Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. TAXLARY 18. 1924 January Clearance Sale Greatest Values in the History of Our 8 Chain Stores Washing Machines, Ironers and Cleaners 1 NEW WASHERS No. Name 1 Atlas 1 Atlas . . 1 ABC. Wat Now $ 73.00 $ 55.00 ... 83.00 64.49 160.00 134.75 2 Daylights 160.00 1 Apex 133.50 Ironer 260.00 All of the above machines have never been used. BRAND NEW APEX IRONING MACHINE APEX WASHING MACHINE HOOVER It BEATS... ui(5n»i •¦ it O--mt DEMONSTRATORS No. NAME Was Now 1 Apex Open Model........................$115.00 $104.75 1 Apex Cabinet Model...................... 150.00 136.25 1 Apex Ironer ............................. 160.00 132.50 1 Apex Ironer............................. 160.00 124.75 Not one of these machines have ever been off our floor. Per- fect condition. 5 Used Washing Machines $10 up Banning, Blue Bird, Federal, etc. 66 Used Vacuum Cleaners $5 up Apex, Bissel, Cadillac, Duntley, Eureka, Federal, Hoover, Hotpoint, Premier, Regina, Sweeper Vac, Thor, etc All of these Vacuums have been rebuilt in our shop. Come to the North Shore's Exclusive Washer, Ironer and Cleaner Store. Somewhere, Somehow, we have just what you want! . COME IN AND SEE // t 1/ l 8 Chain Stores EVANSTON, ILL. 1561 Sherman Avenue Phone Evanston 2237 OCTAL Marion Warner Betrothed to 71 C. Dennehy, Jr. A RECENT engagement %. nouncement which is of &. terest to many north shore-itt* i* that of Miss Marion Warn? daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra' J. Warner of Chicago and Lab Forest, and Mr. Thomas C. Deo- rehy. Jr.. son of Mr. and M% Thomas C. Dennehv of Chicago and Winnetka. The" wedding da* has not been set. Miss Warm} is in charge of the publicity fa the Junior League plays which are being given on Saturday mornings at the play house. Bryant-Utley Wedding Of Interest MAXY of our townsfolk plan to attend the wedding of Miss Marion Farley Bryant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Francis Bryant and Nelson Mon- roe Utley. son of Mrs. George C. Utley of Glencoe, which will be solemnized tomorrow evening at 8:30 o'clock in St. Paul' Episco- pal church, of Hyde Park. A reception will follow at the Bry- ant home, 1356 Hyde Park boule- vard. The young couple are go- ing to Cuba on their honevmoon and upon their return will occupy an apartment in Hvde Park. Mr. Utley is well known in Wilmette, having spent much of his time at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Frank J. Baker of California, ¦vho formerly resided at 507 Lake avenue. Raymor Photo Mui Marion Warner Announce Engagement of Miss Agnes Seng MR. and Mrs. Frank J. Seng. 435 Lake avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Marv Agnes Seng to Mr. Charles Holland of the Webster hotel. Wilmette is to be congratulated upon the many .excellent programs rendered from time to time within its borders and the mumbers of high class artists to be enjoyed right in the home town. Xot the least among these is an ex- ceptionally fine program to be rendered Friday evening. February 1. as a Bene- fit Concert under the auspices of the Young Women's Missionary Society of the Wilmette li. E. church". This progressive organization has pro- vided a program which those who are privileged to enjoy will not soon forget. Among the artists secured is Eleanor Randall, a nationally distinguished dra- matic artist, who will give a number of readings and impersonations, some of which will be accompanied by music. She has toured very extensiv !y and with brilliant success as a dramatic reader and interpreter of plays. From the many testimonials we mention the following from the President of the Chxago Sunday Evening Club: " We were told that we should hear something of unusual quality and we cer- tainly did. Seldom have we listened to a program in which the selections have been made with such discriminating judgment and which left one with the satisfactory sense of having heard what was worth while." Among the other artists is Adelaide I J"nes- soloist, who. in addition to appearing with Mks Randall in some >t her numbers, will sing one or two groups oi songs. Miss Evelvn Dirks WiH render a group of violin selections and Mr*. Pierrre Bontecou will preside at the piano. Mrs. W. P. Seng of 401 Lake .ve- nue opened the doors of her beauti- ful home last Saturday for the benefit oi St. Catherine Club. 901 Addison street. Chicago. The benefit was in the nature of a . ard party. Twentv- six tables were filled. Refreshments were served and the spacious parlors were filled with pleasant chatter. Mrs. Seng is chairman of St. Cath- erines Well re Committee, and dis- charges her dutv in a big, generous way. Mrs. W. W. Speer of Evans- 'on was chairman of arrangements for the party. The Club is a home for dependent girls. Mrs. James R. Bremner of Chi- cago is the very able president of the Club. The home is dependent en- tirely on the annual club member- ships, ot patrons, on donations, and on benefits planned by the directors. I he cause is worthy, and many friends have come forward. For this' humane nterest the club is deeply grateful. Announcement is made of the mar- Row of Evanston, which took place :itv performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. R * will spend the winter touring Europe, returning to Evanston the latter part of May. As a bit of appreciation of devoted service, members of the New Trier High School Board and the Wilmette £ Park Board and their wives gave a large dinner party at the Xorth Short hotel on Tuesday evening, honoring Mr. Louis K. Gillson on the xxftasion of his seventy-second birthday. The | affair was a total surprise to Mr. Gill- son, who was the recipient of a iarge bouquet of roses presented by the high school teachers, and a handsome travelling bag. the gift of the Board f members. Mr. Gillson has served on the High School Board for tw^vt years and for thirteen years on the Park Board. The Kappa Kappa Gamma mothers .f have arranged for an afternoon bridge party to benefit the Kappa Kappa Gamma house fund, to be held on the afternoon of Saturday. February f 2. at 2 o clock at the new Country club I of Evanston. Mrs. C. Waller Pank and Mrs. Howard T. Wilcox are co- chairman in charge. Mrs. Gertrude Lees-Roberts enter- tained the mothers of her pupils, last Saturday afternoon at her residence f studio. 629 Gregory avenue. A de- I lightful program was given by the! following pupils. Ruth Kuehn. Isabel Thompson, Charlotte Moodv. Grace Cooke. Katherine fJlis. Mary Lent.-,. Richard Rossman and Austin Cooke, f Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher. 716 Central avenue, is spending several davs this week with Mrs. George C. Murdoch in Davenport. la. Upon her return she will occupy the Thomas If. Knox apartment at the Orrington hotel in Evanston. Col. and Mrs. Knox are leaving January 20 for a West Indies trip. Mrs. John W. McPherrin and small daughter, until recently of Evanston, who are spending the month wit! Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm. 704 Lake avenue, will leave February 1. to ioin Mr. McPherrin in Madison, Wis., where they will take up their future resident. Ouilmette Country club will enter- tain with a formal dinner dance for its members tomorrow evening. On Monday there will be a buffet lunch- eon and bridge for the women, and next Friday evening. January 25. the monthly Junior party will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Planner of Blackwell. Wis., are in Boston and New York for ten davs or so. Dur- ing their absence, their son, Edward, is the guest of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Patch. 611 Washing- ton avenue. Miss Dorothy Brown was hostess at a formal dancing party given i" her home, 9*5 Michigan avenue, last Saturday evening. There were fifty guests.

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