Wilmette [News]

Local News, 9 Apr 1910, p. 8
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Woodman dance at Jones' Hall tonight

Mrs. D. L. Taylor has been visiting her mother in Des Moines, Iowa.

Mrs. E. Seyfort entertained a number of ladies Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. J. M. Jenkins and daughter returned this week from Citronelle, Alabama

The board of the Woman's Club held a session at the home of Mrs. Howard Field, Tuesday.

At the morning service at the Methodist church tomorrow, the sacrament will be administered.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. E. [Edward] L. Scheidenhelm have been spending part of their vacation in Chicago.

Mr. Clarence Long left Tuesday for Santa Barbara, California, where he expects to remain for some time.

Mrs. David Farnsworth will entertain the members of the Pot Luck Lunch club next Monday afternoon.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church held its monthly sale and luncheon yesterday.

Mrs. Charles G. Haskins of Glencoe, a former resident of the village, was a Wilmette caller last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake, their three sons and Miss Helen Roberts are taking the "Tennessee River trip"

Mrs. A. F. Brooks, of Chicago, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. [Arthur] Wyld, of Wilmette, and Mrs. George Maher of Kenilworth.

Mr. William Davidson has returned from Citronelle, Alabama, where he spent the winter. Mrs. Davidson will remain a month longer.

Mrs. Charles Washburn entertained a number of ladies Tuesday afternoon. Refreshments were served and several hours spent socially.

Mr. B. Busscher has purchased the place on Ridge avenue formerly conducted by Jacob Huerter and will conduct a grocery store [illegible]

Mr. Joseph Thalmann, aged 96, died at his home west of Gross Point last Saturday night. He was one of the early settlers of New Trier

Miss Martha Jenkins and Miss Bertha Wheelock attended a state gathering of missionary societies at Champaign, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Don't forget to send that dollar to Mr. Bingham, treasurer of the Wilmette Improvement Association. It will be about the best investment you will make with a dollar this year

At the meeting of the Woman's Club, Wednesday, there was an address by Superintendent Jenks, of the insane asylum at Elgin, on "The Inside Workings of a Great Charitable Institution."

The Washington Avenue Improvement Association met Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. E. C. Emerson. W. H. Thayer was elected president and F. B. Crossley secretary and treasurer

A very informal social gathering was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates for the members of hte choir and others of the Congregational church, to meet the new musical director, Dr. Wilde.

An official report of the condition of the Wilmette Exchange State Bank was due to appear in this issue but we were compelled to hold it over a week on account of the heavy work at present.

Mr. and Mrs. Colton and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Butz gave a dance to a large party of guests at the club house of hte Ouilmette Country Club, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Butz and Mrs. Colton also gave a large party ("500") at the same place Tuesday afternoon.

Major E. J. Vattmann received 108 votes for park commissioner and Mr. J. D. Frink 110 votes at the election last Tuesday. Ther ewere no opposing candidates, the Major being elected to succeed [illegible] and Mr. Frink to fill the expired term of David Maney [name unclear], resigned.

Mrs. W. F. Lewis of Washington avenue is very ill.

The official returns of the town election are not yet accissible and as ther was no interest in the election, there being but one ticket, no one made any effort to get returns on election day. But the vote was very light. In Winnetka, the fact that there was a village election, with two tickets, added somewhat to the town vote and nearly 200 ballots were cast. In Glencoe, there was also a village election, but only one ticket. In Wilmette, Kenilworth and Gross Point there was no inducement to voters to take the trouble to vote.

A pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of Mrs. Celia P. Bartlett, 1144 Wilmette avenue, last Saturday evening when her daughter, Miss Anna May Bartlett, was married to Mr. Rudolph James Wig of Atlantic city, New Jersey. The ceremony took place at eight o'clock, Rev. Bowers of the Congregational Church officiating. About 100 guests were present from Wilmette, Evanston, Chicago and Maywood. The double ring ceremony was used and Master Raymond Bartlett was ring bearer. The couple will make an extended trip through several of the eastern states after which they will make their home at Atlantic City.

Preparations are being made for the observance of Memorial Day in the usual manner. A detachment of John A. Logan Post, G. A. R., of Evanston, will arrive on morning train and proceed to St. Joseph's Cemetery where the exercises will be conducted. Veterans of the Civil and Spanish-American wars and societies and organizations intending to take part in the parade will please send their names to Lieut. J. J. Peters, , [unclear] Charles street, Wilmette. The committee in charge of the collection of funds to defray the expenses consists of Messrs. Edwin Drury, postmaster at Wilmette, W. T. Robinson, postmaster at Kenilworth and Paul Blesser, postmaster at Gross Point. It will be assisted by a special committee appointed by the organizations taking part. Subscription may be sent to any of those mentioned above. It is hoped that the [illegible] will respond in the same liberal manner as in the past.

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9 Apr 1910
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