Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1923, p. 20

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20 ^~ THE LAKE '^i^f^g'".yi :.:.,â- <â- !'*. gwSp^RWS FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS / A&tMs*** "Classified advertisements will be charged Uetierai Noticesâ€" only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. !>,,*„„___10 cents per line in one paper. *0 cents per line In all KCtteSâ€"â€"three papers. Minium charge 3 lines. Average of five words f the line. No black face type used. MThis size type charged as 2~ lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This sise type • charged as 4 lines. r\ jii x ~ T~-„~+2*mm- Classified advertisements will be Deadline JOT Insertionsâ€"* accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday ?2 o'clock for-the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones: WILMBTTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. 'The Judge 00 V00 PLEAD QOIHY OH NOT <*»«* TO THE CHAftOE OF HAV.NC 8UR<,LAROirO THIS WAN IN HIS HOOMJWTHg^^- NICiHT OP jW^y â- '* ~ R|3AL ESTATE Owner Must Sell at Once. 6 R. frame house and 100 ft. lot • ST^X Eg*. 1 c. ga- ,14 000 8 R. House on Slmwpod East.. 16,000 9 R..House on Forest .......... *5'gJ{){ I R. Frame on Greenleaf, nr. L 17>500 6 R. Bungalow on Washington. 18,500 6 R. Brick house nr. "L ..-----ii'Tkn 7 R White Colonial, exc. barg. 27,500 7 R. Stucco Colonial. Ashland.. 28,000 7 High class business lot ripe for apartments, in zone. See this at once. _*,»^. FOR RENT 5 Room bungalow, Gross^Point $ 75.00 6 Room cottage onGregory .... 100.00 7 Room house on Washington.. 90.00 6 Room house on Lake ------;.. 125.00 7 Room house on 12th ...... ... 150.00 3 furnished homes from $165 to $260. 1157 Wilmette Ave Tel. Wil REAL ESTATE 640. L48-ltc WILMETTE â-  FOR SALE â€" BRAND NEW 5 RM. Stucco Bungalow: h w. heat heated sun parlor, tile bath, built in tub.; decorations to suit. $12,500. Owner must sell attractive 7 rm. home ?n choicest N. E. Wilmette, 4 blocks to Steam Station % liv rm. 14x26, attractive sun parlor, 3 bed rmsT, one of which is 14x18, beautiful lot, ligmeamte-^ posseasiuii,-tT5T<rop NINE ROOM BRICK HOME ONE block from Lake in Winnetka; Has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths and ^2 car at- tached garage; vapor^heat with oil burner; price $35,000.00. Make offer. Will rent for $300.00 a month. Best buy in Winnetka for the money; six room stucco home witn three porches; fine east sec. garage; price reduced to $14,500 for quick . sale. See this right now. EoEo§tatoIR@dlftFC@ 790 Elm St., Winnetka, Eh. ^Jrm^lSOO NORTH EVANSTON COLONIAL 7 R. 4 b. r.; furn. ht.; sun parlor; slpg. porch; newly decorated; immediate possession; close to school and trans- portation $12,000 easy terms. MITCHELL BR©! 2546 W. Railroad Tel. Evanston 961 LTG48-ltc DESIRABLE TENANT WISHES TO lease a small house between north- west Evanston and Glencoe. Ad- dress P. O. Box 66, Kenilworth. 111. LTG48-3tc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSES FAMILY GOING TO FLA. WISHES tenants Nov. to May; beautiful mod- ern home next to club with winter sports on Skokie golf, and valley. Fine lge. grounds; adults only; $300 mo., worth $700. 540 Wash., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 52. LTG48-ltc FOR RENT FURNISHED 5 ROOM bungalow; six months. 797 Cherry LTG48-ltp FOR RENT FURNISHED 6 ROOM bungalow; Nov. 1 to April 1. For particulars tel. Winn. 789. LTG48-ltc Elegant 8 rm stucco. 2 tile baths 2nd flr to wv heat, lim rnu 18x24y dett ojv 1st tfoor, sun parlor, sleep, pch., billiard rm., 2 car garage, beau- tifully landscaped lot. A real buy at $23,700. ;FffSffirttGa®irg@ -End "L" 410 Linden Ave. Pn. Wil.^07 MR. SPECULATOR OR HOME-SEEK- er I offer you 200 feet east of Brae- side station, Ravinia; near lake and golf course; only $10,000, or 100 feet for $5,000; Vi- This is a rafe value as property adjacent is selling for $65â€"$85 per foot. Address Lake Shore News. A-335. " LTG-47-2tc ,________________________ WANTED *4o RENTâ€"FOR WINTER â-  â-  -:â- .