WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. TANUARY 11, 1924 P L A Y T O AI D P ENS I ON F U N D North Shore Players to Give "Thirteenth Chair" Here as Police Benefit GI VE 2 PERFORMANCES Wilmette Improvement As- sociation Is Sponsor The Wilmette Police department pen sion fund will be the beneficiary of^two performances by the North Shore Players who, on January 25 and 26, will present "The Thirteenth Chair" at the Byron C. Stolp auditorium under auspices of the Wil- mette ^ Improvement association. All proceeds, above ex- penses, will be di- rected into the re- cently organized po- lice pension fund. The players, as in all their 'perform* ances, giving their services free "of charge. It is considered A. M. Spiegel, Jr. fortunate that Wil- mette is-thosen for the next performance of the Players, particularly in view of -the pronounced success of "the Thirteenth Chair", in Evanston and Chicago engagements. North Shore Talent Especially interesting, also, is the fact that a majority of the members of the cast are ..young people of the north yhore who for several seasons have peen employing their talents, in the amateur field without thought of remuneration. ^TheL_Thirteentlt- Chaix!L_iv presented series of mystery plays, all of which have scored decided successes on the .professional stage. Evanston and Chi- cago critics of amateur theatricals have been generous in their praise of the ef- fective interpretation of the piece given by the North Shore Players. For the benefit of those residents who only recently have come to the north shore and, for that reason, may "be unfamiliar with the North Shore Players' activities, it may be said that it represents a simon pure amateur or- ganization of young people interested in the promotion of good plays in greater Chicago. Players prominent in Northwestern university, New Trier High school and other north shore dramatic circles have given their serv- ices to the Players in the past few years, with the result that the demand for North Shore Players has been quite general both in Chicago and the suburbs and particularly on the north shore. Many of the players have since been ushered into the ranks of the profes- sionals but there have always been others to take their places so that the quality of the productions has been of a uniformly high character. ..^ Have Own "Producer" > One of the prime factors in the suc- cess of the Players has been Sidney M. Spiegel, president, who, while a Thes- pian of parts in his own right, has de- voted his energies largely to the super- vision of the "business end" of the plays, having a role that is comparable to that of the*producer in professional circles. under the personal direction of Jessie Royce Landis, a prominent member of the--cast- of. -^'The- Highwayman," the Joseph Schildkraut production which is enjoying a successful engagement in a well known Loop thea.ter^_Mrs^Xandis, who has been director of the . North Shore Players virtually since^theic re- ception several seasons ago, tjegatr re- hearsals of "The Thirteenth Chair" early in September and, 1 despite'the arduous responsibilities of her own pro- fessional work, is still devoting much of her time to the direction of the pro- duetion. On Friday and Saturday of mf/we'ek the Players arc--pregemiiTg "The ThiH teenth Chair" in a benefit at the Midway Detore"lfle r noways ihey "* appearecT*bc- fore packed houses in Evanston under the^uspiws--of-- the--Y.oune Women's club, where Mrs. James A. Kitten, Mrs. Martin Kent Northam and other prom- inent club women were listed among the patronesses. Strong Mystery Drama "The Thirteenth Chair" is a well known mystery play, which, local thea- tergoers _ngajl1_was armr^i an" cn tluisiastic reception when produced a lew years ago in a prominent I.oop theater.. IMs^iii iact,--the--fir*t--t>4-4 Do Your Eyes Dance, Too? Night-time Is »o enchanting when it bring* parties, dinners and dances. But night-time often finds you with your EYES dull and heavy, and you teel that the evening is ruined. < A few drops of Murine before go* ihgout in the evening will instantly enliven, those drowsy EYES and make chem dance with light. It takes away not only the tired look but the tired feeling. Use Murine night and morning and keep your EYES always clear and sparkling. It's easy to apply, and ffl^&$t$&& 0 . nTi * ° F ° ther Our attractively illwiirafedbooki "Beauty Utt Within the Eyt$,'\ tells how to prop* erlycare for your Ey*$, Brout and Lathtt, and thut enhance their btauty. Stndjar a copy of thit hclpfu I book, It'i FREE, The Murine Company Dept. 27, Chicago In Ou r Ne w St or e on Wi l met t e Avenue you can get The things you want for the winter time. Snow Shovels Sleds Coal Hods Coal Shovels, etc. Ice Skates Garbage Cans and Pails Ash Cans YES, WE S HARP EN S KATES J o h n M i l l e n Phones Wi'mette 3060-3061 1219-21 Wilmette kn. "If It's Hardware Millen Hat It" 5 N o w T h a t t h e Ho l i d a y s A r e A n c i e n t Hi s t o r y M we can settle down into our regular habits, and start to re- pair the ravages that Christmas worked on our bank accounts. If you are looking fpr a bank- ing connection-that many of the best folks in Wilmette have found pleasing, why drop in at the Wilmette State Bank! M T-f- 4 W I L M E T T E S T A T E D A N K * CentttlAve.atTWelfth I III '•your Home Bank- i X 13 J JMJJ "HOT WATER BOTTLE NO SEAMS Oft BINDINGS TO BECOME LOOSENED The KA N T L E E K HOT WAT E R B OT T L E is al- ways- ready and reliable. "It Can't Leak Because It's Made in One Piece." KA N T L E E K B OT T L E S are constructed of highest quality pure Paraj rubber and have no seams, patches, bi ndi ng or splices. If any KA N T L E E K arti- cle proves defective wi thi n two years it will be replaced without question in any Rexall Store, anywhere, re- gardless of where the pur- chase was made. No other brand of rubber goods gives you as much for your money. R e n n e c k a r D r u g C o , Phones 28-29