What People are Doing in Evanston
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1914, p. 4
- Full Text
The Mises Belden, 937 [unclear] Hinman avenue, will sail June 27 for Naples.
The Oak Leaf circle is planning a truck ride and dinner for Friday evening of this week at Pine Grove Farm, Illinois.
Mr. Duke Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, will sail June 20 for South America, where he will be located in business.
Mrs. D. Mortenson of Racine, Wisconsin, was the weekend guest of her son, Mr. A. D. Mortenson, 2400 Harrison street.
Miss Isabel Bridge, 578 Milburn street, returned Sunday from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, where she is attending college.
Mr. Joseph Morris, Jr., 1138 Sheridan road, who is attending the University of Cincinnati, is home for a few days.
Miss Gladys Balch, 2123 Harrison street, returned Tuesday from a weekend visit with friends at Madison, Wisconsin.
Mr.a nd Mrs. W. E. Agate, 602 Dempster street, left yesterday for Bangor, Maine, where they will spend the summer.
Miss Eugenia Buffington, 1140 Forest avenue, is attending the commencement exercises at Sweet Briar, Richmond, Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Morris and family, 1138 Sheridan road, will leave June 9 for their summer home at Charlevoix, Michigan.
Mrs. Howard Baker, 843 Ridge avenue, will entertain at an informal bridge next Thursday afternoon for Miss Gladys Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Hard of Van Wert, Ohio, will arrive in this city on Friday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cromer, 1011 Grove street.
Mr. Alexander Dewar of Vancouver is the guest of his daughters, Mrs. Raymond Cook, Mrs. Thomas Lord and Mrs. Graham Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meaker, Jr., 2431 Pioneer Road, entertained at tea Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bruce of St. Johns, New Brunswick.
Mr. Edwin F. Walker, 2333 Lincoln street, has been called to California by the illness of his father, F. H. Walker, who was seriously hurt by a fall.
Mr. William A. Dyche, who has been traveling in the Orient, has sailed on the steamer "Minnesota" for Seattle, arriving in this city the middle of the month.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Hemenway Methodist Episcopal church will hold their regular meeting next Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiltslepe of 813 Lee Street have recently celebrated their silver wedding aniversary. Only intimate friends and relatives were present on the occasion.
Miss Barbara Waldo of Bridgeport, Connecticut, who will be a member of Miss Burns' bridal party, has arrived in this city, where she will be the guest of Miss Lillian Johnson, 1015 Sheridan road.
Miss Louise Moore, 2131 Orrington avenue, entertained Monday at a kitchen shower for Miss Jessica Mendsen, whose marriage to Mr. Edwin C. Connover will take place on Wednesday evening, June 10.
The alumni and active members of the Omega chapter of SIgma Chi fraternity have issued invitations to a reception to be given form 3 to 6 o'clock on Friday afternoon, June 5, the occasion being the formal opening of their new chapter house on the north campus of the university.
The Evanston Catholic Woman's club and the Visitation alumnae auxiliary spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Emory Albright, at the log sudio in Hubbard Woods. The guests took their box lunches, and a delightful time was enjoyed. Mr. Albright's pictures, which have been attracting marked attention at the Art Institute, were exhibited.
Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Marie Leopold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leopold of Burlington, Iowa, to Mr. Robert Owen Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lord of 1416 Elinor place, which will take place on Thursday, June 11, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Chester Cory of this city will serve Mr. Lord as best man. After August 1, Mr. and Mrs. Lord will be at home at 1506 Grove street.
Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Margaret Dale Simpson, daughter of Mr. Robert Simpson, 1503 Sherman avenue, to Earl Leffingwell, which will take place on Saturday evening, June 20. Miss Charlotte Simpson will attend her sister as maid of honor, and the brides maid will be Miss Janet Anderson, and Miss Mary Helen Leffingwell and Margaret and Charlotte Anderson will act as flower girls. Mr. Edward Cleury will serve Mr. Leffingwell as best man.
Members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity met at the fraternity house on the north campus last Friday evening for the annual meeting of the House Building association. CLyde D. Foster was re-elected president of the association. Ritze [unclear] Mulder, vice-president; Thor Erickson, treasurer, and William Gazlay, secretary. A meeting of the Evanston Alumni Associaton was also held on the same evening. Plans were discussed preparatory for the national convention of the fraternity, which is to be held in Chicago during the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rollert, 421 Keeney street, have returned home from the east after a mont's absence.
The Mary Giddings Neighborhood club met Monday at th ehome of Mrs. A. B. Andrews, 847 Forest avenue.
Mrs. Jessie Culver of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the guest of her daughter, Miss Alice Culver, 1639 Orrington avenue.
Mrs. Nelle Rohrer, 1905 Noyes street, spent the weekend at Palmer, Indiana, as the guest of Miss Edna Buettcher.
