Avoca District 37: Graduation ceremonies
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 29 May 2008, p. 32
- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Articles
- Notes
- List of 8th grade graduates. Commencement ceremony to be held June 3.
Kevin Alan Aines, Brady Paul Arenson, Kerin Auh, Morgan Samantha Bashford, Rebecca Ann Behof, Eric Anthony Joseph Benjamin, Justin Brown, Andrew Nicholas Carter, Rachel Laura Chambers, Shams Noordin Charania, Yu Alice Chen, Susan Seoyoung Chun, John Joshua Clemente, Kelly Mei Cole, Annie Conaghan, Brett Michael Connaughton, Patrica Ann Costouros, Gavin Craig, Carl Jacob Eifler, Benjamin Feis, Oscar Anthony Garcia, Wendy Elizabeth Geslewitz, Claire Kathleen Gilbert, Jami Erica Gitles, Ish Goomar, Katherine Elizabeth Grundin, Hannah Cecilia Heyworth, Fahmi Jalalluddin, Amanda Lee Jenkins, Alvin Jou, Soyeon Suzi Kang, Kawinna Kawinsangkom, Moira Rose Kelly, Peyten Alexandra Kenneth, Shana Khamis, Bomi Kim, Nicole Chase Kofkin, Allison Renee Koplan, Aaron Peter Krauser, Simona Ann Krifman, Shariq Lalani, Ju Won Lee, Kyu Sik Lee, Michael Brian Leventhal, Miles Link, Michelle Frances Majarucon, Zach March, Krista Viktorija Martinka, Victoria Rose McCurrie, Kunaal Timothy Mehra, Elizabeth Anne Meiselman, John E. Merikoski, Nadia Erendira Mondragon, Paolo Adrian Morales, Melissa Rose Murrin, Margaret Mary O'Brien, Grace Marie Ok, Kristine Martinez Ortega, John J. Pak, Hyun-Jae Park, Laura Sae-Ae Park, Max Redemann, David Resnick, Lori Resnik, Lauren Elizabeth Rivkin, Carly Alexes Saitelbach, Hannah Debra Samberg, Jishnuraj Sarker, Justin Myles Schroeder, Clare Elizabeth Shanahan, Jueun Shin, Irene Kate Skokna, Dylan Francesca Spencer, Benjamin Palmer Stiegel, Edward Terayuth Sugitpibul, Grant Andrew Thurman, Theodore Fitzgerald VerBockel, Sean Visconti, Steven Avi Wolchek, Caroline Carney Wahlund, Alexa Faye Winestock, Jacob L. Wolfe
Eight 7th-grade students elected to student council for 2008-09 school year: Jack Manchester, Courtney Ackerman, Alexa Korbakes, Elton Shiau, Tess Altman, Miranda Wei, Jessica Ackerman, Michelle Grantman - Date of Publication
- 29 May 2008
- Subject(s)
- Corporate Name(s)
- Marie Murphy School
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.295345
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Illinois, United States
Latitude: 42.07225 Longitude: -87.72284
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