Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1923, p. 11

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To Lead Discussions on World Conditions; . /TJNhE Discussions interpretative of * ll» Current Events will begin Wednes- day afternoon, October 31 at 2:30 o'clock at the Wilmette .Woman's club under* the leadership oi R. ]& Pajfctison Kfttu?. The subject fdr the first tneet- ing will he "An Analysis of World Conditions." |i^ G. Wells said not long ago "Modern Civilization is not going to be destroyed; tnodern civilization is like, a wrecked ship, sunk half wfcjr beneath ithe waves.*',--'Hear- this lecture for means of fortii^ own judgment. .'l-l'-^piet second discussion will ^rry as its ititfe: ,-&An InrantorJ: of Our Own Na- tional Health," and among other topics, isaibject to change, however, are; \ ^^^"Ppo«TOM.X»hor,.ftt Home and Abroad."- Wm^^m^?$®®: ^--y li^The Balkan and World Eeate;'*^ ff^The Threat of Backward Peoples." I f "The"Coining National Election: £onr servative, Radical antf^Reactionary." ."Can the Scientists;&atefctj$?2.,:&i; ffi?How many of ;pi; have thorough knowl- edge of history to enable lis-to reason from cause to effect and ioran any judg- ment or «(raw any conclusion in the present confusion of the Worlds affairs. This is the day of specialization and Mr. Kline's specialty is just this; His talks have^ been Welcomed .':fcy: attentive audiences all over the country. We are fortunate to have them this year and who, reading this remarkable list of subjects, feels, that even one of them can be missed. - Sorority Pledget Winnetka Club to Have ^3-1 Luncheon on October 4 RESERVATIONS for the luncheon given by the Winhetka Woman's club on Thursday,^ October 4, at 1 o'clock, should be made through Mrs. Arthur ^H. Woodward pr any member of her committee, namely, Mrs. Francis M. Case, Mrs; Alfred D. Edwards, Mrs. John Edgar Freeman, Mrs. Roswell B. Mason, and-Mrs. William G. Woolfoik. All reservations accompanied by checks should be m by noon pn Tuesday, Octb- ber 2. ^ Following the luncheon a delightful program has been arranged by Mrs. CarpiLQody PhanstiehJ^irsu_ifelen Ab- -^bott-Byfielci^nd Mrs. Grace L. Orcutt. They will present "Three Famous Wom- en irt^Poetry and Song." The Marion Philbrick jdancersT oi Chicago: will' con- clude the program with several specialty numbers. ' \L______r_7.' •" " -iâ€"November^ ISib ' Is, 'Wirtti^&a Poets. Day. ^e^iffi^eTwll^bTpieased W receive poems from any person living- in Winnetka. A signature must be at- tached to the poetry. Mia. John Ven- nema, chairman of the committee, is being assisted by Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. George Frazer, Mrs. John Mont- gomery, Mrs. James Richards and Mrs. Ezra Taylor. WomanV City Giub Issues â€"Invitation to North Shore THE many North Shore members of Woman's City Club of Chicago will be interested in an informal reception to be given by the/Club to the city administration £nd their wives in the Club" Lounge on the evening of Octo- ber 4th from 8 to 10 o'clock. With Mayor Dever and the other leading mem- ^bers of his administration as the guests • of honor, this reception promises to be one of the biggest social events on the Club calendar. Members are requested to remember the date and bring their husbands and friends. Northwestern university sororities have announced the following -pjedgjes-r'.