Social Happenings in Wilmette
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1914, p. 2
- Full Text
The Archang Athletic club gave a delightful party last Thursday evening at Jones' Assembly Hall. There were about forty couples who participated in the evening's entertainement.
Mrs. W. W. Kerry, 707 Forest avenue, gave a delightful party Saturday afternoon for her daughter, Elizabeth, in celebration of the ninth birthday of the little girl. There were about twenty-four guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, [unclear] Lake avenue, entertained the Fellowsip club at dinner last Friday evening.
Miss Constance Jordan, 505 [unclear] Hill street, entertained her Sunday school in the Methodist church at her home last Monday evening. Under the direction of Mrs. James Melville [unclear], the "Christmas Cantata" was sung and following the usual business meeting refreshments were served and games of various descriptions were played. A special feature was the recitation by little Margaret [Monahan ?]
Mrs. David Everett Allen entertained at luncheon Wednesday at her home, 518 Forest avenue for her guest of the day, Mrs. Marian Cooke [unclear] of Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Cooke has recently returned form a trip abroad, and isi now delivering lectures on "Art" before many of the well-known clubs. Her schedule yesterdy included the Art Institute.
Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens has issued invitations for a children's party to be held on Tuesday, December [?]
Invitations are out for sseveral parties to be given on this and tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. Samuel Goss at her home on Longwood avenue.
The "Twigs" were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Lymon Drake, 933 Lake avenue, yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Henry L. Beach entertained at her home, 1227 Ashland avenue a umber of children at a birthday dinner-party last Saturday evening in honor of the tenth birthday of her daughter, Helen.
Miss Ruth Moulding [unclear] will entertain [unclear] next Wednesday afternoon.
The Linden Avenue Neighborhood Circle were beautifully entertained last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robbins, [unclear] Linden avenue. The decorations [unclear] spirit to the affair. "Five Hundred" was played and the prize winners were Mr. Gordon Hannah and Mr. Henry [unclear].
The Ouilmette Country Club [illegible] for tomorrow evening at the Wilmette Woman's Club. Each member will have the [illegible] to join them in the [illegible]
Another [illegible] dance will be given by the Ouilmette Country Club tomorrow evening and the following Saturday afternoon [illegible]
On Monday evening [illegible] the Men's duplicate Whist Club [unclear]
[Several entries largely illegible] New Year's [illegible] promise to be great days at the Wilmette Country Club. A formal dance will be the form of entertainment on the eve, and a reception followed by dancing on the first. Tea will be served.
Cards have been issued for a reception to be given on Tuesday afternoon, December 29, from 4 to [?] o'clock by Mrs. Arthur George Brown, [illegible] Lake Avenue, to introduce her daughter, Miss Dorothy Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Long of Virden, Illinois, who are spending the winter in Wilmette, as the guests of their son, Albert M. Long of 1616 Forest avenue, were given a delightful celebration on December 6, their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary, by their two sons, Mr. Frank B. Long of Chicago, and Mr. Albert Long. The home was beautifully decorated with gold and white chrysanthemums and a most sumptuous dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Long received loving letters and cards of congratulation and many beautiful as well as useful gifts.
Miss Margaret Millen was hostess at a very pretty dancing party given at her home, 1228 [unclear] Greenleaf avenue, last Saturday evening.
Miss Margaret Allen will entertain at cards tomorrow afternoon at her home, 1004 Ashland avenue, for Miss Marjorie Hatch, who will leave shortly to make her home in Cleveland, Ohio.
Miss Jessie Cain entertained about thirty members of the Chi Omega Sorority of Northwestern University at dinner last evening at her home, 907 Central avenue.
The Commanche Card Club was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. [unclear], 822 Hinman avenue, Evanston.
Miss Rita Fields entertained her Tuesday Bridge Club at her home, [unclear] Elmwood avenue this week.
- Featured Link
- Creator
- Ruth Risley
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 18 Dec 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.298191
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
Agency street/mail address:1242 Wilmette Avenue
Wilmette, IL
U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930