Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1923, p. 21

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*â- â- â- -â- '...... "--:~"^M^ m WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD ____________ GOODS_____________. WANTED TO BUY-â€"1 USED MAHO- gany book case and 1 early English or. black oak buffet or serving: table; must be reasonable. TeX^Winn. 1493. L48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HORSES! WANTEPâ€"TO BUY NOT LESS THAN 50 yds. of used carpeting*, no pattern, neutral color. Address Lake Shore! News A-343. LTG48-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS Squabs "* Broilers Springs ^tewing Hens ___i)ucks---------------------------- Geese _____ :'Yite-&&&&&â-  *'~ffe&LWi* f&ir^ymm winter potatoes. J. @WM1< KDB&S Winnetka Road- Telephone Glenview 26 R-2 LTG48-2tc FOR SALE â€" 9x12 RUG, $10; LAWN swing-, $5; 2 new sleds, $2; brass crib and mattress, $10; blue reed buggy, $3.50; new ice chest, $15. Tel. Winn. 995. 387 Sunset Rd. Call Saturday or Monday afternoon between 1 and 4. LTG48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHEAP WELL BUILT P chicken house like new, size 20x10; Also 150 feet of woven wire fence and posts for^chicken yard. 1423 'Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. LTG-48-ltc. FOR SALE â€" AIREDALE, HIGHLY pedigreed, wonderful disposition and well trained;' fairly housebroken; flne^pet for children; owner moving away. Tel. Winn. 142. LTG48-UC FOR SALEâ€"CONN CIRCUS BORE- cornet?- good condition; cheap. Tel. Wilmette 2028, or call 515 Linden Ave, LT48-ltp FOR SALEâ€"HUDSON SEAL COAT, Martin collar and cuffs; size 36; perfect condition; $300. Tel. Wil. 240. LTG481tc FOR SALEâ€"LADY'S BOLIVIA FUR trimmed coat; beautiful lined, size i 38-40; one suit in fine condition. Tel. / Wil. 1329. L48-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BLACK RIDING HORSE; must sell because of school; bargain. Tel. Winnertka 1312. LTG48-ltc. LOST A PO TAKEN FROM YARtTAT 104<* LINDEN Ave., a boy's Pathfinder bicycle al- most newj one new rear tire; reward for information. Tel. Wil. 873-J. L48-ltp LOSTâ€"1 HAMMERED GOLD CIGAR- h ette case. Monogramed *'W. M. C." Return to, Lake^ Shore News and re- :; ceive reward. L48-ltc LOSTâ€"LARGE BLACK MOIRE BOW; Lake-^AverrUetween ninth and North Shore Elec. station. Tel. Wilmette 980-J. „ L48-ltp 6 YEAR OLD GOOD LOOKING SADDLE! mare sorrel; 15% hands high; well . mannered and stylish; excellent horse for lady or school girl. Tel. Wilmette 616._______ ^LTG48-ltp PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- ing. L. W. Foster, â-  piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTG48-tfc Laymen Have Their Day â€"-At^^ocal Baptist Church Laymen's Sunday will be observed at the services of the Wilmette Baptist church on Sunday, September 36. Ed- win. Phelps, a prominent resident of the village, will be the speaker at the regular morning service at 11 o'clock. Dr. Bruce Kinney, district secretary of the Baptist Home Mission society, will speak at an evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Phelps has recently given up his iaw~practice~Tb devote~mmself entirely to his duties as general secretary of the Baptist Young People's Union-oftA-me«r ka; .....,.:i,,;::r"--^^::â€"::;:: â- " Dr. Kinney is a national authority on Indian work and will present his new illustrated lecture on "Missions to the American Indian." The general public is cordially invited to attend these ser- vices. How can we expect another to keep our secret if we cannot keep it ourselves. We confess pur little faults only to persuade others that w.e have no great ones. ___________-_^_______- (Official Publication) Report of Condition of the First National Bank of Wilmette in the State of Illinois, at the close oi business on September 14, 1923. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, includ- ing rediscounts, acceptances of othef banks, and foreign bills *of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank (except those shown in b and c) ........$233,954.47 Overdrafts unsecured ...... 291.81 All othemUnited States Gov- ernment securities (includ- ing premiums, if any) ----- Other bonds, stocks, securi- ties, etc. ...............----- Banking House, Furniture and fixtures ....... .„'...-... Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank............ LOSTâ€"SEPTEMBER 15, tan and white part collie pun. reward. 1538 Walnut Ave. Tel. Wil. 1468. L48-ltc. LOSTâ€"WHITE WIRE HAIR FOX terrier, female 8 months ciH, Re- ward. Tel. Wil. 113. L48-ltc. MISCELLANEOUS Guaranteed Extermination of all Vermin Rats, mice, roaches, ants, moths, fleas or any other form of vermin can be quickly destroyed any- where by my scientific methods. Mv work 'is guaranteed and con- fidential. •."'.