^f-^'-.- Kappa Kappa Gamma: Dorothy Burke, Virginia Beymer, Ruth Bracken, Eliza- beth. Fowler, Helen Barbara Greer, Alice Howard, Dorothy Hanley, Priscilla Lowe, Harriet Mae Chesney, Jean Mel- ville, Ruth Nerbovig, Helen Pancoast, Helen Peterson,'.. Esther Rhodes, Ruth Schoenthaler, Eulah Stevens, Eloise Taylor and Elizabeth Wilcoxon. : 1:/ _ Kappa Alpha Theta: Wilma Copper, Virginia Fair, Arlent Fischer, Carolyn Fosdick, Grace Gridley, Virginia Helm, Margaret Jarvis, Susanne Moffatt, Jeanett McFadden, Blanche Nichols, Marian Oates, Margaret Row, Helen Sargent, Flora Stewart and Letha ..Stevens..:, ...^I'V ?.,,,'.:',.,' Delta Gamma: Dorothea Felt, Dorothy De Reimer, Ruth Clarke, Virginia Euy- dam, Betty Randall, Mary Elizabeth Gas- ket Harriet Childs, Emily Longwell, Adelaide Howard and Marge Hyatt. Alpha Omicton Pi: Dorisâ€"Arnold, Beth Stanford, Helen Campbell, Lola Busian, Margaret Rittenhouse of Bour- bon, Ihd. ; .Charlotte Ross of Virden, 111.; Lydia Springer of Kenilworth, 111., Lucy Stoddard of La Grange 111.,; and Fran- ces Suddard of Two Rivers, Wis. â-  Chi Omega: Margaret Anderson, Ethel Arison, Catherine Dignam, and Caroline Richards of Chicago; Ethel Blackford of Lewistown, Mont.; Emily May Dunn of Oak Park; Myrtrj McGaugh of Wichita, Karis,; : Gertrude Mulon of Evanston; Beatrice Pence of Ravinia, 111., Eliza Snook, Ruth Batterson, Rita Biondi, Blanche McGregor, Mildred Tames, Vivian Swanson, Frances Farr, Mary Stevenson, Katherine Hodgson,; and Marjorie Schmidt. ^ -^ '| Delta Delta Delta: Madge Bogafd, Hope Collins, Gertrude Fritz, Lela Heas- ton, Thelma Gifford, Clara Louise Binz, Helen Chivington, Ruth Faunt, Lucille Kruwel, Marguerite Podd, Margaret Wasson and Lillis Murray. Fall Term Now Open;in <g|:«fIfPiatio Instruction â-  J ^ >;: â- :&£&$ TelephoneKWihnette 1385 cf * Telephone ^irinetfc&^*li MABELLE A. HIGGINS 4 4 v Pianist'^ Xeacher ,^, ^:<'0-t. ii^2 Scott Aveniie*-^^^^ y*Ho sTMichigon Avenue M!)m'..i,iV.......... â- WP Alpha Gamma Delta: Alice Barron, Nola Bowers, Henrietta Branton, Je^an Burnett, Bernice Johnson, Bertha Johns- ton, Ruth Rogers and Edna Swoboda. f Alpha Phi; Ruth A^rnold, Betty Date, Betty Schwartz,' Anne Locher, Margaret Schofield^ Betty Rich, Peggy Sherer Elizabeth Anne Hughes, Edna Mayhew, Edith Dillon, Ruth Dyche, Lucile Can- node, Charlotte Hopkins, Virginia Cope- land, Annie J. Howell, Arbie Stewart, Florence Heath and Dorothy Obson, Delta Zeta: Virginia! Schmitz, â-  "Viola Themann, Joy Tibbetts, Harriet Larson, Margaret Parket, Lois Berry, Mary Mina Hemb, Beatrice Tear, lilary Eliza- beth Jones, Cornelia jones^' Catherine Bullock, and Letha Ostrander^ I Delta Omicron: Alice Morris and [Mary Leeper. Omicron Alpha: Alice Chenoweth and Loretta Chenoweth," of- Albany, Mo.r Dorothy Metz and Ariel Thorpe, of Evanston, 111. RAZOR BLADES Sharpened Mail us your old dull safety razor blades. We will sharpen them like new and mail back to you. Double edge blades.. .3Sc dosen Single edge blades .. .25c dosen Satisfaction guaranteed â€" 24 hour service.. Give us a trial. i</bunhxtrv Square ♦ ' A* »VANi:gTQ.N y Teacher of French Conversation Special Method for Song Diction Mrs. Henry J. Smith 806 Oalwrood Avenue " â- '•^p^^WiCai'gTTEy Illi^r^ Room 424. The Fine Arts iBIdg. ty Chicago Wednesday Aflernoons TELEPHONE WII.METT1S 193 REZELLA GOLDSTINE Pianist and Teacher Assistant at the OSCAR DEIS STUDIO -"W^iliiewdays. and Prldaya, 12 to 5 1200 Central Ave^ Phone 084-31 '«S|;-'*SH WII^HBTTB i HANNAH SCHUMANN Pianist «â- * Assistant Teaeher ::?P.L- OsdAk DEIS STUDIO:J^W Wednesdays and Friday*, 12 to % 1200 Central Ave., Phone 984-Bf â- 'â- - -..