What People are Doing in Evanston

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1914, p. 5
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Mr. Franklin Morse, 1019 Michigan avenue, will return from Asheville, N.C., on June 18.
Mrs. Louise B. Tanner, 1827 Asbury avenue, is visiting in Morristown, New Jersey, for a month.
The annual senior picnic of the high school will be held on Tuesday, June 10, at Gray's lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Huff, 624 Noyes street, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, June 2.
Rev. A. T. Carlson of the Swedish Mission church has returned from an extended trip to Spokane, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blythe Garnett, 2252 Sherman avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, May 28.
Walter P. Wing, 428 Greenwood boulevard, will return on Thursday from Asheville school for his summer vacation.
Mrs. Fred Shaw, who has been visiting her son in California for several months, has returned to her home at 2707 Walnut avenue.
Miss Katherine Morse, 1019 Michigan avenue, will return today from the east, where she has been spending three weeks.
Miss Frances Charles entertained Monday evening for her guest, Miss Griffiths, at an informal dance at her home, 1310 Hinman avenue.
Mrs. [unclear] M. Lenz of Davenport, Iowa, arrived Monday to be the guest of her niece, Mrs. Hugh Taylor Harvey, 2406 Grant street, this week.
Mrs. W. H. Spence has returned to her home in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, after a visit in this city as the guest of Mrs. F. R. Fulton, 1208 Judson avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hines and family, 1456 Ridge avenue, will sail June 28 for Europe, spending the summer in Norway, Sweden and Russia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dickson and two children, 1519 Davis street, will leave Saturday, June 20, for their summer home at Cedar Lodge on Cedar Lake, Wisconsin.
Mrs. D. H. Burnham, 232 Dempster street, and Miss Gertrude Hardin sailed for New York last Saturday for Europe where they will spend the summer
The first of the ladies' luncheon-bridge parties was held on Monday at Westmoreland Country club. There were between forty and fifty guests for luncheon.
Edward and Ralph Hines, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hines, 1456 Ridge avenue, will return on Friday from Andover, Massachusetts, where they have been attending school.
Mrs. Hugh Taylor Harvey, 2406 Grant street, will entertain informally tomorrow afternoon for her little daughter, Marie, in honor of her fourth birthday. There will be twelve guests.
Mr. John Slocum, 1315 Forest avenue, who will be one of the ushers at the Paullin-Pruitt wedding on JUne 17, will entertain the bridal party over the weekend at his summer home at Lake Geneva.
Prof. J. M. Pierce, head of the department of chemistry at the University of Iowa, is spending several days in this city. Prof. Pierce was former student and football player at Northwestern University.
Mr. Frank O. Potter of the City National bank attended the meeting of group 3 of the Illinois Bankers' association at Freeport, Illinois, last Thursday. Mrs. Potter accompanied him as far as Leaf river, returning on Friday.
On Friday afternoon there will be a children's party at the Evanston Country club. In the evening there will be a dance for young people under 16 from 8 until 9:30, followed by dancing for the older members of the club.
The apron committee of the Congregational Sewing society held their meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. Carleton Pendleton, 629 Haven streen. Luncheon was served by the hostess on the porch, assisted by Mrs. C. W. D. Parsons.
The Noyes Street Mothers' Club will give a party this afternoon at 3:30 p.m., for the eighth grade graduates and their mothers, also a farewell for the teachers before they leave for their summer vacations. The entertainment will be held at the Noyes Street School.
Mr. Frank Filhening [unclear], 817 Judson avenue, returned last week from Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Laawrence Wilder, 1217 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end at Lake Geneve.
Children's day service will be held at Covenant M. E. Church next Sunday morning.
Mrs. Wynn Ellis, [number unclear] Colfax street, has gone to Ishpeming, Michigan, for a two weeks' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Perkins, 2319 Lincoln street, have returned from a week's trip to Nashville, Nennessee.
Mrs. E. E. MacFarland of Los Angeles is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Howard Pettit, 1110 Church street.
Mr. Roy Wyatt of Mattoon, Illinois, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Dan B. Drummitt [Brummitt ?], 2522 Park place, this week.
Mrs. John B. Ackerman, 2311 Harrison street, has been entertaining her father, Mr. Charles Page of Atlanta, Georgia.
The seventh grade of the Crandon school will present "Joan of Arc" Thursday evening at the Lincolnwood school.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Harris and family, 321 Davis street, left last week for Estes Park, where they will spend the summer.
Dean and Mrs. P. C. Lutkin, 1330 Church street, will leave this week for their summer home at Northport Point, Michigan.
The Misses Conklin and Schmidt of Oakland, California, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Vandercook, 2610 Harrison street.
Mrs. Charles M. Cartwright, 2215 Lincoln street, has as her guest her sister, Miss Elizabeth Abbott, of South Bend, Indiana.
Miss Gertrude Carter, 112 Greenwood boulevard, spent the weekend in Jacksonville, Illinois, where she was a memer of a house party.
Miss Leone Gould, 1239 Judson avenue, and Miss Shepherd, 1721 [1724?] Chicago avenue, will sail for Europe on June 20, to be gone several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter Murison, 904 Judson avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Claire, to John Jefferson Cosner of Welsh, Louisana.
Rev. and Mrs. Francis Gibson and three children are the guests of Mrs. Gibson's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles A.P. Garnsey, 1844 Ashland avenue.
Mrs. James B. Wescott, 1719 Ridge avenue, entertained the active chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at her home Monday at a supper party.
A number of the young married couples surprised Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacDonald, 2228 Noyes street, Saturday evening, in honor of Mr. MacDonald's birthday.
Miss Ruth E. Dougherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dougherty, 1735 Chicago avenue, will be a member of this year's graduating class at Dana hall in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Mrs. Robert E. Wyllie [unclear]and two daughters and Miss Louise Wyllie of Fort Dade, Florida, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Roberts, 2444 Hartray avenue.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Orman Beck, 2641 Prairie avenue, have as their guest Rev. Kingsley S. Pease of Singapore. Mr. Pease delivered the serman Sunday morning at Covenant M. E. Church.
Announcement cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. William Weber, whose daughter, Margaret, was married on Saturday afternoon to Mr. Rush Eugene Hussey, at the home of the bride's parents in Lake Villa, Illinois. Mr. Hussey is the son of Mrs. E. E. Hussey of 820 Foster street, and was attended by Mr. R. B. Baker of this city as best man. Mrs. Hussey and daughter, Alice, returned Sunday from Lake Villa, after attending the wedding.
All honors of the Wellesley College Alumnae association, with its country-wide membership, will go to women in and around Chicago this year, in recognition of the fact that Chicago graduates were so prompt and liberal in raising funds for the college following the fire. Mrs. Irwin Rew of 1128 Ridge avenue, has been nominated for one of the directors of the board of managers, and will leave this week for Wellesley, to be present during the commencement exercises, as well as for the business meeting to follow.

