Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1923, p. 18

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fepfflSpPIBfiSlH ' '-.^ &» T ^<SdRE NEWS; FRIDAY^SH^^iJ 1923 dayman's Sunday Will be observe the church in accordance with the pro- gram of the denomination; on Sunday, September 30. At the Morning service, Mr. Edwin Phelps, one of the founders jo? the church will speak. Mr. Phelps has fust left his law practice to assume one &( the leading secretarial positions of the Baptist denomination as General becre- tary of the Baptist Young People s Union bf "America. As it is one of the few high ppMtionsHn religious work which is occupied by a layman, his remarks will be very appropriate for the occasion. I he Wilmette Baptist Choral Society furnish the music, »a the North Shore .- The ChicagoAssociation of Congtega- ^^^^er°{e7gue of tuAeran tional chur^hea:^ place at die Parish « semi-annual meeting at the South bnore xoung re v m u 1S ex- will * T A special Evening service will be held _it the Xhurch at 7:30, at which Rev. Bruce Kinney, D. D., District Secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission society and a national authority on In- dian work, will present his new lecture "*mi Missions to the American Indians, illustrated with a set of new slides which have hitherto not been shown. A general Invitation to the public is cordially given to bear Dr. Kinney. ♦ The Wilmette Baptist church is lo- cated at the corner of Wilmette and (Forest avenues and welcomes all to its Services. The Pastor, Rev. Franets C. Stiller may be reached at his study dur- ing the mornings or by appointment. I he Church Office in charge of Miss Mattie 3ean Badger is open from 9-5 daily ex- cept Saturday, and from 9-12 on Satur- days. The Church Telephone is ^y^^ ^ttr ^S,^^.^,,?:^;..,.....:â-  'â- -- - â- â-  â- -:â- â-  The second session of the first semester Of the School of Missions will meet on Wednesday. The Junior Class will, meet in Children's Hall at 3:30 in the after- noon, and the Young People's Class led hy Mrs. W. Carey Matthews,, and the Adult Class led by Professor Edmund IX $oper will meet at 7:30 with class session for one hour followed by Devo- tional Period and the School Assembly -9-o^efoekr-----------â- â-  . â- ...: ...â€"r~~~â€" „ semi-annual meeting Congregational church This church will b^ reAreseVteiJ^??w and Mrs. S. A. Lloyd, Mrs. L. S^ffi Miss Martha Jenkins from the ^uiW, and Miss Esther Dunshee from the. Sun- da v School. A cordial invitation is ex- Sd^ to all who may find it possible to attend. ^ The Roosevelt.Troop Boy Scouts will meet at headquarters at 7.15 P. M. Wednesday evening^ at 8 o'clock ^the Preparatory service for the fall com- munion will be held.. Thursday hold an all the Cozy Corner Circle will day meeting at the cjh,ujec% The mov«ig picture film, JfeJ^f! Days^-of Pompeii" will be exhibited^ the Village Theatre Thursday under the auspices of the Wilmette Alumnae_of the Northwestern university, with Mrs. Karl D. King as. chairman, .^ex- hibitions will .be given :â-  2 -s3»^|w-Jj*J and 9:00. The proceeds will be added to the fund for the new Woman s Build- ing on the Northwestern campus. House at Libertyville, 111- - -- wn petted that a large number of the w mette Junior and Senior Societies wu attend/ Those who are fi£»ngi^ tate the Milwaukee Electric to Laker mun Junction and transfer to.the ^*Jgâ„¢ cijfcl address of the day. It will also he the farewell appearance of Pastor Richard Burger, of Waukegan, m this Zorfe, of the League, since he is soon to tenter upon his work at Milwaukee. Sunday afternoon and evening also marks an important meeting of the Lu- theran Sunday; School League, of Chi- cago and vicinity at the VMj^tPwAs Lutheran church, La Salle Jgnd Goethe sfreetsi-Chicap, 111. The speakers are the Pastors, H. B. ^^S^ and ?