue, also white and tan. They are handsomely bound with satin ribbon. |px84 AirWool lvi^^BJUHftkejt8 flilifllijp.; .•--â-  &J Downy white olankets bound with jmde^^sois^fl^-^dgesr-ptev^^ "pmk and blue line borclers. *% Blankets Unusual Values, " Fine Quality, long fibre wool, woven S(LJ6stitbe^^_nap~ wUl-not ^wastr-away; ^th&y come in block plaids of<blue* pink and tan. v You may purchase these Mgfi grade blankets singly at $12.50 eacjh or pair $25;00, tl2xMmWooii Blankels Mftiii^Sili^^^^BS jj&&

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