-. WHte. phone or call, A con- sultation involves no obligation, ^^terminating Engineer P. I. Uedelhoftm 894 Burr Avenue, . Hubbard Woods, : r ** Winn. 519-M ~ v LTG48-ltc _BUY_YQIIR- NURSERY-STOGJ^DmBGTj irorngrowfer. Six Spirea Van Houtle. ?S4.00: « Ttarberrv Thung, $4.00; 6 Iris. $1.50;? Peonies. $2.00. L»opt. W. The Cass ^Nurseries, Geneva, New York. LTG47-2tr SECOND HAND SUITS AND OVER- _^jcoats ^aoldâ€"forâ€" y<>U;--onâ€"cormwtsBlon; <|'Now Is the, time to dispose of them. 'm& " ..... ........." "" ...... Cash in vault and amount due from national banks ...... ^SecKs"on other banks in the same city or town as re- porting bank (other than Item 12) ..;.............. Total of Items 9, 10, 11. 12, and 13 ....$64,917.55 Miscellaneous .cash Ileitis .................... Other assets, if any ...... 325,800.00 301,343.24 13,066,23 44,632.01 62,203.58 2,713.97 20.00 10,668.35 Total ........:/.....I....$994,693.66 •I - . :>^t:i- • ^.INABILITIES Capital stock paid in___.-...$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund.............. 10,000.00 Undivided profits $24,534.85 a Reserved for in- ) 'â-  terest and taxes accrued......'.;.. 2,674.35 b Reserved for de- preciation -----., 3,851.00 31,059.20 c. Less current ex- penses,interest, â€" -7-,-- and taxes paid .. 6V109.06 =2$9S0t1* 5.00 Certified checks out- 77 T standing :... .'â- ,•.'..'" Jcl â-  ikTntal of items' 21 P 7,: . _ '22, 23, 24, and 25'~^~_ SM~~M Individual deposits subject to Certificates of deposit <Tue- in ff$|^^S;| !im Mnet^ftve^J^j^^g, of the Nation's Business is transacted with tM6ks, of which over 6 billion are ^ised every yearf making it possible and practical t6 handle a volume of business of more than 500 billion dollars with an actual currency of something like 4 billion dollars. .' ;. ,,.,,_ :^-:-::,u, '..;;.;. Figures like these leave iio^oomlbf: ^oiibtas^the^afetyTXtmve^^ wisdom of the checking method. ^ â- â- â- -â- .- ,â- â€¢. ,i:x^X'\-^^3Ms^M Are you one of those who enjoy its ad- vantages at this Bank? .:"_:.:, '+;,'.- r$t National Bank- er Wiimettebb iS^f ttgXamecf&iriqga'DepoaJfar* ^fttr Member of the Federal Reserve Bank j~' \(9 mssM ssils tHan for money ItorrowedT. 16,560.26 State, county or other mu- nicipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this , bank or surety bond .... 20,000.00 Total, of demand deposits (other than, bank de- posits) subject to Reserve, Items / 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, - and 31 _„......$515,074.73 _ __ Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 60,936.00 Other time deposits . Postal savings deposits .... Total of time de- posijts^ subject to Reserve, Items 32, 33, 34, and 35............$352,974.65 Bills payable (including all obligations representing money borrowed other than rediscounts) -----... Liabilities other than those above stated............ 290,946.64 1,092.01 40,000.00 1,689.14 Dempster Street vnerelh to what is known as the Waukegan Road, thence northerly on the said Waukecan Road to the Village of Glen View and also for the right to operate such motor vehicles, etc., from the City of Chicago to the State Line between the States of Illinois and Wisconsin thru the City of Evanston, Village of Wilmette, Village of Kenilworth, Village of Win- netka, Village of Glencoe, City of Highland Park, City of Lake Forest, Village of Lake Bluff, City of- North Chicago, City of Waukegan, City of Zion and the Village of Winthrop Harbor. .l . All parties interested in this pro- ceeding may obtain information as to time and place of hearing upon said application by addressing the Sec- retary of the Illinois Commerce Com- «jnisslon at Springfield, Illinois. ^CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD COMPANY, - â€"By Britt'on I. Budd, President. LTO-47-2tc Total,............... State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss-: L F. A. Andrew, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear - that the above statement is~tr.»e to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. A. ANDREW, Cashier. Subscribed before me this 22nd day of September, 1923. - ERNEST C. CAZEL, ^Notary Public. My commission expires December 8, 1925. Correctâ€"Attest : •-' D/IRECTORS Edward Zip*, ,J. M. Appek !; • . .' David Nelson ,:' village: of gross point notice op sale of village PUBLIC NOTICE^ is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of .Gross Point, held on the 17th day of August, A. D. 1923, the following . Ordinance was «Q04X01A£ passed hy a vote of more than three .