• Fi S^rJ^clSk^tancheon meeting begins at «> o s|nce ^ wU1 be ^rrr to contfnue till 9 o'clock. sessions __ the monthly meeting » u_ „d Soce y tato ^ brary Hall. A v jr o( the is ^o1t«SdThf members are course al. expected to be there. of to go to desiring asked to make this on the Friday preceding. Ihe Sacrament known to the paj On the evening of Sunday, 7 the Pastor, Mr. Mayer, will the pulpit of St. Paul's church, 0 mowoc, Wisconsin, to deliver a mis ary address. \'7^/'"-":,; The Young People meet at Library h3I at 8 on Thursday evening. Boh . t -«r and Senior D visions will the J«n|or *"*â- *£?' evening to formu, have a meeting on this evening w late plans for a working and a social program for the coming seasoflr-------x~ Holy Communion will be celebrated at St John's on Sunday, October 7 in the 11 Vclock service. The preParatory serv- â-  begins, at 10:45 o'clock and those L ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf and Seventh William Guise, Pastor Services for September 30â€" J â€"Btble-Schoot-al: "91457~We were vi much pleased with the attendance Rally Day. We trust the many par who were present to enjoy the progr; will come every Sunday, The the lessons in the Adult class i&r Friday will be Woman's Day at the Church. There will be a meeting for White Cross Work at 10:30 in the morn- ing. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 . and the program of the day'will follow at 2 o'clock with adjournment at four. A Kindergarten for small children is maintained during the Morning service so that parents may attend JheJ^orship _JHour,. .- . -â- â€"-â-  - V."~ -. -::-^".'"""~":-"r"'^r 'S-'fehe Bible school â- â€¢^W^^«i^»^»llPf'Wwti>1lttrj |l graded instruction for all classes. The "4, Adult department meets at 10 o'clock. SThe Wilmette Baptist Choral society will-meet for weekly rehearsal at 7:45 on Thursday evening. SThe regular monthly meeting of the > Department of Religious Education will 7 be, held this evening in ChiWren's Hall. llThe Senior B.-Â¥r^riJr^OT~meeTaT lSi30/in the afternoon in Children's Hall. The Deciding Crisis in a Great Career. Maybeâ€"yours is a great career. Maybeâ€"you know when you made tne right or wrong decision affecting your whole career. m' /. . v n Maybeâ€"this question is still puzzling yon. . „„ Maybeâ€"your opportunity is here or vet to come. . . - x , . .. i ' Maybeâ€"you'will be interested in the discussion of some phases of this ques-} tion next Sunday morning at 11 :UU o'clock at the Presbyterian church. Uoder-th/newly reorganized plan of the Woman's Society, there were one hundred and fourteen women present at the luncheon meetings of the^ several "Spokes^ -Tuesday, September 25. Senior Christian Endeavor started off with a bang last Sunday evening.- If you were not there, don't miss- it next Sunday evening. Ruth Davidson is to be the leader; her topic announced is "Triumphs of Missions." 5:30 P. M. Midweek service Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Triangle I of the Girl Reserves will meet at the church this, Saturday, Sep- tember 29; at 7:00 in the morning, prte- paratory Co an ail-day hike and cabob roast. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH • The Junior Girl Reserves will meet for their first regular meeting this_faU+ in the church next Tuesday, October 2, at 3:30 P; Mv------- â€" _^ •ftroop 5 of the Boy Scouts will meet m the church Monday night at 7:30. Jmiioj^Scouts^^iU-ineet-r^4da^^ noon at 3:45. It is the plan that this group will participate in an all-day hike Saturday. ^i-A K^d: - ..^^X-^r-râ€"^-- f^p^mght the deacons aiid trustees are r^eiving in the parlors of the church *' hi honor of Rev. and Mrs. Bryan S. y Stoffer, missionaries of the church who Bare about to go to India under the ap- %ndintment of the American Board. Mcm- fbers of the parish ajnd friends are cor-i *|!dially invited; Reception from 8 until ||l^„,o^loclcv^4^Hi:v â- â- :;-^-- :MMii:M^M' -' irlrTheBoy^ Scouts are very Ipsy with flmg plans for the near future^fThey 'in* Intend to keep Roosevelt Troop 2 oa the llaipye :fprward,v:;,;:,. - â-  ,-•,,, ^my- v Sunday morning is Promotion Day in our Sunday School. The entire lesson period^ will be given over to the prografn the graduating classes.