liyniiijlWl'lllili.tf1.' iiiWWiiWiII " «»""' n.MP'W 14 TMF T AKE SHORENEWS/FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 1 saaas:;^ ,.................*......^......-..- â- â- â- â- THELAKESHORENEWS --.: Established 1*1 J witfa which is «»»>lMd^ THE WILSETTE L4>CAl> IEWS Established 1S»» EACH WBEK ISSUED FRIDAY OF" ufiDAOLunnnc. 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, DL QUICK WORK! It is said on high authority that a classified ad often puts orte on The Road to Happiness. Let's gof Wltaette MO* fWswcmiPTiox ttM A TBAB All communications naoat be *=*<rat- aaaied by the name and address oT tfte writer. Articles for publication sfeoald J2X the editor by Wednesday noon to tesnre appearance in current iwpc- Resolutions of condolence, cards of tfeanks. obituary, poetry. ȣ*£?» ^.en- tertainments or other ,???£* .*£eZt /Madrnittance charge will be made or •TcoUection taken, will be charged at ^ne^nlar advertising rates. fentered at the pestofllce *t%JJl'25*JS Iflfnois. as mail matter °* «*« -econd class, under the act of Marco *, !â- »?»• FRIDAY. SEPTEMER 28, 1923 Separate the Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Truck Road. Take Signs Off Trees. NORTH SHORE SYMPHONY CONCERTS Seven evening concerts for adults and six in the afternoon for children, theories beginning October 15 and closing April 21. Thirty-five men in the evening orchestra; twenty-five in the afternoon. These items offer a season such as is the privilege of few com- munities to enjoy. If any of the subscribers are dreading the win- ter they need only think of these concerts stretching into the spring of 1924, to feel that the coming months are not threaten- ing but promising. Were the auditorium of New We were standing in Braun's Tire Shop at the corner of Oak Street arid Prouty Annex a week ago last Thursday, talking with one of the Braun Brothers about life and the weather. Glancing^ west we saw a car, driven by a young woman, com- ing across " the Northwestern tracks at a brisk pace. It turn- ed north on the private road leading to the station. As the road was somewhat rough the car bumped a bit and in so. doing shook out from a golf bag a golf club. . We ran out, retrieved the club, a driver, tried in vain to get the attention of the owner, and final- ly left the club at Braun's. A little later we stepped into the offices of Lloyd Hollister, Inc.. in Wilmette, where our eye happened to light on an ad. just received, telling of the loss of two golf clubs, a driver and a spoon. . Could one of these be the driver we had left at Braun's? We called up the number given in the ad. Yes, the driver belonged to her. Later the same day, she. a well-known golf champion, called at Braun's and got the driver. I All these events happened in four or five hours and a little one-inch want-ad put the loser on The Road to Happiness. We don't know whether she found the spoon. WILIKETTE'S NEW CHIEF Wilmette is fortunate in lav- ing for its new superintendent of police a man so able and so ex- perienced as Major Denman. Whether a community is to be progressive or not depends to a great degree upon the qualities of the man at the he%d of the police department. If he'is a wise, conscientious, and courag- eous executive all forms of crime will decrease, and the village it- self will gain a reputation as a law-abiding community. The appointment of Major Denman augurs well for the future of Wilmette. The building and loan associa- tions are under the direct super- vision and regulation of the State. The interests of all members are legally protected. The extreme pleasure we take in talking of ourselves should make us fear that we give very little to those who listen to us. * * We have more indolence in the mind than in the body. The reason lover* are n#*cr wearyM being together is that Wf always are talking of themselves. We oiten vQ&bm those who weary us, but never those whom we weary. •: 'â- ' • â- • - â- ':: â€"^Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR aUB Established 1906 _^ J. a STANTON Wilmette Branch Mgr. North Shore Hotel, Evaaston 34 Million Cash Returned by auto insurance partment in 1922 de- the Lmle Symphony Orchestra would face each evenings an audience of 1500 persons, but because it is not large enough, 350 citizens desirous of attending, are excluded/' The problem of providing for these desirable auditors .was dif- ficult,4>ut handled in a way char- acteristic of North Shore com- mittees. Instead of neglecting these persons the directors*©!? tiie symphony concerts worked out a plan by which they can hear at least one concert. Had these directors' simply said ito tbese 350 people, ><We*re sorry, but we have n<5 more room/* and then gone on to con- fine their