Social Happenings on the North Shore by Ruth Risley
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1918, p. 7
- Featured Link
- Creator
- Ruth Risley
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Articles
- Notes
- The Illinois Centennial 1918 is the subject of a lecture by Mr. Wallace Rice at the Wilmette Woman's Club on Feb. 20. Following his talk, Allen D. ALbert, special representative of the War and Navy Department's Commissions on training camp activities, will explain the message, "Social Problems Outside Training Camps."
Charity informal dancing party next Thursday at the Wilmette Woman's Club will be held under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Auxiliary. Patrons and patronesses will be Messrs. and Mesdames Roy E. Bowers, Wallace W. Kerr, Frank L. Koont, Edgar O. Blake, George L. Glencon and C. E. Renneckar.
Call or donations to the Soldiers' Club at Camp Grant. Description of the club room. Mrs. William B. Mann is chairman of collections. Mrs. Walter D. Lawrence is in charge of purchase of Thrift stamps.
Mrs. George Springer will entertain at a birthday party for her small daughter, Martha's, 8th birthday at her home, 724 Forest avenue. Guests include Misses Margaret Payne, Ruth King, Mary Marshall, Jane Roberts, Louise Wire, Mary Mack, Anne and Betty Lawrence, Marion Suits and Virginia Evers.
Card party given Monday by the Catholic Woman's Club under direction of Mrs. Frank J. Oelerich. Next affair will be April 5 under direction of Mrs. Charles E. Lord.
Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Forest avenue, and her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dillon, and little daughter, Hester May, of 530 Eighth street, will travel to Watervliet, N.Y. to visit with Marshall Davies stationed at the arsenal there.
Miss Vera Gotschaaf [unclear] of Milwaukee, Wis., is guest of Mrs. J. H. Verhalen, 1018 Elmwood avenue, this week.
Dr. Alice Tuttle Brown, 622 Washington avenue, entertained her dinner club Tuesday.
Smileage books campaign continues. Description of the entertainment coupon books. Sales committee includes Mrs. Carl Hecker, Mrs. R. E. Bowers, Mrs. C. P. Soale and Mrs. William Matthews.
Four hundred attended the bridge party last Saturday at the Evanston Woman's Club for the purpose of defraying expenses in Tenth District War Emergency Fund. Among the guests were those from Wilmette: Mesdames A. C. Wenban, Wallace W. Kerr, A. J. Dart, Edward Mendsen, Edward Zabel, A. J. Woodard, C. C. Mitchell, Ralph C. Whitsett, Edward R. Thurman, Henry B. Gates, Albert Tuerk, C. E. Renneckar, W. H. Towne, John Spear [unclear], J. H. Verhalen, Frederick Norman, Louis Crush, Frank M. Hofman, Albert F. Reichmann, Carl Schroder, Charles E. Lord, Ferdinand J. Brahm, T. J. Leahy, H. M. Van Hoesen, Anton Thalmann, R. J. Burns Sailor and the Misses Weinland, Ketchum, Mueller and Gotschaaf.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes and Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons entertained informally on tuesday evening at the Mons home, 921 Oakwood avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner have closed their home at 723 Tenth street for the next two months while they winter in California. Miss Roberta Skinner is making her home with Miss Virginia Buchanan in Winnetka during their absence
Mr. and Mrs. Willam J. Lavery of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting with Mrs. Lavery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cody on Greenwood avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Collier have closed their home at 601 Lake avenue for a few weeks.
Mrs. Arthur Allen, 1029 Thirteenth street, is convalescing at home.
Ouilmette Country club closed during February because of the coal shortage.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Collyer entertained at bridge a their home 730 Ninth street.
Thursday Club will be entertained by Mrs. C. R. Morrison this afternoon.
Miss Alice Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, returned from Milwaukee.
Mrs. J. B. Olwin was hostess to Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge Club at her home on Lake avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rice and daughter Ruth, of Twelfth street, will spent weekend in Lockport, Ill.
W. H. Thayer of Washington avenue has purchased the E. G. Stenvenson home at 522 Central avenue.
The Men's Whist Club met with B. F. Brown, 606 Washington avenue, Tuesday evening.
Meetings of the Reading Club postponed.
Mrs. Phil A. Grau has as a guest her sister, Mrs. J. Fred Brown of Rock Island.
Mrs. Edward Kirchberg will be hostess to the Fortnightly Bridge Club next Tuesday. - Date of Publication
- 14 Feb 1918
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.288307
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
Agency street/mail address:1242 Wilmette Avenue
Wilmette, IL
U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930