[Third column]
The Rev. Charles M. Stuart, president of Garrett Biblical Institute of Northwestern University, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday, June 14, at the University of Illinois.
Mrs. Ira B. Cook, 132 Dempster street, entertained twelve guests at luncheon on Friday in honor of her mother, Mrs. ALexander Dewar of Vancouver, who is visiting in this city.
Mrs. R. E. MacRae of 2525 Park place has gone to Delafield, Wisconsin, for a week, where she will attend the commencement exercises of St. John's Military academy, where her son, Alvin, is a student.
Mrs. Arthur Sturley of Tacoma, Washington, arrived Monday as a delegate for the biennial convention of the General Federation of Woman's clubs, and will be the guest of Mrs. W. A. Cavanagh, 723 Judson avenue.
One of the prettiest of spring revels was given Monday afternoon at the Lincolnwood school, when "Robin Hood" was presented by the fifth and sixth grades, followed by the sinding of the May Pole, and vaious dances by the other classes in the school.
Mrs. David Du Bose Gaitlaw, widow of the late Col. Gaitlaw, who was an active member of the Panama Canal commission, and in charge of the Culebra cut, has taken an apartment for the summer with her son, David St. Pierre Gaitlaw, at 1101 Davis street.
Mrs. Killian Nicol of Chicago entertained at luncheon Tuesday for Miss Burns of this city and tomorow Miss Burns will be the guest of honor at a luncheon and matinee at the Blackstone, when Mrs. J. Frank Nutting, 418 Church street, will entertain for her.
The annual election of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Hemenway Methodist Episcopal Church will be held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Milhening, 817 Judson avenue, at 12:15 o'clock. The business meeting will follow at 2:30, after which there will be an address by Mrs. R. E. Clark.
Prof. Edouard P. Baillot, head of the department of the romance languages of Northwestern University, received word last week that he had been given the decoration of Oddicer de L'Instruction Publique by France, in recognition of his work in the propagation of the French languages and literature in this country.
Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, founder and first president of the Evanston Woman's Club, was the guest of honor at the second of the weekly informal gatherings at the club house on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Harbert is here as a delegate for the biennial convention of the General Federation of Woman's clubs and is the guest of Mrs. P. L. McKinnie, who will be the hostess at the club tomorrow. A short talk will be given by Mrs. Waring, wife of Col. Waring, telling of her husband's work in organizing the white brigade in New York, also of his work in making Havana livable for Americans after the Spanish-American war. Tea was served to the guests at 4 o'clock.

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11 Jun 1914
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