-.. n , t ti n ttt..ft v Trr^^wrq-TFT----iuunths,^Bmait--fTrTntBtrea~~h^use in FOR SALEâ€"2 FLAT BUILDTNG^lis wilmette; 3 adults. Address Lake Highland Park, 6 rooms each; large lot; shad© trees* gawfcgft^-ftae*4e«a*- tiiini near :golf club;:uossesstonjo£ l flat; price $11,500- Highland Park 447. . LTG48-11C FOR SALE â€"LOT ON SHERIDAN road, 3 blocks south of railroad sta- tion *in Highland Park; fine trees; most convenient Iocationj43,5q0;; easy terms. Tel. Highland F^JF^jg lt REAL. ESTATE REAL. ESTATE R®s®irv© Y®ot L©tt in 6ffi< $ite Kenilworth Some* lots at $75 per foot. Uttice o Station and get your reward as the wise ones did when this tlub left Wilmette, L48-ltc REAL. ESTA' ^fc" ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM COTTAGE type, centrally located and near : transportation. Oak floors upstairs and down, glassed breakfast porch, is new Holland furnace, lot 240 feet ^lfideep< Owner leaving, very splendid value at $9,500. ,_ , , „ Substantial and attractive 6-room idSj. stucco bungalow just completed and "i ready to move into . Hot water ~:;M-heat, tiled bath, many other good #*features. Built right, concrete and Sivsteel basement, similar construction all through. Price $12,500. Splendid buy in a 7-room stucco,- north east section,' fa r& e livlng~To6m,. >i" 4 bed rooms, wooded lot. Price" |-$1«,000. ;!^ ? Tels. Wil. 68 and 444. 340 Linden Ave, ;;%*':.â- :â- :â-  - . L48-ltc. ow is the time to see us about buy- ing -yourâ€" VACANT before the ad- â- Vance in. prices. Go .Sftacpy- & C®» INVESTMENTS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT- gages in sums from 2000 to 8000. R. M. Johnston & Co., 340 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 444.> LTG48-ltc INVESTMENTSâ€"WANTED WANTED TO BUY SMALL SHORT- termed- 2nd mortgages. FOR RENTâ€"EIGHT ROOM HOUSE furnished or unfurnished. Highland Park 1812. •' _______ LTG48-ltp WANTED TO RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSE Shore Nejvs. A-317. L46-3tn <.â- - FOR REN.T'^-APARTMENTS FOR RENTâ€"OCTOBER 1. NEW 4-RM. apartment; steam heat; janitor ser^- vice; 625 11th. St. Tel. Wil. 2399. ______LTG48-tfc FOR RENTâ€"STUDIOS FOR REtfT IN WILMETTEâ€"STUDIOS, single or in suite for professionals in new Rockhold building; also in Cox building; low/rent first year. Agent on premises,/or Tel. Wil. 956-R. • LTG48-ltp FOR RENTâ€"OFFICES FOR RENT^ F. Gonsalyes. OFFICE- ROOMS. G. Tel. Winn. 62. LTG48-ltc -"^f«OR RENTâ€"GARAGES WANTED â€" MAID, WHITE, $20 A week, for general housework in small' family; no laundry; pleasant working conditions; private room and bath. Apply Trowbridge, 800 Rosewood Ave:, near Fig St., Win- netka. Tel. Winn. 6B8-M. - LTG48-ltc WANTED YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with baby from 1 to 8 P. M. daily, or . girl • for entire day as mother's helper; home nights op- tional. Tel. Winn. 1971. LTG48-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL TO CLERK IN grocery store; National Tea Com- ^^an^__aiain_Stre^j^_Wjlinfi±lfi.â€" LTG48-ltc WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; no washing; good wages. Tel. Winnetka 1449. 1293 Scott Ave., Winnetka. LTG48-ltc RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WANTED AS clerk in bakery. Tel. Winn. 1365 call 1077 Gage St., Hubbard " ~"G48-ltc or Woods. WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED 2ND maid, white; small family; best wages. Tel. Wil. 1376. LTG48-ltc WATITE_ __________ fond of children; light work; good home. Tel. Winn. f»18. LT^fr-lte WANTEDâ€"SECOND MAID;* REFER- ences required. Tel.* Glencoe 154. LTG48-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE COLLEGE PREPARATION IN FRENCH BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- x pean and - American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Term? on application. Miss F. Beryl S*>ec^. 22R Green Bay Rd.. Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. * . LTG45-tfc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE; CONVENIENT to Park and Lake Aves. Phone Wil. [ -------------- 2590. L47-tfcj BUSINESS fhe Fashion Sewing Shop AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES a specialty. Reasonable prices. Make early appointments. 