What People Are Doing in Evanston

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1912, p. 15
Full Text

Another man well known in literary circles has decided to make Evanston his home. He is the Rev. Poindexter Smith Hanson, who for almost twenty years was pastor of the First Baptist church of Chicago. For many years he was opposed to that which he terms "the destructive higher criticism," and was active in his arraignment of several professors in the University of Chicago whom Dr. Hanson believed to be too radical in their opinions. Dr. Hanson has had an interesting career. Born in Fluvanna county, Va., on December 7, 1831, he was educated at Richmond college and the University of Virginia. He studied law, entered the ministry, and became pastor of the Broad Street Baptist church in Philadelphia before the Civil war. He resigned from the ministry in 1908. Since that year he has been active in missionary and literary work.
Mrs. F. M. Robbins, 1713 Central street, is now enjoying her vacation.
Mrs. S. I. Koogle, 942 Ridge court, has gone with Mrs. Wilbrandt of St. Louis to the north.
Mrs. William N. Buchanan, 2015 Lincoln street, has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Morgan of Springfield, Ill.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hurlbut are about to occupy their new bungalow at the west end of Lincoln street.
Mr. William N. Buchanan, 2015 Lincoln street, has been elected treasurer of St. Matthew's church on Hartray avenue.
Mrs. Robert O. Vandercook and daughter, Frances, have returned from a two weeks' outing at Lake Geneva, Wis.
Mrs. Geo. S. Valentine and daughter, Mary, 2047 Pioneer road, left Friday for a short visit in Davenport, Ia.
Little Master Trafton Fairchilds, 2708 Lincoln street, entertained a few of his friends at a party last week Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Avice Locke of Detroit, Mich., has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill, 1632 Ridge avenue, en route from California.
Mrs. La Chapelle, 2315 Harrison street, has returned from a ten days' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Noyes of Riverside.
William S. Terras, assistant manager of the Quaker Oats company of Indianapolis, Ind., spent a few days of last week with his parents.
Mr. Cyrus Williams, 2607 Park palce, left last week for Beaver Lake, Wis., where he joined his mother, Mrs. E. O. Williams.
Miss Mary E. Bayles, 2521 Hartzell street, has gone to Ocean Grove, N. J., for a month's vacation. She was accompanied by Mrs. A. B. Phipps, 2121 Orrington avenue.
Mrs. William J. White, 323 Hamilton street, left Thursday to visit her son, John F. White, who has a ranch in Routt county, Colo. Miss White has been there all summer.
Mr. George B. Eich, formerly of 2205 Lincoln street, will start soon to build a bungalow at the northwest corner of Lincoln street and McDaniel avenue in Lincolnwood subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. John Mahin, 1745 Orrington avenue, left Thursday for Brick Church, N. J. At East Orange they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Warren Alford. They will be away one month.
Messrs. R. O. Vandercook, W. J. Sonnen and J. H. R. Jamar have been appointed the special committee of the North End Improvement association to look after Harrison street. They have requested the commissioner of public works to appropriate the money that would be used in oiling, to clean up and repair the street.
Mr. Peter Jans of 1321 Washington place and Miss Mary Cowman of Chicago, won the second prize at the fourteenth annual prize two step given at Woodward's pavilion, Paw Paw Lake, Mich., Saturday night, August 10. Mr. Panny Sammons and Mrs. Bodman of Chicago were awarded first prize, Sammons is manager of Sans Souci's dance pavilion and is known as the pest prize dancer around Chicago. Mr. Jans gave him a hard fight for honors and many declared he would have won if he had danced with Miss Ryan, his regular partner. Miss Ryan was unable to attend the dance on account of being bridesmaid for a friend. Both Miss Ryan and Mr. Jans are members of the Shamrock Dancing club, which is well known on the west side.
Miss Marian F. Greene, 1231 Oak avenue, has gone east to spend a couple of weeks.
Miss Margaret Lynn of Florence avenue is spending her vacation at Benton Harbor, Mich.
Mrs. A. Ahistrom and two little daughters, 1125 Oak avenue, is visiting relatives in Genesco, Ill.
Miss Eunice Stearns of South Milwaukee is visiting her cousin, Miss Anna Bauer, 2118 Maple avenue.
Miss Nellie Nelson of Boone, Iowa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Wightman, 2215 Colfax street.
Miss Alice Witt, 2134 Asbury avenue, has gone to Moline, Ill., and Davenport, Iowa, for a vacation of two weeks.
