Wilmette Societies and Clubs
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1914, p. 2
- Full Text
The Wilmette Woman's Catholic Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Carl S. Schroeder, 711 Park avenue, next Tuesday afternoon, to sew for the poor and needy. Hereafter one afternoon a month wil be set aside for this work and clothing of all sorts will be made for children.
The Reading circle was entertained Monday afternoon at the ome of Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue.
The Travel Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles [illegible] in Glencoe.
The East End Circle met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Nye Macallister, 918 Ashland Avenue.
A Christmas party will furnish entertainment for the next meeting ofhte Central Avenue circle on Friday afternoon, December 18, at the Congregational Church.
The Crescent circle will meet at the residence of Mrs. Samuel H. Vowell, 116 [unclear] Sixth street, the first Tuesday afternoon in January.
Mrs. H. E. Moore opened her home at 1223 Elmwood avenue for a meeting of the Cozy Corner circle yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 Elmwood avenue, entertained the Drama Study class Tuesday afternoon.
The Thimble club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Frrank Watson, [unclear] Forest avenue, Tuesday.
Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlman, [unclear] Washington avenue, was hostess to the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club this weekk.
The women of St. Augustine's Episcopal church announce an afternoon bazaar sale at the parish house this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tea and sandwiches will be served.
Last Monday afternoon a number of the women of St. Augustine's church assembled at he parish house to sew [illegible] comforters for the poor and needy families of Chiago. The material has been donated by the Manufacturers' associaton of Chicago.
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. John Lang, 1116 [unclear] Greenwood avenue, will entertain the Tuesday luncheon and bridge club. Flour for the Belgian [illegible] the former prizes.
The Thursday club will meet this week with Mrs. Schroeder on Elmwood avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hopp, 225 Linden avenue, will entertain the [illegible] Social club at cards tomorrow evening.
The Wilmette Relief and Aid society held a meeting at the Woman's Club Monday evening.
The Woman's Missionary association met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. George H. Pattison, [unclear] Ashland avenue. A feature of the afternoon was the address made by Miss Ben [illegible] a native of Jerusalem, on "The Christians in Jerusalem."
The Sunday school of othe Wilmette Methodist Church under the leadership of Mrs. Thomas Keene Gale was entertained Monday evening at the home of the Misses Jordan, 505 [unclear] Hill street.
A meeting of the Public School Art League will be held Tuesday morning at [illegible] at the home of hte president, Mrs. Dingee, [illegible] Lake avenue.
Mrs. Charles A. Wanner will entertain the Travel Study class next Thursday afternoon at her home, 629 [unclear] Central avenue.
Mrs. Claud Fitch, [illegible] Elmwood avenue, entertained the first division of the Ladies' Aid society Monday afternoon.
The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational Church will be held today. Luncheon will be served by the Crescent Circle at 12 o'clock, and the various other circles will conduct a sale of Christmas novelties and bakery products. The North End circle will have a sale of fine needlework, bakery goods and candies. Mrs. Emily Richter Gardner, who has just returned from an extended trip to Europe, will speak on [illegible]
The Wilmette Woman's Democratic League met with Mrs. Howard Hodgkins, [illegible] Hill street, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Bridgman Gordon sang two delightful songs, "A Gap in the Hedge" and Schubert's "Whi is Sylvia?" Mrs. Harry Northam accompanied her. Other vocal music was rendered by Miss Aileen Hodgkins, accompanied by Miss Agnes Cunneen, who also favored with special numbers on the piano. An interesting feature of the afternoon was the address given by Mrs. Boddie on "The History of Women's Rights." She spoke of the legal and social position of women under the Roman civil code; the positions they occupied during the middle ages, and so on, tracing the development of women's rights in the United States up to the present. Throughout the talk, a noticeable fact was the amount of historical research that Mrs. Boddie had looked up. Mrs. Amos W. Hostetter gave a report of the conference meeting of the Illinois Woman's Democratic lealgue, held in Chicago on Saturday. During the informal discussion which followed. Mrs. Hodgkins served light refreshments.
An excellent crowd appeared at the annual meeting of the Parents' club of the Logan school Monday afternoon, and a great deal of enthusiasm has been taken in the reports of the various committees. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: President, Mrs. William A. Durgin; virst vice-president, Mrs. Carl A. Schroeder; second vice-president, Mrs. Olander; recording secretary, Mrs. Wheeler; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Boddie; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer. An interesting report was made by Mrs. Feiker, who was sent as a delegate to the Parent-Teachers' council meeting in Chicago this month.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 11 Dec 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.298111
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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