v';.f A;:>K'â„¢>f#5v -aJ !:;;3fc- f^'v^/mwM^^f THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 31. 1923" Plans ior World** Greateft Urban School October 15 to assist the institution, [sections of the city. It is expected The campaign in Chicago and that eventually this new campus will throughout the rest m lh<S country contate^one of the finest urban edu- will begin the following week and cat,onal centers in the world." last until November 24; In a statement announcing the cam- paign, Mr. Campbell said: N««d $5,000,0M %/Th« colleges of the country have raised well ever $100,000,000 since the war. It is now necessary for North- western to appeal to her alumni and to her friends to come to her support.' The General Education 'Board has promised that if we raise $1,400,000 for endowment, the Board will give us $600,000 for the same: purpose. This fund of $2,000,000 is urgently needed. In addition at least $3,000,- 000 is needed for new buildings, in- cluding buildings " for -women in Evanston. "It is planned to devote part of this latter portion of the fund to the erection of new buildings on the Alexander McKinlock Memorial Cam- ^M_^JL-J*akfi~ Shore_ Drive. -Here^ wnr~be built the Law, Commerce, notice. Dental and Medical Schools of the to patrons OP THE CHICAGO University, which are at preseritJ_NQ£TH shore AND. MILWAUKEE A campaign for $5,000,000 to erect on Lake Shore drive at Chicago f ve- nue, Chicago, the beginnings of one of the greatest urban educational plants in the world will be under- taken by Northwestern alumni on October 22, according to an announce- ment made this week by Robert W. Campbell, chairman ot the campaign. Mr. Campbell, who 4s a member of the law firm of Knapp and Campbell, said that the undergraduates of North- western have voted'to undertake'_a_. caMpaigiTnon OctolSerirto raise their share of the tund, and the city of Evanston where the undergraduate | v«'»«:isivj, «»»*.» »»x. »» ^'^""iT^*^ RAILROAD COMPANY: departments of the university are lo-jtiOused in entirely inadequate and 7jfae Chicago North Shore and Mil- cated will undertake a campaign on' antiquated buildings in two different waukee Railroad Company hereby Realtors Would Start Brokers9 Law Classes A Real Estate Law course for bro- kers and salesmen only was one of the important matters to come before the Evanston Real Estate board at a recent meeting. Mr. Reeves, an instructor from the Y.M.C.A. school of Chicago, was pres- ent and outlined what a course in Real Estate law would cover. The course would be designated to meet the every day needs of real estate men in the making out of legal documents. A committee consisting of D. C. Malin, Ben Solomon and H. Dyer Bent was appointed to look after the arrangements for such a course and if enough men can be secured to make the wOrk, worth while the course will be. put on this iall. .- â€" SIves notice tp the Public thai it lias led with the Illinois Commerce Com- mission of the State of Illinois, an ap- plication for a certificate of con- venience and neoeMity to operate a* motor vehicle for the transportation of passengers, over the following: route, to Wit: From the City of Chi- cago to the City of "Svanston and westerly in the city of Evanston on Dempster Street therein to what is known as the Waukegan Road, thence northerly on the said Waukepran Road to the village of Glen View and also for the' right to operate such motor vehicles, etc., from the City of Chicago to. the State Line between the States of Illinois -and Wisconsin thru the City of Evanston, Village of Wilmette} Village of Kenllworth, Village of Win- netka, Village of Qlencoe, City of Highland Park, City of Lake Forest, Village of Lake Bluff, City of North Chicago, City of Waukegan, City of Zlon and theâ€"Village of Winthrop Harbor. ' - ..... All parties interested In this pro- Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 _______J* j^ CANTON â€"----- Wilmette Branch Mgr. North Shore- Hotel, Evanston 6400 \i Million Cash Returned by auto insurance de- partment in 1922 j|§fffif: cejedlng may obtain information as to time and place of hearing upon sajd . application by addressing the J§3£lKl#l retary of the Illinois Commerce Com- Smm mission, at Springfield, Illinois. i-Mstl CHICAGO NORTH SHORE 'AND Ul»$lM MILWAUKBfi RAILROAD^a>MPAN|rV St By BrlttoiTl. Budd, President. $-$m CAN YOU SELL REAL ESTATE? EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN- ity for one or two residents of Wilmette, iKentlworth, Win- netka or Glencoe to sell real estate in these towns. We have large listings and are in constant touch- with high grade buyers. Experience de- sirable, but not so important as < other qualifications. Write or . phone for interview. ?| FREDERICK B. THOMaII AND CO., REALTORS : Specialists in North Shorn Suburban Main 3121 10 S. LaSalle St. EXPECT GREAT THINGS I Approach your first drive in die.ri^^fiL.. C)adillacvwith great expectatidiii^T^t xh& things which you expect from^lhis par exceed anything which you have previously experienced. Expect first of all a smoothness of perform- ance that heretofore you have regarded as an ideal rather than an attainable reality. For such is the major contribution of the new Cadillac V-TypefOV^h^y1^^ engineâ€"balanced even igbre accurately, and perfectly compensated to harmonize with every power impulse. Expect an even greater degree of driving safety than that for which Cadillac has always been praised ^For C^djllg^iour-whedL brakes, perfected by TJadillac engineers after long and exhaustive research, provide such added safety. ^Expect even deeper admiration from your friendsâ€"admiration which must inevitably result from the greater beauty, harmony and artistry of the new V- 63 body designs. For in body styles also, Cadillac has advanced its own tfuperb standards. Expect all of these things and more. Expect great power, speed and flexibilityâ€"greater luxury, ease and comfort. ^ Abundantly, indeed, will these great expec- tations be realized in the new V-63 Cadillac JL^ «ZTL 13r\«/: -»<# CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CHICAGO BRANCH wj».«^«~ MM,* of CtntratMohn Corporation ., ^â€" 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE EVANSTON BRANCH 1820 Ridft Awtnu* Community Branche*: . WEST SIDE BRANCH 4660 W. WsshlDfton Blv<L BROADWAY BRANCtf S139 flsoedwsf r *. -----------------^^^^^T^^T^^TZbw v «x are NOW ON DISPLAY AT AIL THE CADILLAC SHOWROGfttS. IMMEDIATE