The Misses Leona and Lois Oesting, 2653 Stewart avenue, will spend their two weeks' vacation in Richmond, Indiana.
Miss Elia Sailor of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after a week's visit with Miss Lila Robbins, 1713 Central street, has returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Helm of North Manchester Ind., are spending the week with their son, Principal Wilbur Helm, 626 Library street.
Mrs. Walter Eiberger, 2015 Pratt court, has returned from an eight weeks' vacation at Shelby, Mich., where she visited relatives.
Mrs. Joseph Pedrick and Miss Italene Pedrick of Peoria, Ill., spent Monday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindsay, 1934 Sherman avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn D. Everitt of Kalamazoo, Mich., are the guests of Mrs. Everitt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaley, 1515 Chicago avenue.
Miss Helen Church, who spent the winter in Tucson, Ariz., will on September resume her position as secretary to Pricipal Helm of the Academy.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Simmon of Boston, Mass., who have been spending a month with their son, Mr. Albert E. Simmon and family, returned home last week.
The North End department of the Y. M. C. A. is now preparing for their fall opening and membership rally, which will take place about Oct. 1, when the new physical director, Mr. H. R. Bunce, will take charge.
Owing to the late time of the season at which the playground project for the Central street school was taken up, the plan has been abandoned for this year, but the North End Improvement association will renew its activities early next year and cooperate with the school board in getting the playground equipped so that it may be used during the entire summer.
Miss Nanine Watt, 2712 Stanley avenue, entertained last Monday evening in honor of Miss Henrietta Alice Knox of Oklahoma. Those present were: Mary Valentine, Elizabeth Risley, Lucretia Wright, Mildred Bodack, Lauria McNaughton, Josephine Gore, Nanine Watt, Henrietta Knox, Martha Watt, George Risley, Harold Gore, John Raaen, Harold Grantham, Ellsworth Betts, Charles Gale and Lester Branch.
The North End Improvement association reports that the sanitary garbage ordinance recently passed by the city council will not likely be put in effect in the Central street neighborhood this year. Secretary C. M. Cartwright communicated with the members and a special committee worked on the project in order to try to secure the necessary seventy-five families, required to put the plan into effect. The season being so far advanced caused the big majority of the families to express the wish that action be deferred until next spring. There were about forty-five favorable responses.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Billingales, 1808 Chicago avenue, are at Green Lake, Wis.
Miss Edna Boettcher, 2119 Ridge avenue, is recovering from typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Collins, 1919 Dewey avenue, have returned from Lake Geneva.
Mrs. Elwood Duble, 927 Ridge court, gave a luncheon for Mrs. Wilbrandt Tuesday.
Miss Anne Loibl of Park place left last week for a two weeks' stay in Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Phillips, 237 Dempster street, announce the arrival of a son.
Dr. Oscar Dodd, 1419 Chicago avenue, has gone for a few days' vacation to Lake Ripley, Wis.
Miss Jeannette Wilson of Goshen, Ind., is the guest of Miss Helen Thomas, 832 Hinman avenue.
Miss Anita Biggs, 649 Michigan avenue, has been having a delightful summer at Lake Champlain.
Mrs. Jospeh Clark, 2501 Elm avenue, entertained at five hundred last week Wednesday afternoon.
James H. Thomas, 832 Hinman avenue, is at Ludington, Mich. Mrs. Thomas is at Waukesha, Wis.
Mrs. A. O. Walker and daughter, Helen, of 2411 Park place, have gone to Milwaukee for two weeks.
Mrs. Thomas Connor, Jr., 1418 Elmwood avenue, left last week to visit friends and relatives in Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight H. Perkins, 2317 Lincoln street, have gone on an automobile trip through Michigan.
Miss Sadie Hendrickson, 1454 Sherman avenue, has returned from a ten days' vacation at Lake Geneva.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barbour, 1030 Forest avenue, are spending their vacation of several weeks at Spring Lake, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. William Allison of Springfield, O., who are on their wedding trip, are visiting at 1639 Orrington avenue.
Mrs. Clara A. Pihl. 1731 Ridge avenue, has returned from a seven weeks' outing in Argyle, Blanchardville and Lamont, Wis.