1534 Highland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 966-J. L47-4tc FOR RENT E^jftjjA^: 524-5th St. Wil. 2794 L48-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"9 RM. BRIL HOME NEAR Lake in Winnetka: 5 b. r„ 3 baths^ 2 car garage7^~$3X>0 month. Small bungalow in Winnetka, 4 blks. to. station, will rent to adults only. $75 month. EoEoStatoR@siIi!:yC(S)c 790 Elm St. WINNETKA Tel. 1800 ------ ^^ ?__ LTG48rltc Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 LTG 48-ltc. FOR RENT â€" WEST KENILWORTH. We have 2 houses, close to the depot,; for immediate possession, -at . $75.00 per month. MITCHELL BEOS. IWANTBDâ€"A BUYER WHO CAN AP |p predate values. Peculiar clrcum 2546 W. Railroad Ave. Evanston 961. LTG48-ltc | stances make immediate sale- im- FOR RENTâ€"5 ROOM BRICK BUN- perative. Beautiful 7 rm. stucco: 2 baths, h. w. ht., 2 car. garage; fine f " ation. Tel.v Wil. 1304 for inspec- tion. ' L48-ltc galow, modern co'n vertlences car garage; $85. two OR SALE NEW BRICK VENEER Atili .^IJt .... 6-room house; sun porch, hot water 909 Ridge Ave, Si heat; all decorated; lot 44x235 ft. 816 16th St. Tel. Wil. US or 857-J' tor, apppintme.nt!_._: .'. ,L^.i. .L48-ltc. :(6r(&G<Dllbasdhi' Tel. Wil. 364 ( LTG48-ltc IrOR SALE TWO 36 FT. LOTS; IM^ Chicago; reasonable; terms. Address FOR RENT-^-ATTRACTIVE 7-rooni rhome, best section north west steam station 1 or 2 year lease, ,$100 per MHSKf Newi -;A-345. m* so 7-rooni house, north east of *vk **att°n» 4 bed rooms, splendid loca- LTG48-lt#^ tion' reni to May 1. 1924 at $125. iiTAW-iic per month. Phone Wilmette 444. |fO»" -ia^0aw» ROOM.STUCCO BUN- FOR RENTâ€"BUNGALOW, 6 ROOMS, *Tâ-  m*»**i:<m y™«t -^e.r^t Mj^-'v fnt>ly 2&12 W- Railroad Ave., Evans- mnum®' a9s w m©mm Tempi®. is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments,; . dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Ttmple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonela Phone 1211 •WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers JJo IB< Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. â€"417 Fourth Street, Wilmette - Phone Wilmette 2228 GIRL DESIRES PLACE with family. Will stay with children evenings and assist with light house- work in exchange for board. Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-340. . , L48-ltc MARCELLING, MANICURING__AND champooing.-fafcial and scalp treat- ments in home. For appointments tel. Winn. 1921. LG48-ltc TOE, BALLET AND STAGE DANC- ing- at your home or in studio. Tel. Rogers Park 8600. LTG48-ltp SITUATION WANTED â€" BY COM- petent governess with good refer- ences. Tel. Winnetka 275. LTG48-ltc WANTED â€" LAUNDRY TO TAKE home. Tel. Wil. 834-R LT48-ltq FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES Don't forge.t that we are xyour headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories Jâ€"a«4-§erviee^--------- i® Milton?G<G>o Winnetka Authorized ^£ord. and Lincoln Dea!^ FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM nicely furnished, twin beds; ex- cellent transportation; east side- suitable for 2 business men or mar- ried couple. Tel. Wil. 1091. L48-ltp' 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; 2 PURN- ished light housekeeping rooms for 2 business girls; 5 r'oom apartment private heat. Tel. Wil. 1183 or ad- dress Lake Shore News, A-314, L48-ltc FOR RENT â€" WELL FURNISHED steam heated front rooms, east side, near all trans, and cafeteria; also furnished- house.â€"Xel1(-Wftti-494«T -^^7 LTG48-ltc^ LARGE LIGHT ATTRACTIVE FURN- .ished double room, main floor; east of tracks; near lake and trans.; kitchen privileges. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTG48-ltc: FOR RENTâ€"DOUBLE AND 1 SINGLE room; board if desired. 1526 Cen- tral Ave., Wilmette. Wil. 343. LTG48-ltc â- 4* FOR RENT â€" 'ATTRACTIVE FRONTl room, east side; 3 block tj? North- rn station.