responsibilities to car* ing for the actual subscribers, blamed. May we not congratulate our- selves on having as our fellow citizens men and women of such high ideals? Ruth Cross, nine years old*, read the advertisements offering SIOO for "a' new name for our Wilmette paper. She -might have thought that she would have no ^chance against older competitors. But she accepted the invitation and went to work. She offered \he name, WIL- METTE LIFE,*#rote a short, sim- ple, condse^e&saj*'- supporting her choice, an^jpaJleS it to our office. In due wm^fhe ' judges had studied carerujSjg all suggestions and essays and gave'the award'toRuth Cross. '" " *\ ViC. It's the old and ever new story of the value tff ambition^ The books and speeches of the world are full ofC'it. Preachers and poets com- mend it. Every Aniferica^ score! LETS GO The air is full of it! The days of new beginnings are at hand. Days when we say little- ^mis of the past and much of the future. **" Our minds and hearts are hill of * enterprise and enthusiasm. Every- body$ carries a program. No one cares for reviews. All over America, schools are opening to throngs of young people new : buildings and new. courses. Teachersrare measuring the long avenues jof educational possibilities leading over distant horizons. In our own community the vari- ous civic enterprises are standing -â- â- at the /.threshold ready to begin. Community House is getting under way; soon<. its manifold activities will be in full operation. Church * organizations, too, are taking up the work of^jfie new year % with /j#gor and rallying round their â€"stanoaTos. DONT SPOIL THE TREES Take the signs off the trees! Doubtless on your property there are several elms or oaks of which you are justly proud. Can you imagine the ugliness of having nailed to them real estate \Vjny disfigure our village trees? Why not put the signs on posts? You admire a beautiful piece of property, with niceljrclipped,, bor- ders" cut, flower beds free from weeds, trees cafefully trimmed* An entire village treated in the samessensitjle way will look just as attraenve^and will iney^yyi draw buyers of real estate and prospec- tive residents. RECENT SIGNS OF GROWTH One way traffic rule for Wil- mette Avenue. No left-hand turn at Wilmette and Central af ter 4^3& p. m. : "â- 5 r The North Shore Theatre Guild gives :fts first play in October, The first concert of the Little Symphony OrchfOTI ;1s announced for Octo- ber \M The Winnetka Woman's Field I Hockey Club started its prac- tice oW September 24. The Wom- an's Cltth isactive^r r '" Surely anyone who"desires the W& SK? fullest exercise of his powers can And his place^n some one or more of these and other organizations. If lie does not'feome an active member he will have omy Ipmself to blaifne for being left Wmi^^^ ^ Come on! Let's go! Wilmette. engages a superinten- dent j>L^aike at $4,000 a year. New Trier Orchestral Associa tion plans seven evening concert with an orchestra of ,35 men, and six afternoon conceriiL__~j- Mechanical Drawing is added to grade school courses in Wilmette. .North Shore buiseslruii^regularly between Wilmette and country town^wesFtmd^iir^^ gan road. When we cannot find content- ment in ourselves it is useless to seek it elsewhere. ^ ~' 1_ r: Grace Forbes Shop Gowns Frocks Hats Sports Apparel ^ Making Remodeling Hoyburn Theatre Bldg. 013 Davis St. Et. 74vT €-m Co*pe %HE facts of the matter are that MOON engineers design MOON cars, not only to sell today but with such lively appreciation of their future that a MOOlS car bought now can be pur- chased with the full assurance that in one, two or five years it will not be out of date. To conserve your motor car invest- ment drive a MOON. Suburban Motor Sales 1029 DAVIS STREET Phones 8798*8799 Evanston, Illinois 00 N Have ^ :V ».».. ....__, !'^1 J- to the Lincoln Park^Aquariumi It contains hundreds upon hundreds of fish and reptiles of the most extraordinary interest, and yet many people never think pf coming excepting dutifully to "bring the children"â€" until they themselves discover what a fascinating show it is. But that's only one of the interesting things ih Lincoln Parkw&. There are, as w^U, jnuseujiis^jzo^k^aLgar4e^^ other material for entertainment and education*'^^,^i;:J4S^^SS^5S And Lincoln Park is only one of the Chicago Parks that offers oneS park inj^systemj)f thousands of acres with hundreds of buildings. > Yisit a Chicago Park next Sunday. YouTl want to come many inpre --------------it's a delightful and scenic trip by the North Shore Line, r â- £â- â- NORTH SHORE ii%/i'i. iÂ¥* Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee R JRl Col -"Wilmette Passenger Station S fe Tel^iwine 2514 ^^ ^ S S.l:'-""}*^^^^- »?= ^M^MSiMs^am^Smm