Mrs. H. Pinter and little daughter, Helen, of Valparaso, Ind., are visiting Mrs. Pinter's mother, Mrs. Leopold Ballard, 1825 Ridge avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Banks and son, Ackert, 1204 Sheridan road, will ship their automobile the last of this month and go east for a three weeks' motor trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Heckert are guests of Miss Jean Davidson, Hotel Monnett. They are on their wedding trip. Mrs. Heckert was Miss Katherine O'Keefe of St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vawter and family, who have been at the Edgewater club, Benton Harbor, Mich., for the summer, will make an extensive trip around the world this fall.
Sept. 22 is the date set for the dedication of the new Covenant M. E. church, Hartray avenue and Harrison street. A full report will be announced later in regard to the speakers.
The school board has given the use of the assembly room of the Central street school to the young ladies' gymnastic classes for every Monday afternoon and evening, beginning the first of October.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Bond and son and daughter, 1117 Forest avenue, accompanied by Miss Mildred Bond, left last week for New York. They sailed Saturday for Europe for an extended trip abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. August Youngquist of Chicago, formerly of Evanston, who have returned from their honeymoon trip, chaperoned a party of eight couples at a beach party last week Wednesday on the campus.
Donald Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison B. Riley, 1822 Sheridan road, left Thursday for New York where on Saturday he will sail for Europe. He will take a year's course in chemistry at the University of Berlin.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Barnes, 1314 Forest avenue, returned last week from a trip since the 5th of July to Canada, first going to Quebec, then north into the fishing camps, then to grand Discharge, Lake St. John. They were accompanied by Mr. William Vawter and Mr. Benjamin Baylis, 1028 Hinman avenue. Mr. Baylis diverted his journey to Lewis Lake, N. Y., to meet his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Baylis will return to Evanston the middle of September.
Miss Tillie Hacker, 1335 Elmwood avenue, is in Argus, Ind.
Mrs. George Parkhurst, of the Beverly apartments, is in Nashota, Wis.
Mr. H. M. Rosenberg returned today from a two weeks' outing at Elkhart Lake, Wis.
Miss Edna Boettcher, 2119 Ridge avenue, is convalescing from an attack of typhoid fever. [repeat]
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Philbrick, 1110 Madison street, left Saturday for Gull Lake, Mich.
The women of the Covenant M. E. church entertained Camp Good Will Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Chauncey L. Graham, 811 Washington street, has gone on a short trip to Waukesha, Wis.
Mrs. S. F. Davis of Kansas City, Kan., is the guest of Mrs. E. M. Powell, 824 Hinman avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Truesdale, 921 Washington street, are spending a month at Spring Lake, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gale and children, 2119 Lincoln street, left Saturday for Mineral Point, Wis.
Miss Louise Hyland of Champaign, Ill., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. J. Hilles, 2116 Lincoln street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Hudson and children, 635 Judson avenue, returned Sunday from Channel Lake, Ill.
Mr. Irving Dingman of San Antonio, Tex., is on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Dingman, 807 Washington street.
Mr. A. E. Peirce and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Peirce, 824 Hinman avenue, left Friday for White Lake, Mich.
Mr. George Mason of New York City is the guest of his brother, Mr. William S. Mason, 1401 Ridge avenue.
Mrs. A. F. Bull, 922 Elmwood avenue, is at Star Lake, Wis. She will be joined this week by her husband.
Mrs. M. L. Kappelman and grandson, Eldred Eade, 2414 Hartray street, are visiting relatives in Jackson, Mich.
Mrs. Alexander, nee Blanche Banks, of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. F. Banks, 1204 Sheridan road.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brown, 1235 Chicago avenue, left Sunday for Cary, Ill. They were accompanied by their son, Buster.
Mrs. R. K. Row, 2311 Sherman avenue, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. A. E. Lavell, and two children, of Bradford, Ont.
Mr. B. Bristow, 1138 Sherman avenue, left last week in company with Chester Olsen, for a visit on a farm at Corliss, Wis.
Mrs. La Chapelle, 2315 Harrison street, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Noyes of Riverside, Ill., has returned home.
Miss Jessie Carr of Waukegan will be the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Burden, 721 Washington street, this week-end.
Mrs. J. L. Whitlock, 1011 Grove street, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Dart, at Mrs. Dart's summer home, Green Lake, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shaffer and Mrs. Carol Shaffer, 1704 Judson avenue, sailed yesterday from New York for a six weeks' European trip.
The new bungalow of Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hurlbut at the west end of Lincoln street, is ready for occupancy. They will soon move into it.
Mrs. E. M. Board, 1937 Orrington avenue, has gone to Gentry, Ark., to visit her mother, Mrs. S. I. Thompson, formerly of North Evanston.