^ From the !adle Roll to the Beginners* Depart- ment there will be 7 little folks graduat- ing.. Eighteen children will move on into the* Primary Division, while from; that department "25 graduate into the Junior section. Twenty Juniors will move up a step into the Intermediate Department. Beginning the first Sunday in- October classes will be completely reorganized and finally arranged for the coming wuv tor months...... .!.,,,wJ.^. ^^sk:^'^,^m§^ Ai%S§J :iflP Sunday morning the Church school :lll#ill/~meet: at-14 o'clock in a,.get-ac- ilS^Bulated- service, smc^jMl-i^t^the-^la^^ "f|$fcrci,moved up to a new position last ^Ssmday. A new enrollment of ^school ^ilSwilL'be â- â- tafce»;^^7Ms|;^M^^^'." ^ ,^|S|pSitfiAt 10-:30 the Jwnior congregat&ii*%ill 'mmS^- W&*'$**** oldening serittee for. this fall. : f^Jl|» -W-.'.«ii-' /*Bgmffi/w ^rv -Stofferv ::P9^P^^ww';;win .al». introduce Mrs*'Stoffer-to First Prysbyterian Church s| ?Wi Street and Greenleaf Avenu| Pastor, Rev. Geq. P. Magill, D. D Sunday Schoolâ€"9:30 A .M. Church Service â€"11:00 A. M<2 'â- ^0 Senior C:E.-*-5:30 .P.,.M*--vh|^ We extend a^ cordial ihvitatiOh tcT^alT Autumn Sounds the Recall to Worshipâ€" The vacations and outings of summer, attendance at church services, are now oVer. The year's regular routine of living begins again, and with it, the regular going to church. Many of us are prone to let the -summer's relaxation continue, to put off the church attendance that does so much to complete and enrich our daily lives, and make wholesome .the atmosphere aadinflu- enee of our community. You need the church.^ The church needs -your^€ohie tochurch Sundajrrr^7^â€"^^T Make it Rally Day every Sunday at your pie. intai^^^;^^ Jun^fchurchk ,„.J^;lt.:o1cio«c' toc commissionii« s«rv- H|e^ for Mr. ?md Mrs. goffer will be IIIkW, Dr. H, H. /Walker of Oi Mi S-s***"" K3' ,.„__ „.,, __, __ ......__„, of Chicago Seminary will assist in the servioe* The Commrssion from the American Board will be presented fc^ Rev. William -R English, Jr^ Secretary «f the American Board. The address will be given by Mr UoM JWKl Miss Wckii wH sing. Since thfif^ file^ lirsr Commissioning i. service cv«r held in this church, and the final service which Mr* $toffet will at- tend before his departure for India, every U|^.. .#em3>ejr;^ Board oi Trusteed wll meet at the home of the^iSMJMin,' Mn ^ & Harlan, at ^ ht o'clock. This is the final meeting O^^esii^ 0«*oh«P second, the Cm* ^fff^& *M h»i«Rl«rtttffled m f* hom^Mrim* M Jf* Coborn,M$ Uwfcn i aWnden and Prairie Aws.» Wihnette|,i| Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor 406 Prairie Avenue. . Phont 1396 :^IK--1^servk»s^-:.;,-,;.;,,^ 'P&"idm y on Standard. Tinie*#M'v";.|tIfS :1$ A. M. Sunday school and B»1>le ^efc at Ubrary Hall. T7 9:45 A. M» 0t^ ^rvkje and sermon at the: churdipgSl?l'feS'.;^. • : \ 11^0 A. M. Second service and ser- *fno^jrt. the church. d^^WSS^ Mattfc 22*3fc*$L ^m*im . Mtoiii «wJ Friday at 4 o^clod?, CAit drens classes at the church, at the .stody^'-r^'h . Twestl^^^evtiu^ \ the Building i^j»s«iitt^at~*ers4*idyv ^ .., ,.. ..,^.., Thursday afternoon at 2, the HU&msst Aid and Mission Society at Library Hall. Thursday eveuing at 8, the ^Builders** lfvj^. S. and Wilther League at Library Halt; Thursday Walther Wi iHf;p*S :S«!?i f|*:rrV '$%>?£ Y-J^'.-y^ '.â- ^•'.'S^-fctj's HIS; ~0fi:-' :"^">:ii &â- â- â-  %ffi&%SM:%&-- V«;S'^'/Sve;;S'|-';.:..;â- :.-• '. :;. >'W^i^;ri ';'i£':';Sl Wm SPf|: HI ;vi|ffi-;K;. â- â- ^â- WtM ;:.;'-;<-;:',? "fS'^:T-K i^ll#fiflft:^ '•'"-' â-  '•'â- !'v."fH'.i..â- 'â- '•? ^;0:d W •{d:'-: 3^-^ rsf!§ l';v'-;'>i-l^ w? 'H: r::.;^:;„;:i,:.'"; â-  ^%md$m f&ly«p::;--:t^H- :'â- '•â- '£?â-  â- â- â- â- â- â- ,-M-\,, -:'v:ij::/;..-'<£.-";;..:?j..5 ,;';-';" â- ;>.â- 'â-  :: '-L -.-'jiLiâ€" "':%?-â- .'â- ' >MJ$%: :'*^#%l»* mm mnEctor y^"SPl:'M^7 The Rr$t Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf^ Lal^ahd Wilmette Aves. #*f. Stephen A. IMyd Lutheran Cknrdh St. Augustine's 1140 Wilmette *ive.; V|ll|WiSi|MSi^M-

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