his name is Richard James Hillebrand NOT James Richard Hillebrand. What sloppy indexing!
Posted by Wilmette Public Library Admin, 4 February 2021 at 18:16
Thank you for pointing this out. However, we did not make any errors when indexing this obituary. We have copied the name exactly as it was written in the title of the obituary. It appears that the newspaper made this mistake. The title of his obituary says, "James Richard Hillebrand," and the content of his obituary says, "Richard James Hillebrand." While we are indexing, we are not able to do extra research to verify the information that is contained in the obituaries, but we do take care to index it exactly as written.
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his name is Richard James Hillebrand NOT James Richard Hillebrand. What sloppy indexing!
Thank you for pointing this out. However, we did not make any errors when indexing this obituary. We have copied the name exactly as it was written in the title of the obituary. It appears that the newspaper made this mistake. The title of his obituary says, "James Richard Hillebrand," and the content of his obituary says, "Richard James Hillebrand." While we are indexing, we are not able to do extra research to verify the information that is contained in the obituaries, but we do take care to index it exactly as written.
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