Kenilworth News Notes

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1914, p. 3
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The Bridge Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. D. Parmelee.

Mr. Frederick Little has gone to northern Michigan on a two weeks' hunting and fishing trip.

Miss Hazel McDonald is attending the Cumnock School of Oratory of Northwestern University.

The Kenilworth Union Church will give a dinner in the church parlors on Saturday evening, Oct. 31.

Mr. and Mrs. William Englar and family returned Thusday from their summer home in Tomahawk, Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crooks will entertain their card club tomorrow evening at their home on Cumnor road.

Mrs. George Bundy of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Martin, on Warwick road.

As no date has yet been set for the trustee's dinner of the Kenilworth Union Church. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. Eckhart, chairman, Mrs. C. Armstron, Mrs. F. Hicks, Mrs. Highbee, MRs. L. M. Willis, Mrs. Keehn, Miss Marie Kasten, Miss Frances Serrell and Mr. P. Eckhart.

At the first meeting of the Neighborhs yesterday afternoon at the Kenilworth Assembly hall Mrs. Oliver R. Barrett read a most interesting paper on "Life in the Tyrol." Mrs. Barrett is a native of Vienna, and wore the costume of the Tyrolese.

Among the affairs which have been given for Miss Gladys Mars were a luncheon last Saturday at the home of Miss Ethel Westman in Birchwood, a dinner on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Minnie L. Becker, mother of the bridegroom, and an informal tea on Sunday evening at the residence of Mrs. Charles Teth in Edgewater.

Four couples of Kenilworth, young people, members of a former card club here, will be the guests at a week-end party at the home of Miss Charlotte Friez of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a former resident of both Kenilworth and Wilmette. The young people will motor there tomorrow afternoon and return Sunday evening. The guests of honor on this occasion will be Miss Gladys Mars and Mr. Elmer D. Becker.

Next Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, the educational committee of the Neighbors will meet at the home of Mrs. Grant Ridgway on Cumberland road. Mrs. Charles Ware will give a discussion of the subject, "Woman's Civic Responsibilities in General." The president of the club, Mrs. Calvin S. Case, will also lead a discussion on "The Impersonal Attitude of the Mind Essential in Club Work."

Covers were laid for ninety-six guests at the annual opening luncheon of the Woman's Guild of the Union Church on Monday, which was an unqualified success. The hostesses in charge were Mesdames Charles Armstrong, Frank Chaffee, J.S. Cline, F. E. M. Cole, Fred Bulley, J. K. Farley, F. M. Hicks, Herman Kasten, charles Horswell, H. H. Everett, E. D. Parmelee, Arthur F. Poole, J ames H. Prentiss, Grant Ridgway, O. M Ruth, W. L. Serrell, Merritt Star, Chester Stevens, Rufus Stolp, William E. Highbee, John R. Vennema, Harold Rowntree and George W. Maher.

The marriage of Miss Gladys Anne Mars, ddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Mars of Kenilworth, to Mr. Elmer David Becker, son of Mrs. Minnie L. Becker, 1439 Winona avenue, Chicago, will take place on Wednesday evening at the church of the Holy Comforter, the Rev. George Craig Stewart of St. Luke's church, Evanston, officiating. Mrs. A. W. Johnson of Minneapolis, Minn., wil lattend the bride as matron of honor, and the Misses Ethel Westman, Gertrude McKinley, Edna M. Becker and Florence Schofield will be the bridesmaids. Mr. Carl R. Lill of Minneapolis, Minn., will serve Mr. Becker as best man, and the ushers will be Messrs. Franklin Ellis, harold W. Neeves, Joseph E. Fitch and John J. Gunderson, all of Chicago.

Over three hundred people attended the reopening of the Kenilworth club house Tuesday evening. The club was formally opened on June 6, 1907, but it was found that it was too small for all conveniences, and so this summer improvements of various sorts have been made. The kitchen has been most wonderfully equipped with steam tables and a coffee urn. The program was well planned and balanced. Mr. Warren Pease gave the opening address, followed by a group of songs by Miss Gertrude Kastholn, a violin piano duet by the Misses Frances and Eleanor Serrell, piano solos by Beatrice and Florence Pease, a grourp of dances by Evelyn Isom, songs by Miss Isabel Cline, a duet by the Misses Cline and Kastholn, and a number of piano selections by Maurice Kattler, the thirteen-year-old boy wonder.

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9 Oct 1914
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