â€"TetT^WilTTTSTn LT48-ltoJ CENTRAL HOTEL â€" ROOMS; STEi heat; hot and cold running 'water, Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wil, LT32-tfc FOR RENT â€" NICELY FURNISHED room in a private home; Convenient to transportation; references re- quired. Tel. Wil. 738-W. LT48-ltC; FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS, ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. ... LT25-tfc FOR RENTâ€"3 ROOMS AND BATH, including heat, $55^, Tel. Winn. 855. LTG4&-ltc FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT FURNISHED room; near station. Tel. Winnet- ka 415. LTG48-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOM AND BATH IN private family; first floor;, also ga- rage. Tel. Wil. 1207. LT48-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"7-PIECE COLONIAL Dic- ing room furniture, heavy maho- any, $95; perfectly new. porcelain lined ice box, 100 lb; capacity. $25; Wicker tea-cart, $7; porch curtains, drapes, etc. H. 13.$ Hopkins^ .731 'Prairie Ave. ~ •' L48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ANTIQUE ENGLISH MIR- ror. 6x3 ft..: wheeled tea cart; velour window draperies; oriental rug lOx 13. 640 Gregory Ave., cor. Broad- way. L48-ltp FOR SALE â€" MELVILLE CLARKE piano with Apollo interior; 88 note player; mahog. case, cost $800, price $300. T,el. Glencoe 700. 1 LTG48-ltc FOR RALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL MASON # -Hamlin upright' piano, bench, gatln finish 'mahogany practically new 6328 N. Clark St.. Chicago. Shel- drake 4004. LTG47-2tp WINNETKA FtfRNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, a,utos. pianos, anything useful. SOP Oak St. LTG45-tfc N. FELLâ€"DEALER IN NE"W AND used household e-oods. 1644 M*w!e Ave., Evanston.' Phone Evan*. 103, LTG16-tfc U wanted Position by <sjfenced chauffeur with ref. mette 1413. EXFERI- Tel. Wil- LTG481tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER, HOUSE and furnace man wishes work by .day. Tel. Wil. 2753._______' L48-ltp BARGAINS IN USED CARS See us first. ! WWstedi Motor C©< 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winnetka 165 ,LTG48-ltc HELP W^ANTEDâ€"FEMALE fyEAJSTJJDâ„¢-EX*^R^BN«ED^lRTl-F01R~ general housework. No Washing. Telephone Winnetka 1370. Mrs. Mil- ton J. Blair, 205 Chestnut Street. LTG48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"2 %-TON TRUCK, STAKE ybody; used very little; reaspnable; terms. Address Lake Shore News, A-344. ____ ., LTG48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HUPMOBILE SEDAN, 1922 model; ' excellent condition, owner. WANTED - dress. Tel Scott Ave^ Hubbard ......."â- "....."'mmx&^ COMPETENT LAUN- Winn. 19Q or call 1423 oods. W^il^- 2404. TCTG4^Ttc FOR SALE -»- MIRLBURN ELECTRIC, like new with charging outfit. Tel. Wil. 1406. LTG48-ltc FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR. JEtBHTU-4 -ROOMS AND BATH; 1 •blpckfrom North Shore express, and FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY KIMBALL Player-Piano, with 100 music rolls; $250 cash. Tel. Winn. 165S LTG48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GAS STOVE. 4 BURNERS. 2 ovens in good condition. To move onicVly will sell for $15. Tel. WU. 967-R. L48-ltf ort S^L^â€"MAHOGANY LIBRARY, table, desk style, good looking, good condition: reasonable. Tel. Kenil- worth 506. LTa48-lte. 3s FOR SALE '- $«00< PHONOGRAPH: excellent condition; must be sold at once; will sacrifice for $75. Tel. Wilmette 3006v - LTG48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW "UTENCO" IRON- Ing machine; never used: $125. Tel. Wil. 2289; 921 Oakscood Ave. LTG48-Xtc FOR SALEâ€"3 MAHOGANY CHAIRa kitchen cabinet. 823 Greenleaf "Ave., Wilmette 909-R L48-ltp FOR SALE ~ JEWEL GAS RANGBj e^cell*»nt condition; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2590. LTG48-ltp FOR SALEâ€"OFFICE DESK AND chairs; barsrains. Address Laki» Shore* News, A-342. » LTG48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AQUARIUM WITH TROF- - ical flsh-f *lr0--^h^S1^r-^VilmeTt?r:-----r~~~r: WANTED TO VtTTV â€" HOUSEHOLD GOODS Y^"~-~^ ^ _ â-  • |i^§||i-;§S:t!{ WANTED TO BTTYâ€"SECONI> HAND __furnitur.e„and-other-househoW griods. Highest prfce oaid for name. Cront l^Mtui^ Store, 4fl04-6Em«r**oit,St*v Mlm&s iS^^l^iS^Sliiiisii^llil^^^^

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