Miss Norma Wells of Seattle, Wash., who has been the guest of Miss Helen Bernhisel, Washington street, will leave this week for her home.
Miss Beulah F. Corson of Ravenswood, formerly of the Evanston post office, leaves Thursday for Denver, Colo., to visit her brother, George D. Corson.
Mr. Loyal Wheelock, 1040 Hinman avenue; Harold Bennett, 2506 Hartzell street; and Mr. George Valentine, 2407 Pioneer road, are camping at White Lake, Mich.
Mr. Frank Beck, 2122 Maple avenue, is recovering from a painful but not serious operation on his throat. The operation was performed at the Evanston hospital.
Miss Ida Burkland, 828 Oakton street, and Miss Margaret O'Donnell, 939 Sherman avenue, returned Thursday from a two weeks' vacation spent in Detroit, Niagara and Toronto.
Mrs. W. M. McKencle and daughter, Margaret, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Fifield of the same city, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. W. F. McKenzie, 3106 Orrington avenue, have gone to Waukesha, Wis.
Mr. Collins of New York city is the guest of Mr. Frank Rasmussen, 737 Judson avenue.
Mr. George Perry of Champaign was a visitor of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon home yesterday.
Mrs. Thor Schrieber of Douglas, Mich., is the guest of Mrs. Charles E. Coen, 1214 Main street.
Mr. Wilson P. Watkins, 2607 Prairie avenue, has returned from a short business trip to Lake Geneva.
Miss Mildred Jay, 2525 Hartzell street, has returned home after an extended visit in Springfield, Ohio.
Judge Huston has returned from California and is at the home of S. F. Stewart, 2110 Orrington avenue.
Miss Helen McHugh of Kalamazoo, Mich., is visiting her cousin, Miss Jane McCauley, 1219 Elmwood avenue.
Mr. Bruce McCauley, 1219 Elmwood avenue, left Saturday for White Lake, Mich., where he will spend ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jones, 1118 Forest avenue, left Saturday for a two weeks' vacation at Wauconda Lake, Ill.
Mrs. Ernest A. Mayo, 910 Dempster street, who has been traveling abroad since May, is expected home the first of next month.
Mrs. George H. Seurlock, 824 Hinman avenue, is entertaining Mrs. C. A. Johnson of Jacksonville, Ill., who arrived Friday.
John H., Witter, formerly of this city, who has been in Cambridge, Mass., for some time, has now gone to Peak's Island, Maine.
Mrs. George H. Goebel, 1929 Wesley avenue, and daughter, Miss Lillian, are spending two weeks at Detroit, Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
Miss Bernice Fisher, 840 Michigan avenue, has returned to Boston, where she will be engaged another season in the Boston Opera company.
The Misses Eleanor and Ethel Gale, Lincoln street and Elm avenue, and Miss Marion Hunt of Robertsdale, Ala., have returned from a short visit as the guests of Mr. Emerson at his summer home at Long Beach, Mich.
Miss Helen Sonnen, 2614 Harrison street, has returned from Columbus, Ohio, where she attended the Delta Delta Delta convention. Miss Josephine Morehead of Oregon accompanied and will spend a few days here as her guest.
Mr. George Churchill, Orrington avenue, is in Kansas City attending the opening performance of the new theater called "The Garden." The owner of the theater is the son of Mr. Churchill and as it is one of the most beautiful vaudeville houses in the country, he is naturally proud of it.
Mrs. Anne Coble Scott, 1031 Ridge avenue, has rented her home until the first of next May, and will spend the winter in Paris. She expects to tour Spain before returning to Evanston. Mrs. Scott's daughter, Miss Helen Scott, will continue her study of music in Boston.
Sunday was one of delight for Mr. and Mrs. M. Welland, 1917 Maple avenue. It was the occasion of a Welland family reunion. It is a singular fact of this family that the father, sons and husbands of the married daughters are all florists. The father, Mr. M. Welland, has been a life long florist. M. Peter Welland of Newcastle, Ind., Henry Welland of Denver, Colo., John Welland of 1614 Sherman avenue, George Welland, who conducts the Davis street store, Mrs. Peter Olinger (nee Miss Mary Welland), Mr. Olinger being a Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale florist, and Mr. Didier, florist at Rogers Park, who married Miss Katie Welland. The sons with their wives, the daughters with their husbands and the Misses Margaret, Anna and Helen remaining at home formed a happy company to a Sunday dinner. They will attend the florists' convention at Chicago this week.

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22 Aug 1912
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