Silly kids! Trick or treating is for adults
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 25 Oct 2007, A1, A2
- Creator
- Angela D. Sykora
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Photographs
- Notes
- Janet Purcell of Winnetka loved Halloween and the fall season so much she and her husband Mike scheduled their wedding for Oct. 31, and are planning a 15th anniversary party this year.
Irene and Peter Spitz of Highland Park decorate their home in a scary way for the holiday.
Deerfield's Kelly Milani and her husband Robert and mother, Jeanette Ruda dress in costume for trick-or-treaters to see
Deerfield neighbors Linda Trytek and Tom Jensen turn their yards into heavily decorated spaces. Trytek and her friend Melissa hide among the scary dummies to startle visitors. Jensen dresses as Wolfman.
Charlotte Max of Lincolnshire enjoys decorating her home for the grandkids and herself. This year she'll dress as a Las Vegas slot machine
Joanne Jones, owner of The Curves for Women workout center in Libertyville dressed as a Sumo wrestler in a fat suit which deflated after some exercise.
Loretta Facchini of Riverwoods reports that her boss, Phyllis Russell, always comes to work on Halloween in costume
Bob and Debbie Baittie of Vernon Hills host an adult party with dishes such as devil's ears, bat wings and vampire testicles and drinks like boo-skees (beer)
Andrew and Rachel Fersten of Deerfield have a party that features a band, the Usual Suspects to and a catered dinner
Denise Floss of Lincolnshire enlists her friends to bring a dish to pass and have simple silly games Photographs Robert Milani of Deerfield, Joanne Jones of Libertyville, Debbie and Bob Baittie of Vernon Hills - Date of Publication
- 25 Oct 2007
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.292278
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
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Wilmette, IL
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