Wilmette Societies and Clubs
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1914, p. 2
- Full Text
Wilmette club women are interested in the plans Chicago is making to entertain the 10,000 delegates, alternates and visiting club women who will attend the Biennial Convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs June 9-19.
Boy Scouts will assist the two hundred members of the transportation committee in caring for the baggage of the women as they arrive at the different railroad stations, from which they will be conducted tot he hotels to which they are assigned. Various attractive musical features by people of national reputation will brighten the hours devoted to work through seven days of the convention. Then there will be an immense excursion by automobiles. One will leave the Auditorium, going south on Michigan Avenue, Grand and Drexel boulevards, to Washington Park, thence to Jackson park and the South Shore Country Club. Returning a visit will be paid the University of Chicago, the public playgrounds of Sherman park and Cornell square, Fellowship house, a special center of Which Mary McDowell has been the leding spirit, and Hull house, the creation of Jane Addams.
Tour B will leave the Congress hotel and visit Hull house, Mark White square, a publc playground whose activities have been directed by Mrs. Frank Jerome, Washington park, the University of Chicago, Jackson Park, the South Shore Country Club, Drexel and Grand boulevards.
Tour C leaves the Blackstone hotel, visiting the Juvenile Delinquent home, Henry Booth house, a social center, the Foster School, where the women will learn Chicago's method of serving penny luncheons. Hull house, the West Side Woman's clubhouse, Lincoln park, Garfield park, with its splendid conservatory, the Cook County hospital and Jackson boulevard.
Tour D will leave the Young Women's Christian association, 30 [unclear] Michigan avenue, will pass en route the Newberry library, Howard Park and Hamlin park, two of the public play grounds of the city, will cover the Lake Shore drive, passing some of Chicago's finest residences, will visit Lincoln park, Garfield park and its conservatory, Humboldt park and the House of Corrections.
Tour E. leaving the [unclear] hotel, will proceed along the lake Shore drive, through Lincoln park, Humboldt park, Garfield park, stopping to visit at the conservatory, the [illegible] and Washington park, the University of Chicago, Jackson park, Chicago Beach hotel and Grand boulevard.
Tour F will e a tour to [illegible], over the Lake Shore drive through Lincoln Park, Sheridan road to the Northwestern University, a tour of the city of Evanston and a The North Shore Luncheon Club was entertained yesterday by Mrs. [illegible] at the home of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Rogers.
The Central Avenue Club will play bridge with Mrs. DeWitt, [unclear] Woodbine avenue.
The French class will meet Monday at the residence of Mrs. Lyman Drake, [unclear] Lake avenue.
The monthly meeting of the [illegible] organization was held Monday May? at The Woman's Club.
The H. and V. club will be entertained next Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor [illegible] Central avenue.
A very attracctive program is announced for the [illegible] of the Country club this Saturday which [illegible]. Bring the Kids. Admission free. We have ordered flip [?] chairs to take care of the crowd. [illegible] and get a good seat.
The Wilmette Luncheon club was entertained Thursday by Mrs. Arthur Wilson of Waukegan who is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, [unclear] Ninth street.
The Men's club held its annual business meeting for the election of officers Tuesday evening at the Woman's Club. A program consisting of addresses by Judge Owens and the Rev. L. A. Convis, and musical selections by the Oriental quartet, was given.
Mrs. George Dieterich entertained her luncheon and bridge club on Friday.
The third division of the Methodist church wil lmeet next Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. Schultz, 1121 Lake avenue.
The Merry Matron's club met Wednesday with Mrs. Orville Jones.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 14 May 1914
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.298969
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
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