Social Happenings in Wilmette

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1914, p. 2
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There have been a number of interesting wedding announcements this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson T. Whiffen have announced the marriage of their daughter, Marion Frances, to Mr. Raymond Fuster [Fueter ?], son of Judge George Fuster of Austin, which will take place Saturday afternoon, June 20, a teh Whiffen home, 1126 Ashland Avenue.

A wedding of considerable interest to many Wilmette people is that of Miss Marjorie Taylor and MR. Charles Cromwell [unclear], which will e Saturday, June 20. Dr. MacKenzie of Howe Hall will read the service. THis is to be a quiet [unclear] ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Courtland [unclear] C. Taylor, 6212 Ingleside avenue. Miss Esther Taylor, the bride's sister, will be her only attendant. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Taylor were prominent residents of Wilmette up to the time of their removal to the south side six or seven years ago.

Another June bride will be Miss Beatrice Barker, whose wedding to Mr. Ira Lewis Grimshaw takes place next Tuesday evening at Wilmette Presbyterian church at 8:30 o'clock.

The marriage of Miss Marion Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Perkins, to Mr. Glen Gemmil, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gemmil, took place at the home of the bride's parents on Ninth street. Rev. Thomas Keene Gale performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. GLen Gemmil left yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gemmil and Miss Helen Gemmil for an automobile trip of several weeks to points of interest in the east.

At the party given for the Cozy Corner circle by the Crescent circle Tuesday of last week, practically all of the members of both circles attended and enjoyed a delightful afternoon. A program consisting of games, songs and piano selections was arranged by the Crescent circle, and the spacious [unclear] of the handsome Van Schaack home, containing rare collections of antiques, were thrown open to the guests.

Mrs. Charles H. Brethold entertained about sixteen guests at a family dinner Saturday in honor of her sister, Mrs. Saff of Hamburg, Germany, who is spending the summer in this country.

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Munro of Elmwood avenue celebrated their "tin" wedding anniversary Tuesday, June 2, entertaining about twelve close friends and relatives at a dinner at which the "silver" and other table appointments were all of tin. The rooms were decorated with tinware.

The recital given by Miss Dorothy Rae and Miss Ernan Smith Tuesday last week at the Country club was enjoyed by a large and enthusiastic audience of their friends. Miss Smith played her part of the program entirely from memory, and showed marked ability in her rendering of difficult compositions. Miss Rae always charms with her beautiful voice, and won the lively applause to which she is well accustomed.

Miss Virginia Ruth Olwin, 820 Lake Avenue, will entertain several friends at a lawn party Saturday afternoon. During a part of the afternoon the party will attend the moving picture show.

Mrs. V.S. Smith, 618 Tenth street, entertained friends at dinner Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hammond, 1047 Linden avenue, will celebrate their [damaged] wedding anniversary this evening. Five hundred will by played by the guests.

Members of the graduating class of the Central Avenue public school will enjoy a dance tomorrow evening at the home of Chester M. Hogie, 407 Central avenue.

Mrs. H. T. Lorenzo entertained members of the Idle Hour club in her home Saturday evening. It was the last meeting of the club until next fall.

Mrs. Lyman Drake entertained a number of friends informally Saturday [damaged] on the beautiful porch of the Drake home.

Mrs. Charles Hastings of Central Avenue entertained Tuesday afternoon at bridge in honor of Mrs. Edwin [damaged]-ater of Galesburg.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Webster gave a large party Tuesday evening at their home on Washington avenue.

Miss Dorothy Brown gave a dance Saturday night at the New Trier assembly hall for the members of the [damaged] Athletic association.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Dibble will [damaged] a dance to a large number of friends at the Ouilmette Country Club tomorrow evening.

Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Donaldson and daughter, Miss Grace Donaldson, returned to their home at 1126 Forest avenue after a two months' trip abroad. They visited in Germany, France, Italy and other European countries.

Mrs. James Calanan of Des Moines, Iowa, arrived Tuesday to be the guest of Mrs. G. L. Martin, 1016 [1046?] Elmwood avenue, during the General Federation of Women's Clubs in its biennial-convention at Chicago. Mrs. Calanan is president of the Des Moines Woman's club.

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11 Jun 1914
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