Wilmette Societies and Clubs
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1914, p. 2
- Full Text
Mrs. Edmond L. Dalton entertained her bridge club Thursday afternoon at her home, 1625 Lake avenue.
A meeting of the Crescent circle was held Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Frank Allworth on eighth street.
Mrs. H. G. Drury, 622 Central avenue, was hostess to the Cozy Corner circle yesterday afternoon
Mrs. Melville Brown 738 Eleventh street, entertained the Neighborhood circle of the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon. Assisting her were Mesdames B. F. Blymyer, Arthur [illegible] and Henry Gates
Miss Margaret [illegible] was hostess to the "Twigs" yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Percival N. Butler, entertained one of the Tuesday luncheon and bridge clubs this week at her home 1016 Ashland avenue.
A meeting of the board of directors of othe Woman's Club was held [illegible] at the clubhouse.
The regular meeting of the [illegible] Luncheon and Bridge Club was changed to Wednesday this week and was held at the home of Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, 1033 Greenwood avenue.
The [illegible] meeting of the [illegible] department of the Woman's Club was held Wednesday afternoon at the clubhouse. [illegible] delighted her listeners with her personal experiences and impressions received while studying art abroad.
The Friday Luncheon and Bridge Club, which was to have met [illegible] has postponed its meeting for two weeks, and will then be entertained by Mrs. John [illegible] Greenwood avenue.
The annual meeting of the Parents Club of the Logan School will be held Monday afternoon at [illegible]. Mrs. [illegible]has promised to read one of her interesting papers on "The Effects of Literature on Character Building." The officers and standing committees will present their annual reports and officers for the coming year will be elected.
The evening meetings of the [illegible] have been scheduled for the following Thursday at [illegible] when the Civic club will meet with them. An attractive program of music and readings is now in preparation.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Allen [illegible] Forest avenue, gave a family Thanksgiving dinner last week. Among the out-of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. [illegible] Phillip of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Allen and family of Winnetka.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue entertained the "H. and W." club at dinner Tuesday evening at their home, 631 [unclear] Washington avenue.
A Thanksgiving day dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm at their home 420 [unclear] Park avenue. The table was very prettily decorated, the favors being small chocolate turkeys. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Kullin and daughter of Lake View, Mrs. B. Klemm, Miss Helen Klemm, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Klemm and small son of Evanston.
Mr. C. C. Mitchell, 814 LInden avenue, entertained the Y.M.L.A.I. [YMCA ?] Association at his residence last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Buckman entertained the Fortnightly Bridge club at their home, 831 Oakwood avenue last Saturday evening. There were [unclear] tables.
The Music Study class of the Woman's Club will have an especially interesting meeting on Tuesday [illegible]. Mrs. L. A. [illegible] of the Metropolitan School of Music, will give a talk on voice [?] which will be demonstrated by her own pupils. Non members will be admitted upon the payment of a small admission fee. The program will open with [illegible]
The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Congressional Church will be held next Friday. Luncheon will be served by the Cresent Circle at [illegible], and the various other circles will conduct a sale of Christmas [illegible] and bakery products. The North End circle will have a sale of fine needlework, bakery goods and candies. Mrs. Emily [illegible] Gardner, who has just returned form an extended trip to Europe will speak on a number of the [illegible]
A meeting of the first division of the Methodist Church will be held Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. C. F. Fitch, [illegible] Elmwood avenue.
The Ladies Aid society of hte Wilmette Methodist Church gave a luncheon yesterday in the church parlors. Mrs. Stoker was in charge.
An all day meeting of the second [illegible] at the Methodist church was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Harry W. [illegible] Linden avenue.
Mrs. Harry S. Griswold [unclear] will be hostess to the Tuesday luncheon and Bridge Club next week.
Mrs. Frank F. [illegible] was hostess to the members of the Crescent Circle Tuesday afternoon at her home 427 Eighth street.
There will be an open meeting of the Wilmette Democratic Woman's League Tuesday at the home of Ms. Howard Hodgkins, 603 Hill street, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ryner and Mrs. Jordan will give several vocal selections. Mrs. Hoddie will give a talk on "The History of Women's Rights." An informal discussion will follow. Refreshments will be served. The organization cordially invites all the women of the village who are interested in what President Wilson and the Democratic administration are accomplishing to meet with the Democratic League.
Today the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational Church will meet in the church parlors for luncheon which will be served by the Crescent circle.
The regular meeting of the general committee of othe Wilmette charities will be held Monday evening at the Woman's Club. The new officers for the coming year are: Mr.C. A. Keller, chairman; Mr. J. Gordon Smith, vice-chairman; Mrs. W. J. Weldon, secretary and treasurer.
A meeting of the Child and Home department of the Woman's Club is scheduled for next Wednsday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. Sarah Hobson of Chicago will give an address on "Eugenics."
The Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle will hold a meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Stattman. Bandages and bands of various sizes and shapes will be made. Garments will also be begun for the Red Cross society.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 4 Dec 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.297997
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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