-. W1LMETTE"-. H'i-^^^jgjiJS^ggfggi â- ii;iiiiiiiWiiVimi)»iiji^*l^;;!rt3piiia^ Winifred Townsend Violin&t Studio, Brown Bldg., Wilmette Res. 779 Foxdai*e Avenue ..... .'WINNETKA L J m id Mrs. Oscar Deu are arranging their ..*!$$ TEACHING SCHEDULE i piIro (SlassIs ^^^â- SEAsoN- "i923-mim^m ft200 CENTRAL AVTJ./1 (Wilmette State Bank Bldg.)& Phone Wilmette 98 4-M (Chicagro Address) 900 CAPITOL BLDG. • Phone Dearborn "7374 THE PIANO OSCAR DEIS STUDIOS stand for what is highest and best in the ART of teaching; MUSIC and directing music education. : ADOLPHBOLM ^ SCHOOL of the DANCE Regular Session, Sep- tember 4 to Ju«e-14. Courses in Ballet, Toe, Character Dane- ing, Pantomine, Dal- croze Eurythmics. Stage Costuming and ^qUc Danoin^..- -^ â- ;â- ;-iSis Mr. Bolm assisted by an eminent faculty. Tryouts for Opera Ballet being held 624 So. Michigan Blvd., Har. Chicago. Catalog upon re- Jorg Fasting, Sec* b^ Dr. L. W. Jones Physician and Chiropractor .._ OnJDetober lstj-f "will move^ny t>fHces fronM:he Bf^whâ€"Building, to the new Roekhold Building, Suite 4. __ ~ i__^ ^^M^^i-3^ Central Ave..;;:::\£>. - " Same Telephoiieâ€"Wilmette 2557 As-a ^hysieian^and Surgeon, I employ medicine necessary^ but also ^ive Chiropractic and a^hie spmal rreaftnerr^^ -when tine Vibrations and the application of the High Frequency Violet Ray. __ l^ ~X~â- â- â- â- ' Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted rv Hme a Vacation Vacation-time brings needed rest and relaxation â€" except to your EYES. Not only does travel ex- pQSC them to cinder*, mnlrg end coal gaf, but days spent in the open result In irritation by sun, wind and dust. y:;:r\, - .'â- â-  Troe*or«id"rest your JtYtS this summer with Murine. This time-, tested lotion instantly soothes and refreshes irritated EYES^-~^ir^~- EYES cleansed daily with Murine are always dear, bright and beau- - tifuL It's perfectly harmless--con- tains no belladonna or other harm- ful ingredients. â- '?:'hi?^M$^&& OurattractlvelyUhutrttt€dbooktt'B€a»tty UUm Within the Byea," tells how to pnp^ erb care for yottrEyea, Brow* emdLiuhmg "a copy of this helpful hop*. It's Murine Eye Remedy Cot -â€"Dept. 34, Chicago" VlbuwEVlES" CURRENT EVENTS CLASS |A* course ql le^ttires on Current Evente- aM Book previews % Mrs, Anthony Merrill ^ill be held at thel Winnetka Woman^s club, Wednesday morning att 10:30 o'clock, from October 10 to Nc*- tcmber 14 inclusive. The course will then be resumed January ^ 1$24. MISS COX RETURNS Miss Rose Cox will open dancing classes at the Brown Building in Wil- mete on Tuesday, October 9, and at the Kenilworth club, Friday, October 12. Miss Cox has studied the Russian and INSTRUCTIONS Violin and Puma ' ? V^at^your home â€"^ For information call Wilmette 204 Dancing Enthusiasts! Classes in Toe and Aesthetic danc- ing are now being formed by Viola M.Specht I'.. â-  . â-  .