Miss Esther Peterson, 1121 Grant street, entertained about twenty of her friends informally last Friday evening.
Mr. W. M. Mitchell and little son, John, 2303 Harrison street, have returned from a weekend visit at Paris, Illinois.
The annual meeting and election of officers of the Evanston Players' club will be held June 15 at St. Mark's parish house.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson, 716 Hinman avenue, announce the birth of daughter, Helen Charlotte, on Wednesday, May 27.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. John and daughter, Jessica, spent the weekend with Mrs. Johns' mother, Mrs. J. M. Loney, 1614 Oak avenue.
Miss Florence Hofford, who spent the weekend with Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 2315 Harrison street, has returned to her home in Chicago.
Mrs. James McDonald and the Misses McDonald, 1225 Michigan avnue, will give a musical at their home on Thursday afternoon, June 11.
Mr. Edward Thompson Grantham of Lincoln, Nebraska, was the weekend guest of his brother, Mr. James M. Grantham and family, 2415 Hartzell street.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson have taken an apartment at Glen View Golf Club, wher they will spend several weeks before leaving for Washington, D.C.
Among those who were at Deer Lick Farm, Deerfield, for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Kirkman and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lane of this city.
Mrs. George Watson Smith, 1462 Ridge avenue, has departed for the east, where she will be joined by her daughters, who are attending school in New York, going down to their home at Salter's Point, Massachusetts, for the summer.
Mrs. Edwin L. Harpham, 931 Maple avenue, left Tuesday for New Haven, Connecticut, where she will attend the commendcement at Yale University. Her son, Watson Harpham, is a member of the graduating class. Before returning to Evanston they will visit in Rutland, Vermont, and Northampton, Massachusetts.
Miss Nellie Sickels, 1040 Hinman avenue, for twenty-five years a teacher in the Lincoln school, will leav New York on Saturday for Naples on a three months' trip. Miss Sickels has been presented with a purse of $270 by the Parents and Teachers' association and the alumni of Lincoln school
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wright, 916 Forest avenue, departed Wednesday for Ithaca, New York, where they will visit their son, Miles, who is a student at Cornell university, later going on to Wellesley, where they will attend the commencement exercises of Miss Ruth Wright, spendint two weeks at Wianno, Massachusetts, before returning to Evanston.
Born, Sunday morning, May 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Petian, 2333 Harrison street, a girl
Mr. A. H. Dale, 2327 Central street, spoke before a Y.M.C.A. convention Sunday at Belvidere, Illinois.
Mr. Charles Sumner Hall and family, 1003 Grove street, have purcased the residence of Jorn J. Dwan, 1108 Maple avenue, and will move into it this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cribb, 2036 Maple avenue, have been entertaining their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lutz of Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Glass of Chicago.
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Balderson, 614 Clark street, and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Smith, 2500 Hartzell street, have returned from a weekend motor trip to Starved Rock, Illinois.
Mrs. Charles Parsons and her mother, Mrs. E. T. Mellin, 2115 Ridge avenue, entertained informally last Friday afternoon for Mrs. J. W. Francis of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Walter M. Bond and small son, 519 Hamilton street, will leave July 1 for Cape May, where they will spend a month with Mrs. Bond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Woodhead and two sons, 1521 Hinman avenue, leave Monday for Lynn, Connecticut, where they will visit Mrs. Woodhead's parents before leaving for Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wilson, 1513 Hinman avenue, have returned from the east. Mr. Wilson has been spending six weeks in Europe and during his absence Mrs. Wilson was in Washington, D.C. as the guest of her parents.
Mrs. Chester Comstock, 2408 Hartzell street, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen Norris and little daughter, Marcella, 2327 Harrison street, have returned from an extended visit in Oswego, New York. On their return trip they visited relatives at Lapeer, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry Byrns, 1215 Hinman avenue, have issued invitations for the wedding of their daughter, Gladys Marguerite, to John B. [?] Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler Hunger, 1119 Judson avenue. The ceremony will take place on Saturday evening, June 20, at St. Mark's church, the Rev. George Craig Stewart officiating. Following the service there will be a large reception at the Evanston country club. Miss Lillian Johnson will serve Miss Burns as maid of honor, and Mrs. Kiillian Van Renssalaer McNicol, sister of the groom, will be the matron of honor.. The bridesmaids will be Miss Eleanor Spry, Miss Margaret Armour, Miss Barbara Waldo of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Miss Katherine Bergin of Nanticoke, Pennsylvania. Two cousins of the bride, Gertrude and Priscilla Grassle, will serve as flower girls. Mr. Harry Hunter, brother of the groom, will be best man and the ushers are Kenneth Burns, David Forgan, Eedwin Adriance of Englewood, New Jersey, Horton Pushee of Boston and Mr. Killian McNichol as master of ceremonies.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 4 Jun 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.295011
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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