Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1914, p. 2
- Full Text
Mr. Thomas Hall has gone to Lake Marie, Wisconsin, on a short hunting trip.
Mrs. Percy W. Andrews, 411 Lake avenue, is giving an informal luncheon today.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Powell, [illegible] Ashland avenue, are in Madison, Wisconsin, this week
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Couffer [illegible] Lake avenue, are visiting in the [illegible] this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh have gone to Ashland, Wisconsin, on an extended hunting trip.
Mrs. Grover, 736 Tenth street, is visiting among relatives and friends in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The Sunday school will give a Halloween party tomorrow evening at St. Augustine's church.
Mr. O. E. Fernald, [unclear] Forest avenue, has returned from an extended vacation spent in Maine.
Mrs. H. A. Pope, 910 [unclear] Lake avenue, is visiting in Cleveland, Ohio, at the home of her sister MRs. Gage.
Mr. Fred G. White, 1021 Central avenue, was called to New York Monday evening by the death of his uncle.
Mrs. William Panushka, 1041 Forest avenue, wil lleave Tuesday for the south, where she will spend the winter.
Mr. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue, left Monday evening for a ten days' business trip to Salt Lake City.
Mr. David Forsyth Anderson, [unclear] Chestnut street, will leave this evening on a business trip to California.
Miss Bertha Bowers of Ashland, Ohio, is a gues at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Roy E. Bowers, 1024 Eleventh street.
Mrs. P. D. Rathbone and Mr. E. B. Rathbone, 710 Central avenue, have returned from a month's visit in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. White, 1021 Central avenue, returned Sunday evening from a week's visit in Indianapolis, Ind.
Mrs. Edwdard Shaw of Portland, Oregon, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. David Everett Allen, 513 [unclear] Forest avenue.
Mrs. E. C. Sharpe of Rock Island, Illinois, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hope Thompson of 208 [unclear] Fifth street for a few days this week.
Mrs. A. A. Rogers of New Mexico, a resident of this village up to three years ago, is visiting among her old friends here this week.
Master Charles Carroll Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lord, 515 Central avenue, is rapidly improving from a four weeks' illness.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider, 730 Washington avenue, returned last week from a three weeks' trip to New York and New Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wigglesworth and son, Thomas, of 426 Central avenue, are visiting in the wast this week stopping at New York and Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird and family of 510 Washington avenue, will return this week from a two months' vacation in southern California
Mrs. Von Drehen and daughter, Miss Marguerite of Burlington, Iowa, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whitley, 737 [unclear] Elmwood avenue.
Mrs. Albert E. Barber of 621 Linden avenue has been spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shero a their home in Racine, Wisconsin.
Mrs. Harry Cumberland and daughter of 119 Fifth street spent a few days last week with relatives at Janesville and Milton Junction, Wisconsin.
Word has been received from Miss [illegible] of Rev. and Mrs. Heald, formerly of St. Augustine's church that she has arrived in Port Chester, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wray, [illegible] Washington avenue, will spend the weekend in Madison, Wisconsin. While there they will witness the Chicago Wisconsin game.
Mr. and Mrs. [?] E. Moore, [illegible] Elmwood avenue, had as their weekend guest Mr. Ralph N. Van Zile [[unclear], whose mother was formerly teacher in New Trier school.
Miss Helen Skinner, daughter of Mr. Thomas Skinner, 1224 Forest avenue, has started a three years course of gymnastic and fancy dancing with Mary Wood Hinman.
Mrs. Frank S. Lowry, 614 Hill street, accompanied by her grandfather, [unclear] C. C. Miller, 1046 Linden avenue, left this morning for a month's visit with relatives in Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pierce, [illegible] Linden avenue, and Mrs. [unclear] Galloway and children, have returned from a month's outing at their summer home in Old Mission, Mich.
Announcement is made of the birth of a daughter on Friday Oct. 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Killen of Chicago. Mrs. Killen was formerly Miss Edith Cross of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alexander, 730 Linden avenue returned Saturday morning from a week's trip in the east, stopping for short visits in Pittsburgh and Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. E. H. Bronson, who has been spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Charles McCue, [illegible] Washington avenue, left last Friday to visit another daughter in Washington.
Mrs. Albert G. Scheidenhelm of Erie, Pa., left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Elgin, Ill. and will return Sunday to join her husband. On Monday they will both leave for their home in the east.
Mrs. [unclear] Clarke, 522 Washington avenue, returned [illegible] from a week's visit in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bird 618 [unclear] Washington avenue, returned Monday from a month's visit in southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Bachman [unclear] gave a dinner party Friday evening at their home, 726 Laurel avenue. Covers were laid for ten.
After an extended visit at the home of Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 1817 [unclear] Elmwood avenue, Miss Nellie Houston [unclear] left last Friday to spend the winter in Minneapolis, Minn.
At their home, 633 Forest avenue, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse will give a harvest dinner preceding the dance at the Ouilmette Country Club tomorrow evening.
Word has been received of the marriage of Rev. W. C. Cleworth, former pastor of the Wilmette Methodist church, which took place three weeks ago in Clinton, Illinois. Rev. Cleworth is now located at Tams, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins Walters (Miss Caroline Lusted) have returned from an extended honeymoon in the east, and are now making their home in Chicago, untill their bungalow at Park Ridge is completed.
The Pi Beta Phi sorority of Northwestern University were delightfully entertained at the home of Miss Forothy Cody on Greenwood avenue last Friday evening. The party was given for the freshmen pledges, of which there are twenty-two.
A life long romance was brought to a climax on Tuesday, October 20, when Mrs. Sarah Vandeburg, age 76, was united in marriage to Mr. Randolph Grimes, age 77 years in Chicago. After the ceremony the bridal couple returned to the home of the bride's daughter, Mrs. Clarence A. Randall, 1231 Gregory avenue.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 30 Oct 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.297380
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
Agency street/mail address:1242 Wilmette Avenue
Wilmette, IL
U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930