What people Are Doing in Evanston
- Publication
- Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1912, p. 14
- Full Text
Mrs. C. A. Ward, 1616 Forest avenue, has gone to Mackinac Island for an outing.
Miss Mabel Rice of the State Bank is spending her vacation at Lake Geneva, Wis.
A baby girl was born Aug. 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Nelson, 1736 Maple avenue.
Mr. Tetlow and family, 908 Foster street, moved on the 16th to 818 Emerson street.
Mr. McMurray and family have moved from 936 Asbury avenue to 1108 Foster street.
Mr. Sauer and family will move Sept. 31 from 2103 Maple avenue to 1827 Wesley avenue.
The Shepherd property at 625 Noyes street has been purchased by Wilbur Higgins of Chicago.
The last of September Mr. E. Burrill, 2016 Harrison street, will move to 1637 Chicago avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Marshall, 2118 Orrington avenue, will leave Saturday for Cedar Point, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Sneling, 1734 Ridge avenue, are enjoying a two weeks' vacation at Fox Lake, Wis.
Miss Florence Clark, daughter of Mrs. J. Scott Clark, 614 Clark street, is spending ten days in the Y. W. C. A. camp at Lake Geneva, Ill.
Miss Lucy Mahon of Keithsburg, Ill., left last week for her home, after a three weeks' visit to Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Kester, 616 Noyes street.
James Harvey, who last year was in the graduating class of Evanston High school, is in a surveying party on the Big Muddy river in southern Illinois.
Mrs. Robert E. James, 2525 Lincoln street, entertained Wednesday afternoon at a tea in honor of Mrs. Wallace Cumnock of Mobile, Ala., who is visiting here.
Mr. Rufus C. Dawes and family, 1800 Sheridan road, are spending a couple of months on their farm, near Holland, Mich. They will return home about Sept. 1.
Mrs. Michael Nash and three children, who have been visiting Mrs. Nash's mother, Mrs. John McEnery, 718 Warren street, have returned to their home in the west.
Mrs. John A. Kappelman, 2031 Pratt court, gave a 4 o'clock tea Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Walter E. Rolff, 2123 Maple avenue. There were eight persons present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson avenue, together with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Shaffer, 1719 Hinman avenue, left last week for a six weeks' stay abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gardner, 1218 Sheridan road, and daughters, with the exception of Miss Fritz, returned home last week from their eastern touring trip. Miss Fritz is still in New York with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Cutler.
Mr. C. B. Stewart and wife and son of Madison, Wis., spent a few days last week with G. P. Starkweather, 722 Emerson street. Mr. Stewart was appointed by the governor of Wisconsin to represent his state at the Mississippi River convention held in Chicago last Tuesday.
Dr. E. B. McDowell, who lectured in Evanston two years ago and who is on a trip around the world gathering material for a new lecture, left Japan last week for China. Dr. McDowell spent several months in New Zealand, Australia and Japan. From China he will go to the Phillipines.
Mrs. Frederick C. Woodworth of Palo Alto, Cal., who has been spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. F. D. Raymond, 828 Simpson street, and her sister, Mrs. A. R. Carman. 1724 Wesley avenue, has returned to her home. Her husband is head of the law department in Leland Standford university.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gardner of the Greenwood Inn, will give a dinner Friday evening, September 6, at their country place in Harvard, Ill., in honor of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Ayer Gardner, and Leslie L. King of Omaha, who are to be married early next month. Mrs. C. H. King and Miss Marietta King of Omaha are expected in the city on September 1 as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Judson, 912 Ridge avenue, are in Oshkosh, Wis.
Mrs. Hugo A. Pape, 1002 Mulford street, is visiting friends in Milwaukee.
Mrs. W. C. Harrison on New York City has moved to 1106 Florence avenue.
Mrs. J. N. Eisenlord, 2420 Harrison street, has returned from a visit in northern Iowa.
Mr. Frederick D. Richards, 2526 Harrison street, is suffering from a sprained ankle.
Miss Cynthia M. Vose moved from 561 Willard place to 1460 Maple avenue Saturday.
Miss Edith Little, 1419 Judson avenue, left Thursday for Mackinac Island for a few days.
Mrs. Spohr and children, 2319 Harrison street, left Saturday for a visit at Lake Chattel, near Antioch.