â- ';. Both class and private lessons given. Russian, Technique and Ballet Work a Specialty. ..._- . . - .-.....-........-.............-- ^~ For Particulars Phone Wilmette 5 Or y^t ;-;. Call at 1136 Greenleaf Ave., Wil. |taliatit Ballet methods and found sow interesting; rhylhmic dancing Mul ;abroad last^^ir,! V$0&*fcsl phases- c- the modem ballroom dancing will h introduced in f?i^ie> .^.jialfcoom.i, dincjus classes. "" '*"* kv- "^"Â¥^:^*^^^^^^^.-!Mm^Â¥fi% Mcdowell school 1 5 8. WabMk Are. Pearbera 3173 Established 1876 « _DRE9SMAKINO, MILLINBRV Designing, Cutting and Tailoring quickly taught for business and Easy term».fe]pij>lo|n» awarde " Send for catalogue. mm ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ + * # ♦ * ♦ + * + * * * + + + Ycm p^«,phonf Witttrette 2|6 ai|d arrartge an appointment with M#. M^rtte M* H<fe* kins -r^ whose sp^eialty ^s Piano, ,Jhstruc|ion. 7:^MM fc;.. â- 'â- She teaches}^:j:^^^lm^S^ -4,i .;":â-  ^XHEOBYjmmA. Mrs. Hopkins has had years of experience. T^;f^!li|||iip" â- *!*â- '" ^ssfeplii' Myrtle M. Hopkins â- m.......^.^ Bachelor of Music^v.^'NI^ :'l#^l'||^ Post Graduate M$$*i&$ JiipS American Conservatory '-if ::*iiilw ",:..j, Mwaic,';cwci^^|f::i|Ii^ ♦♦♦<â- â- Â»â™¦Â»â™¦â™¦Â»â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ JWJSEb,00X â€"--â€": CHfLDREN'S BANCING CLASSES^ Rythmic, Classic and TpeOanemg, Tuesday, October S^ 3 P. M. Brown Bldg., 1159 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette. BALL ROOM DANCING J~~ZlSmm 12, 3:15" to 6:15 Kenilworth Club, Kenilwortli.i Friday October Illinois. ^Private Lessons tor~adults by appointmentrT Telephones, Arm-, itage 0729, Kenilworth 1656, Wilmette 109, before 9:30 if convenient. .*J>Vw£k. *.*^d>*,» <e$F7-r,-r'&-it*<: Mfs.|pertrude Lees Roberts? ,J announcing the re-evening of her Piano Studio ^^S^&S^fc^^^K^fe %Wm^-r â- â€¢^'ir-'?;. Marie Veatch fl'tff|i|:^", announces; the opening 6f ll^ctoher 6th, for the Season of 1923-19241 V t: iHer outline of study includes the most advanced ideas in ^ ^fr^?flASSICAL and INTBRPRBTIVB DANCING' i I |# |Also the latest innovations for Ballroom and Stage I * '"'\ ^ . clogging and soft shoe |? A S Studio ** September 28 T EVANSTON WOMAN'S QLU9 FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1702 Chicago Av«. >v Registration Day MO The North Shore Montessori School â- :â- :â- Â£':â- . * • for Children from 3 to 7 years of age -^-wiH-begin-'its^ eighth; year t>n :.^cT;K^ AY, OCT. 1, at the WINNETKA WOMAN'S CLUJB OAK STREET, WINNETKA Mrs. Annci George Millar will supervise the work of the first and second grades < Addressâ€"miss dorothy sears 417 Warwick Rd.. Kenilworth, Phrni* TC«>n \t\ 1 0RAMAXIC& Expression H%$H& SJTVKMY* OCtOBERMW, {Formerly held at M* W9^ Country Cl\ib ^ announced later Foa Information Call Whmbtts 728-R "•â- â- v i.-,\.,)i.[ l?!f!1^Wl!^mm ..;-;;;_.-â- ;- ;-:^;Etiqtjette^|Deportment f%-r.:^^^ Class and Private Lessons for Children and Adults 11^ r ^ ~ ^ Third Season Opens .-4: -^"'i^i^wSPflS' â- Mtii^^mS^M': Ili^SppiSSjlISS^ &.!Â¥*&â- â-  Wl^^i^^^^^^^M^'^^Mw^ii^, l:^SSi'iliMJe£iMi&iM ;':^^^^^^S^S^^^^&'~:--'-M-v:\'\:S.;- z^-'^^^^MIi^^^SsM^^M^^Mj.^ ^^:r:^- SSiM^^^^tt ifeii&^d

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