Social Happenings in Wilmette

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1914, p. 2
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The marriage of Miss Beatrice Barker, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Reed Barker of 707 Washington avenue, to Ira Lewis Grimshaw was the most interesting event of the week. The ceremony took place Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the Wilmette Presbyterian Church, Dr. James Marquis Wilson officiating. Miss Edith Corette gave the following program on the organ during the service: Fugue, E. Minor, Mendelssohn; an Den Fruhling and Anitra's Dance, Greig; Second Concerto (allegro) H andel; and Mendelssohn's Spring Song. The bride's gown was of white satin and princess lace with a tulle veil and hood wreathed with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The matron of honor, her sister, Mrs. William Magee Raiguel, and the bridesmaids, Miss Gladys Stevens of Urbana, Miss Ruth Oliver of Kenilworth, Miss Eleanor Bradley and Miss Florence Ayers of Wilmette, were gowned in pink satin and chiffon, and carried baskets of pink roses. Mr. James L. McDowell of Oregon was the best man, and the ushers, Harry Brown, William Magee Raiguel, Ralph McDowell and Roy C. Heimbaugh were fellow students with Mr. Grimshaw at the University of Michigan. A small reception for the intimate friends and relatives was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Barker immediately after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Grimshaw left Tuesday evening for their wedding trip, and after returning to Wilmette for a short visit, will be at home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, after August 1.

The Woman's Association of St. Augustine's church held a social meeting Friday afternoon in the parish house. The Rev. Frederick E. Budlong of Christ church, Winnetka, spoke on the work done by similar organizations in parishes in which he has been interested, explainig their purpose of bringing the various guilds of the church under one head, working together for the elimination of waste and better efficiency. A musical program, consisting of piano duets by Mrs. Fullerton and Mrs. Wrigley, and several solos by Mrs. Waffel, was given. Refreshments were served by the social comittee under Mrs. Wanner. The meeting was the last one for this year, and the interest shown in the plans of the association, which was formed recently, speaks well for the work of the coming year.

Mrs. E. Jackson Casse, 633 Forest avenue, entertained informally twelve ladies at a conversation luncheon Wednesday. The subjects of drama, opera, literature, suffrage and feminism were dicussed. Mrs. Marion Coryell Webster of Gary, Indiana, an accomplished musician and composer of songs, gave several of her selections which were greatly enjoyed by the ladies.

Mrs. Frank Collier, 601 Lake avenue, entertained several ladies at luncheon Wednesday at her home.

Mrs. George W. Rose, 1232 Lake avenue, entertained informally twenty ladies at her home Tuesday afternoonn. In honor of Mrs. George Gillette, 1112 Elmwood avenue, who soon leaves for California, and her house guest, Miss Anna Buell, of St. Joe, Missouri.

Mrs. Benjamin Gage entertained a number of her friends Tuesday afternoon with bridge. There were twelve tables.

Mrs. B. G. Calloway, 920 Linden avenue, entertained ten guests at dinner Wednesday in honor of Miss Marjorie Day.

The June card party was enjoyed by members of the Wilmette Woman's club in the club house yesterday afternoon. Bridge and five hundred were played.

Mrs. George Caven, 427 Central avenue, will entertain several guests at auction bridge Saturday afternoon June 27.

Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park avenue, was hostess at a birthday party in her home Monday afternoon to twenty of her friends. The out-of-town guests were Mesdames W. Rudeshauser, J. Richter, I. Stine, W. Niemeyer, E. HEmpner, G. Buchause, B. Klemm, R. Thalman [Thalmann], and Misses Helen Klemm, Margie Overn, Pearl Thalmann and Mr. C. H. Klemm. The dinner table was attractively decorated with pink roses and with small pink baskets containing forget-me-nots at each guest's place. Many presents were showered upon the hostess.

Mrs. John R. Cochran, 809 Linden avenue, entertained twelve guests at dinner Monday evening in honor of Miss Marjorie Day of Wilmette, Miss Hurd and Miss Ruth Hurd of Chicago, all of whom leave this week to spend the summer in Europe.

The bridal party of the Barker-Grimshaaw wedding was entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr. and MRs. William M. Raiguel, 6100 Dorchester avenue, Chicago, and at a dinner Monday evening given by Dr. and MRs. M. R. Barker, 707 Washington avenue.

Mrs. Charles Banford Clarke, 526 Washington avenue, entertained twelve guests Friday of last week at luncheon and cards.

Miss Margaret Simpson, daughter of Robert Simpson of 1503 Sherman avenue, Evanston, will be married to Earle Leffingwell Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlman, 623 Washington avenue. The Rev. Harry B. Heald will read the service. Miss harlotte Simpson is to be maid of honor and the attendants will be Misses Mary Helen Leffingwell and Janet Anderson. Misses Margaret and Charlotte Anderson are to be flower maids and Eward [sic] Floury will serve as best man. A reception to about sixty guests will follow the ceremony.

The Eighth grade graduating class of 1914 has had a very pleasant and memorable week with the parties and entertainments given for them. A class party was given Friday evening at the home of Mr. and MRs. Chester Hogie, 407 Central avenue. The distributio of class pins was a feature of the evening. Excellent music was furnished for dancing, and a program of games was arranged. Miss Caswell and Miss Hayes were guests of the class and over fifty young people were present.

Miss Virginia Olwin entertained a number of her friends in the graduating class Saturday evening in her home.

A progressive dinner was arranged Monday evening for twenty-six of the graduates. Courses were served at the homes of Mrs. J. B. Greiner, Mrs E. L. Scheidenhelm, and Mrs. E. C. Scchweitzer. After dinner the young people visited the "movies." Miss Sibbal, a former teacher, and Miss Hayes and Miss Caswell were members of the party.

A beach party was arranged for Tuesday afternoon, chaperoned by several of the teachedrs, among them Miss Patten, also a former teacher, and a number of the mothers of the young graduates.

Mrs. H. B. Mulford entertained her bridge and luncheon club on Thursday.

Mrs. J. Flagg Stone, 706 Linden avenue, entertained at luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. O'Bannon of Davenport, Iowa, the guest o fMrs. Arthur Thompson.

Mrs. George Bayliss, 101 Sixth street, will be hostess today at a luncheon for Mrs. O'Bannon.

Mrs. Arthur Thompson, 707 Linden avenue, entertained with bridge Monday afternoon.

Mrs. F. T. Williams, 919 Central avenue, was hostess to more than a dozen members of the Saturday Evening Five Hundred club, Saturday evening.

A club dance will be enjoyed by the members of the Ouilmette Country Club Saturday night.

Mrs. Benjamin E. Gage was hostess at a bridge party in her home, 901 Oakwood avenue Tuesday afternon.

Several guests were entertained in thehome of Mrs. John W. Iliff, 1115 Greenwood avenue, yesterday afternoon at luncheon and bridge.

Members of the Tuesday club were guests at a luncheon in the home of Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 726 Washington avenue, Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Marjorie Hatch, 915 [945?] Greenleaf avenue, entertained twenty two members of the Kappa Sigma Phi sorority in her home at a luncheon Monday afternoon.

Miss Dorothy Allen, 518 Forest avenue, had as her guest Allen Anderson of Chicago over Sunday.

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18 Jun 1914
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