Misses Eleanor and Ethel Gale, Elm avenue and Lincoln street, left last week for a visit in Muskegon, Mich.
Mr. James Allen Raymond of Battle Creek, Mich., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Neilson, 2200 Harrison street.
Mrs. L. Koenig has returned from a weeks' trip to Menominee, Mich., Marinette and Green Bay, wis., visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peabody and family, 2512 Hartzell street, have returned from a two weeks' outing at Lac du Flambeau, Wis.
Miss Emma Butler of Asbury Park, N. J., is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Horace G. Butler, 2519 Harrison street.
Mrs. H. M. Boll of Rice Lake, Wis., and Miss Elizabeth Abbott of South Bend, Ind., are visiting Mrs. C. M. Cartwright, 2215 Lincoln street.
Miss Elizabeth Tymn, 813 Davis street, left Thursday for a week's vacation. She will visit her sister, Mrs. Howard Strevel of Muskegon, Mich.
Mrs. C. A. McJohnston of 2622 Hartzell street has gone to visit her aunt, Mrs. Michael Flaherty, in Detroit. She will be gone two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Williams, formerly of Hinman avenue, have purchased the home of Mr. Geo. B. Eich, 2205 Lincoln street, and are now occupying it.
The Misses Foote, Susan and Amy, of Cincinnati, O., have been visiting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Foote, 519 Grove street, for ten days.
Mrs. Ferdinand Borrell and little son, Ferdinand , 1639 Orrington avenue, left Saturday to visit Mr. Borrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borrell, at Sterling, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, leave tomorrow for a touring trip through New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York. They will be gone three weeks.
After they returned from a family reunion Saturday at Aurora, Ill., Mr. Leslie Ferris and mother, Mrs. Anna O. Ferris, moved from 623 Cook street to 628 Library street.
Mrs. P. L. McKinnie, 502 Lee street, and her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Flannery, 1637 Hinman avenue, have returned from Colorado Springs, where they spent the past month.
Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Agnes, of Freeport, Ill., left last week for their home after spending a week as the guests of Mrs. Charles J. Roberts, Lincoln street and Hartray avenue.
The Evanston North West Park District board is contemplating purchasing a piece of property on the corner of Walnut avenue and Hartzell street in order to convert it into a small park.
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Layman, Jr., and son, Paul, 2407 Lincoln street, have gone on a camping trip in Michigan. Mr. Layman also took the members of his Sunday school class of the First Baptist church.
Miss Anna Weiland, 1917 Maple avenue, gave a party Wednesday in honor of her brother, Henry Weiland, who, with his wife, are visiting Mr. Weiland's parents. Many of his old friends were present with their wives.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Burchmore of Washington, D. C., Monday, Aug. 10, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Burchmore are spending two months at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris, 2407 Harrison street.
Mrs. W. E. Brown, 730 Forest avenue, is visiting her parents in the east.
Mrs. Frank Welter, 1110 Madison street, has gone to Colorado Springs, Col., for her health.
Miss Ester Buck, daughter of V. G. Buck, 539 Chicago avenue, is visiting at Port Huron, Mich.
Mrs. Barnard Boret, 213 Asbury avenue, went last week to the Evanston hospital for an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Braddock, 404 Greenwood boulevard, will move to 610 Lake street, this month.
Mrs. W. J. Bristow, 1138 Sherman avenue, entertained Mrs. John E. Slocund of New York Citym Wednesday.
Miss Clara Bystadt, 1639 Orrington avenue, has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Minneapolis, Minn.
Miss Helen Johnson of Ludington, Mich., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman, 1233 Chicago avenue, for a few days.
Mrs. Lucy Perrill Ellis of Phoenix, Ariz., is the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Knaggs, 720 Michigan avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlborg, 1136 Sherman avenue, are the proud parents of a little daughter, Bernice, born Thursday.
Miss Grace McFadden and Miss Harriett Fulmer of Brooklyn, N. Y., are guests of Miss Gertrude Treff, 732 Madison street.
Mrs. Ruth Quinlan, Mr. Edward Quinlan and sisters, 1619 Chicago avenue, left last week for an autombile trip through the east.
Miss Margaret Chapin of Irving Park, Ill., spent a few days with Miss Minnie Smith in the Mann building on Davis street last week.
Mr. William Huffman, 735 Monroe street, was married Aug. 1 to Mrs. Esther Jackson of Streator, Ill. They are residing in Summerdale.