^yy^oyj.op fourths of all the members of the Vil lage- Board. VILLAGE OP GROSS POINT NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP -COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS NOTICE. TO -PATRONS OP THE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND MILWAUKEE ________RAILROAD COMPANY: ~â€"Tlte--Chicago^ Nortti" Shore ivnd Mil^~ waukee Railroad Company hereby pives notice to the Public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Com- mission of the State J>f Illinota^ an ap- plication for a certificate of con- venience, and Jiecessity to operate a motor vehicle for the^ transportation, ofâ- â€" passenKersr over the - folfdwihg route, towit: Prom the City of Chi westerly in the city ot Evanston on ORDINANCE NO. 188.:T^ AN^ ORDINANCE BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OP TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF GROSS POINT. PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF CER- TAIN REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lots five (5) an!l six (6) In Block seven (7) of Seger's Subdivision of the Northeast Quarter of the North- " west Quarter^, except the East two (2^) acres of the North one hundred -fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (33), Township forty^ two (42)) North, Range 13. East of thti' Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois tQgetber with at} the buildings and Improvements -thfereon. -.- â- -^dF;- •,-..., - â- .:, HE IT ORDAINED, by the President anrt Board of Trustees of the Village ^lagfi-of Gross Point and will bfr of Gross Point, in the Oounty~of Cook and State bf Illinois: 'SECTION 1-1 :>c::S«l- m That the following described: real estate, to witT Lots five (5) and six (6) In Block seven Cth~ot Seger's Sub- division of the-Northea«t-rQuiWft«r of ______ theLZNertharest^:-Qunrtcr. except the--hereby, specifically reserved. East two (2) acres of the North- one hundred fifteen ri15) feet thereof, in cago to the City of Svanstonr"ancr Section thTrty^threp<33), Township forty-two (42) North, Range thirteen (13) Bast of the Third Princlpail Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, to- gether with all the buildings and Im- provements thereon, being the property on which the Village Hall is located, which said building was used by th» Village in the conduct of its business, is no longer necessary, approprfcate- orr required for the use of said Village or profitable to, or its longer reten- tion for the best interests of the Vil- lage.. ,:,,..,;,,-,. .,-,,.,.. .,-.. r+Mr^rmmrM section 2 â-  "â-  • 'â- â- :: '^f* That proposals to sell the said prop- erty shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Lake Shore News, the first publication to be not less than thirty (30) days before^ the date of the meeting at which bids are to be received, and that said prop- erty be sold to the highest^ and bests bidder; provided, however, the Board of Trustees may by majority vote•-:*•-£ Ject any and all bids received there- for. . -, â- ;..;,. -:-r;;v:|-;-.*;sl^^ SECTION â-  9 "u '£*&<:. That In the event said property la soUT as herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Cleric of the said Board are hereby author- ized and directed to convey said prop- erty to such party or parties i whose bids have been accepted, by a proper deed or deeds* of conveyance, statins' therein the price therefor, , with tb# seal of the corporation. - , ^B» ' SECTION €i,\'-:':;:Mm^0: This Ordinance shall be in force and , effect from and after its passage, ap- proval and publication. PASSED this 17th day of August, 19fi3 â€"__*"-__ APPROVED this I7tH. day of August. 1»2S. â€"t--â€"y- EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL, ^ â- â- w?w,'i. ©resident.' Mathew Schneider :^ \MkM:-:'.r »• N. J. Miller .y«V. V*iJ**S^:w,, . â- ..:,, -Mri Joseph. Bleser . l'-l ':-i0.':â- â-  ':':^'0^-^ ATTEST: . '#?&. â-  "-;.-?!##|&: Edward A. Schneider, ; ---^^7^^%^ ..<-â- â- â- â-  â- - â- *«*â- ' 'Village- Clerk. ;::;%^;^f^ PROPOSALS :|f?|Sf|P Bids for the above described propf- erty are hereby solicited. __Said JWds_musl__be_ In writing and sealed arid deposited with' the Villas* Clerk of the Village of Gross Point on or before the hour of 6:00 P. ML on the 3rd day of October, A. t>. 193$, accompanied by a certified check for two per cent (2%) of the amount of the bid. Said bids will be submitted to. the Board of Trustees of the Vll- and considered at the regular meeting: of said Board of Trustees to be held on the 3rd day of October, A." DvlsStV or at the first regular meeting, or ad*, JonrhecrreguTar meeting1 of s aid Board of Trustees held after that Uate. The right to reject any and all bids ip ssil EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER. ^Tillage Clerk. DAT^JD- this 20th day of, Ausrust* 1928: ' â- â- â-  â-  ".7â- -/:^r*«y>7i'§m ti4»-4td' illlilii&t^^^Si^^^Mii^^^Sii ::;;:7* ::^^^~\:T^:-:v~" „::,-.'â- .:U- sM&7':7 : > ; ^77^777 77S\:^. ".;, j:,'t{ v: t^77:;7'777-7^ 1lMi$!MMMMMl$0Si 1111 1&:&MM 'â- iM^MsiiMiiiS 7:^7 â- â- ' SI .51:â€".:r.r- $&te rm ^MfeSStiiMIS'JSailSiS*.. .aSMkigSiSSSSS: mm. :3^B**iSlil^SSgffi^i

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