Social Happenings in Wilmette

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1914, p. 2
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The wedding of Miss Caroline Lusted, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Lusted, 2212 [unclear] Elmwood avewnue, to Mr. Ralph Collins Walters of Chicago, was solemnized Monday evening at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church at eight o'clock, the Rev. [unclear] Jones reading the service. The church was elaborately decorated in greens and pinks, and made a very picturesque setting for the ceremony. The bride was simply gowned in white charmeuse with touches of chantilly trimming here and there and made with a court train. Her veil of tulle was gracefully gathered into a lace cap caught with lilies of the valley at the front, and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of hte valley. Miss Marjorie Lusted, a sister of the bride, made a most charming maid of honor, dressed in a gown of light blue crepe de Chine, and two other sisters, the Misses Martha and Ethel Lusted as bridesmaids, looked equally well in their pink crepe de chine costumes. All three attendants carried shower bouquets of pink roses and carnations. Little Elizabeth Fox and Adele Stern were the flower girls. Mr. Roy Patterson of Des Moines, Iowa, attended Mr. Walters as best man, and the ushers were Dr. Julius Lackner and Mr. Thomas Boyle [Hoyle?]of Chicago. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Walters, left immediately on their wedding trip. They will be at home in Park Ridge, Illinois, after January 1.

Last Saturday evening the closing dinner of the season for the golfers was given at the North Shore Golf Club. Covers were laid for forty. A business session followed, including the election of officers for the ensuing year.

On next Friday evening the Sunday school of the Wilmette Presbyterian church will give an indoor picnic in the church parlors, and a most enjoyable time is promised the youngsters. On Saturday afternoon the affair will be repeated for the three younger classes, the primary, beginners' and cradle roll departments, with their mothers as guests of the afternoon.

Wonderous preparations are being made by the young people of the Presbyterian church for a Hallowe'en party to be celebrated on Friday evening Oct. 30

Miss Jane Kendall, 803 Elmwood avenue, entertained the members of her sorority, Kappa Sigma Psi, informally Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. [illegible], 808 Elmwood avenue, gave a theater party last Friday evening. The guests of the evening were Messrs and Mesdames Edward Zipf and Wiilliam MacLean.

Miss Virginia [illegible] entertained the members of the "T.C." club at dinner last Saturday evening at her home, 816 Michigan avenue.

A wedding of interest to many residents here is that of Miss Eva Blake and Mr. Albert Glass of Plymouth, Ill, which took place last Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, a the home of Miss Blake's brother, Mr. Edgar O. Blake, 921 Tenth street. Rev. Thomas Keene Gale of the Methodist church read the service. The bride and groom were unattended. Immediatley following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Glass departed for their new home at Plymouth, Illinois.

A meeting of the Evening Circle was held last evening at St. Augustine's Episcopal church with the Misses Waugh and Sara Murdock as hostesses.

Miss Marion Frost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Frost, 509 Central avenue, entertained thirity of her school friends at an indoor picnic, last Friday afternoon, rom 5 until 8 o'clock the occasion being her twelfth birthday.

Mrs. Hubert Harmon, 214 Sixth street, was the guest of honor at several affairs given during her visit to Highland Park over the weekend the first of this month. Among them was a luncheon on Friday at the Exmoor Golf Club, with MRs. Robert Carr as hostess; and a dinner on Saturday evening at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Troxel.

Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. James C. Crossley gave an "at home" to meet her mother, Mrs. Wayland Goodhue and the Misses Goodhue who have recently moved here from Chicago.

Wetmoreland Country Club was the scene of gaiety on Saturday evening for the proposed plans of the committee in charge were fully realized. Nearly three hundred guests attended the dinner, arrayed in costunes in various styles, and a prettier picture could not have been asked for the surroundings, corn stalks and grasses of all sorts set almost anywhere together with the costumes of the participants, were indeed seasonable. After the olden time dinner came the dance. Before 10:30 o'clock no one who was not in costume was allowed on the floor. Among those who went from this village were Messrs and Mesdames D. M. Gallie, Thomas Moulding, Karl D. King, Lyman M. Drake, J. C. Akely [Akeley], and F. H. Tichenor.

The finance committee of the Woman's club gave their second ance of the season Wednesday evening at the club house.

The Ouilmette Dancing Club will give their second dancing party tomorrow evening at the Wilmette Woman's Club.

Professor R. Henry Jacobson has reopened his dancing classes at the Woman's club on Saturday afternoon from 1 to 6 o'clock.

A reception and card party was given last Monday afternoon by the Young Ladies' auxiliary of the Woman's Club for their new members

This evenig at 6:30 o'clock the Men's league of the PResbyterian church will have a dinner party, preceding the address to be made by Mr. Peterson of Peterson's Nursery in Chiago. This is also ladies' night.

Miss Georgiana Rogers was hostess at a small dinner party last Thursday evening at her home, 428 [unclear] Ninth street. The guests were evanston school teachers, among whom she formerly worked.

Mr. and Mr. Louis A. Clark gave a dinner-dance Wednesday evening at their home on Lake avenue. Covers were laid for sixteen guests.

The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club were delightfully entertained this week by Mrs. Clarence Worthington, at her rsidence, 602 Lake avenue.

The Amicitia club will give a theater party this evening at the La Balle Opera house, seeing "One Girl in a Million."

The formal opening of the Ouilmette Country club, a dancing party, will take place tomorrow evening. Those in the receiving line will be Messrs. Clarence Puhlman, Louis A. Clark, F. J. Scheidenhelm, Philip Huguenin, E. Jackson Casse, George I. Dietrich, Charles N. Reese, G. I. Bichl, A. G. Frost, [unclear] Potterand Benjamin E. Gage.

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16 Oct 1914
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