Misses Mabel and Lillian Olson, 1125 Sherman avenue, and Miss Carrie Hepner, 2135 Wesley avenue, have returned from a few days' outing at Fox Lake, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrison has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry E. Byram, 2865 Sheridan road, for three months.
Mr. Frank G. Ewald, 750 Hinman avenue, has just returned from a trip to North Dakota and Minnesota. Last week he went for a three weeks' vacation to Plum Lake, Wis.
The Misses Frieda Roth, Minnie Teufert, Louise and Rose Heppner of Rosenberg's store returned from a four weeks' fishing trip at Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. Miss Mildred Johnston will remain there through the month of September.
A. E. Ormes, 847 Judson avenue, left the first of last week for the Big Horn valley in Wyoming. He will be gone three weeks and expects to visit many points in Colorado before returning.
Mrs. John McCarthy, 526 Greenwood boulevard, has gone to join her daughter, Miss Agnes, in Minneapolis, who has been there for five weeks. They will remain ten days longer, visiting an uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Y. McClure and daughter, Miss Helen McClure, of Brazil, Ind., sister and niece of Mrs. Robert C. Knaggs, 720 Michigan avenue, left last week for their home after a five weeks' visit here.
Mrs. Lucy H. Biddle of Chicago, formerly of Evanston, and daughter, Miss Augusta H. Biddle, and son, Mr. Noble L. Biddle, after a month's visit at the home of Mrs. Biddle's sister, Mrs. Robert C. Knaggs, 720 Michigan avenue, has gone to Noroton, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Funk of the Postal Telegraph office are spending their vacation at White Lake, Sylvan Beach and Muskegon, Mich. They are having a fine time. Mrs. Funk will extend her vacation for the third week. In their absence the office is cared for by Mr. F. L. Martin of Chicago.
Prof. Walter E. Roloff, who has been instructor in the German department of Northwestern university, has accepted an advanced position in the University of Washington at Seattle. He will be assistant professor in the German department. He will leave about September 12 for his new field. Mrs. Roloff and the children will follow later.
Col. and Mrs. A. S. Frost have returned to Evanston.
A daughter was born to Mr. amd Mrs. H. S. Diehl, 919 Hinman avenue, Aug. 20.
Miss Lena Quetzer of Orrington avenue has returned from a summer spent in Boston, Mass.
Mrs. H. M. Carter, 736 Forest avenue, is taking a western trip. She expects to return after a two weeks' stay.
Miss Olive Hume Jones of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Knaggs, 720 Michigan avenue.
Mr. Lew Aabye, the window trimmer for Rosenberg's, left Saturday night for a week's outing at Davenport, Ia.
Mr and Mrs. Charles H. Herbert, 415 Greenwood boulevard, have returned from a vacation at Narragansett Pier, R. I.
Mrs. Nels Erickson and Miss Lulu Leonard, 1138 Sherman avenue, left Friday for Sheridan, Ind., where they will participate in a family reunion.
Mrs. Albert Graff, 846 Judson avenue, and three little children left Tuesday for Fish Creek, Wis. Mr. Graff left Friday to join them there.
The Misses Mary and Ethel Hard of Van Wert, O., are guests of Miss Helen McCarroll, 1202 Maple avenue, for the Kappa Kappa Gamma convention.
Miss Ramona Herod of Waterloo, Ia., is a guest of the Misses Edna, Sarah and Clara Harris, 321 Davis street for the Kappa Kappa Gamma convention.
Mrs. Jesse L. Wallace, 2306 Grant street, entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of her daughter, Naomi's. first birthday. Covers were laid for twelve.
Mrs. M. C. Bragdon, 1709 Chicago avenue, and niece, Miss Beatrice Bragdon, of Denver, Col., who have been spending the summer at Dr. Bragdon's summer home at Northport, Mich., have returned to Evanston.
Mrs. Mary Sage and daughter, Miss Dorothy, formerly of 321 Davis street, who sailed a year ago on the Carpathia for Europe, have returned home. Miss Sage went abroad to study French, and will teach the language this year.
Mrs. Mary M. Frederick of Auburn, Ind., will enter the post-graduate class in the Cumnock School of Oratory and will reside at 1305 Judson avenue. Mrs. Frederick and her three children will arrive about the 9th of September.
Mrs. Walter Lee Brown, who recently returned from a two years' residence in Europe, is spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. Chancellor L. Jenks, 1217 Ridge avenue. Mrs. Brown has been with her son in Glen Ellyn since her return.
Miss Laura Koboldt, 550 West Railroad avenue, gave a beach party Thursday evening on the beach between Kedzie amd Rinn streets to about thirty-five of her friends. Marshmallows were toasted and games were played. All had a delightful time.
Mr. J. O. Morris, 1138 Sheridan road, left Friday for a week's vacation. Mrs. Morris and the children have been spending the summer in northern Michigan. Sept. 6 the maid will return with the two children, Mrs. Morris prolonging her stay another week.
Miss Mary Ann Dawson of Rochester, Ind., is the guest of Miss Charlotte Belknap, 518 Greenwood boulevard, for the Kappa Kappa Gamma convention, and Miss Jessie Mendsen, 1217 Judson, has as her sorority guests Miss Mildred Phipps and Miss Mary Plant of Rochester, N. Y.
Mrs. H. C. Miller and daughter, Miss Alta Miller, 1707 Hinman avenue, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holmes of Buffalo, N. Y., who came here after them in their machine, on an automobile trip to Wheeling, W. Va.; Pittsburgh, Pa., and Buffalo, N. Y., have returned home. It was a delightful trip of several weeks.
Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Eleanor Fulcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mermett Fulcher of 725 Foster street, to Alfred Ricker Bates, which will take place Thursday evening, Sept. 5, at the First Congregational church. Mr. Bates is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bates of 2112 Orrington avenue. After Dec. 1 they will be at home at 617 Noyes street.
Mr. Eugene Anderson, 2035 Harrison street, is spending his vacation in Dakota.
Master Robert McFarren of 2117 Harrison street is out again after a thirty-day quarantine with scarletina.
Miss Mabel Mason, 2235 Harrison street, has been spending a few days with Mrs. Fannie Britton of Thayer street.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson entertained a number of friends Thursday evening at a lawn party at their home, 2230 Central street.
Prof. and Mrs. William H. Burger returned Thursday evening from their wedding trip and are located at 618 Clark street.
Miss Bertha Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Howell, 720 Simpson street, left Wednesday for Palo Alto, Cal. She will be assistant in physics in Leland Stanford University.
Mr. Henry Mitchell, 2802 Harrison street, returned Saturday from Marion, Ill., after spending the summer there, and left Monday for Cary, Ind., where he will remain throughout the winter.
Mr and Mrs. William Franzen and family, 2022 Harrison street, returned Saturday from a two weeks' camping outing at Forward Movement, Saugatuck, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Knight of Brookline, Mass., who have been the guests of Mrs. Knight's sister, Mrs. Arthur W. Vance, 834 Sherman avenue, for two weeks, left Saturday afternoon for their home.
Miss Carrie Maloneo f Pueblo, Col., accompanied by her little niece, Miss Louise Malone, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, 2302 Harrison street. Miss Louise will stay here thtoughout the winter.
Miss Margaret Trudeau of Memphis, Tenn., who has been the guest of Mrs. Ida J. Shotwell, 630 University place, two weeks during the heated term, has gone to Petoskey, Mich., where she will remain until Oct. 1, before returning south.
The grand council of kappa Kappa Gamma are stopping at 1945 Sherman avenue. They are: Mrs. A. H. Roth, Erie, Pa.; Miss Eva Powell, Berkeley, Cal.; Mrs. Parke R. Kolbe, Akron, O.; Miss Juliette Hollenbach, Glen Summit Springs, Pa.; Mrs. R. T. C. Jackson, Dighton, Mass.
Miss Margaret Raymond, 828 Simpson street, marshal of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority convention, is entertaining the following of her sorority sisters: Miss Sue Markley and Miss Marjorie Adams of Belvidere, Ill; Miss Rebecca Smith of Beloit, Wis., and Miss Havel Olson of Aurora, Ill.- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 29 Aug 1912
- Subject(s)
- Personal Name(s)
- Huffman, William ; Jackson, Esther, Mrs. ; Fulcher, Eleanor ; Bates, Alfred Ricker
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.307751
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Illinois, United States
Latitude: 42.04114 Longitude: -87.69006
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to United States law. No restrictions on use.
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- Wilmette Public LibraryEmail:refdesk@wilmettelibrary.info
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