Wilmette Memorial Edition FOUR PAGES Observance of of Mourning established by a proc- lamation issued early this Week ty President Calvin Coolidge, vrijl tie general throughout lft# Township on Friday pf^$w^e% As if by common though no official request liad been sent forth, the business houses and offices in the various villages signi- fied there intention early this week of closing then* doors between the hours of 1 P. M. and $ P. M. Fri- day afternoon, in order to permit everyone an opportunity to join in paying tribute to the great leader whose earthly remains will be ^pace^ iirthieir-inia^^ on that day.;i:v;%:y|gpj" f if Mourning Is General m,jm Political difference^ have been forgotten and every residtTit of New Trier township j|-om the Jow> tiest indivtduaS^to me nrit^eilizens of the community, wjp^jlfn H mourning the untimely passing Warren Gamaliel Ha^in&fs |h great executive, who like^ftsir*^ be known as just one of the rank and file in his beloved America. And every resident of New Trier township will join on Friday, in the general expression of isonfcw in the hour when all that is mortal of Warren G. Harding is lowered into the grave. Many will attend community memorial services. Others, unable to join with their fellow citizens in the public ob- servance of mourning and prayer, will pay silent tribute in the privacy df their homes. , ^'.'. i-M^M§i 'â- â- â- ViH*ge;fitt'M«iwrnl^^ Placards bearing a recent photograph of the late president and announcing the general cessation of business activi- ties on Friday afternoon, have been placed in the windows of practically every store • and office in the township. In addition to this signal of solemn respect, store windows and entrances, as well as priv- ate residences, are expected to be ap- propriately draped in mourning colors. The citizenry of New Trier, stunned by the sudden passing of the man who ^,,, was its popular choice at the voting places in November, 1920, will pause J fe Jn silent tribute to the distinguished r dead. * â- mummm -mM^wmmm â- U- . ,;!;;, Zipf Issues Statement ^s,i;,1,;,,,,.;. Responding to proclamations issued early this week by President Coolidge and Governor Small, the accompanying statement was issued this week by President Edward Zipf of the Village of Wilmette, calling upon the citizens of the community to participate in the national day of mourning and prayer. ' ' President Zipf's statement reads1 as ^followsY*:??"-': â- â- â- â- -â- â- â- â- â- !*>â- ' "In accordance with proclamations is- sued by President Calvin Coolidge and '• Governor Len Small appointing Friday, the tenth day of August as a day of t mourning arid prayer throughout the na- tion and state. I respectfully ask that the -^tizea£ of this community, in common igwiui bur fellow citizens throughout the ^Ifriation, do .,pn that day give outward ex- pression of their realization of the irrep- . erable. loss, sustained in the death of our ;^|Moved,chief,; magistrate^ ;M§^|1|||., $| v I also respectfully ,urge> that, our I Citizens,,ceas^%so far as possible, their ]usual activities of the day, tEit^tores jand offices be closed between the hours ^ of one o'clock'and five o'clock P. M., and PlPrat^iattrthose who can, join m the Com- Ifemunity Memorial Services arranged to be held on that day simultaneously with S divine services to be held in communities $£n every part -of the country." f^P^g ' mICE,.,FIVE,.:€E?J>rfiKil ity Memorial services: rri- ^imt^^^i^XfMiM M*M' Suspend All Activities ;|%4;^;;Hoiior the: Dead' 'A "Mt Prornptly at 3 o'clock Friday , af tej-noOn, at the rnoment When $ the thoughts of every loyal 1 American citizen will turn to the $ impressive rites in the little Ohio .town where the earthly remains ninth President of thei^Umted States, will be laid to test, the citizens of Wilniette will assem~| ble in the First Methodist church! auditorium in a service comment | orative of the great American | leader-whO^a^mce^iii^ conscientious and loving devO-| tion to the welfare of the nation | that wag dearer to him than life! ::IStt§8 -ttplf Wi M A Service Commemorative of Warren G. Harding, *lmWm^kh President ot the Unfted^tateT ffeit Metho&t Omrch, Fridv, Auguft 10/1923, at 3 o'clock p. m. '*M |;;Pr..Giltert.:-StanseH^ *fe'^ 'Qrrlerof- Service: â- ** v^\-{ â- :-^-'^'^â- â- Ji^'iLv^^L.:,..:,.-,:./'.>â- â- ".;â- â- â- * -i.t.. W-^M Invocation ^:v'i'.'.'...â- -;-...#-V....""... <.".,;«,.,.•• V;.;^>f^,,.;A. .^Kep. Francis.C. Stifier f'plp, Amhcmâ€" 'Lead,. KindlyyUight" ......'hi\^hfr-?mf^r -v. * *" ?s •%sQ|^TO|Is tt| Reading "Sf Proclamation issued by B^^ ?»:-Hynin^'Neatei "My God to. Thee":.,.,„....,„,,.,..,. ?.-•- .,t• ,• -la-*.'» • *> ** • _V AspMBLy Responding to thi fall of Prel- ident Galvin Coolidge, the village will observe a simple but impressive service arranged by leaders in the Wit- a mette. Church counctt ^o| the occasion |1 •Si' J. Duncan-Clark, distinguished resi- dent of the community and one of the ioremost citizens of the middle west, .w% v^ill deliver the memorial address. Slnff Hjrmna He Lor«d - '- Included in the service will be the singing by the assemblage of familiar hymns that the late President loved best; such beautifiiLjnthems as_ "I>ad Kindly Light," "Nearer My (^ to Thee« "Jesus Lover of My Soul^ and "My. Faith Looks^UpftO-.Thee^^p^lll^^i Dr. Gilbert Stansell, pastor of the First Methodist church, will preside at the memorial service*; The invo- cation will be pronounced hy the Rev. Francis C. Stifler, pastor^oLthe Wil- .nette Baptist church, and Rev. Wil- liam Guise, pastor of the Wilmette English Lutheran church, will pro^ nounce the benedictionifftThe service will consume about 45 minutes, a ««.•>.•% ..,m.0V « «A«*lbnef but fitting commemoration of DIED AUGUST 2|1»21 the beautiful life of a man to whom ^ " ' fwilt be devoted one of the most prec^ iotis chapters in American historypflt Legion Attends In Body 'Friday's commemorative services will be recorded ds one of the most beautiful events in the annals of this village. In attendance upon the oc- casion will be members of the Wil- mette Post of the American Legion, in uniform, a representative group of the Auxiliary of the Wilmette Le- gion post, local troops of the Boy Scouts of America, representations from the Girl Scouts and the Camp Fire organizations, children from, the pwfclic sch°ote» menroers of civic and patriotic organizations, in- cluding the recently organized Mirlute Men of the Constitution, and hun- dreds of, loyal'citizens. WW^'^f&V^MI mM:Mm,x,,.,^-^mmiM:.' \ Ther^ win he ...no. thol^f-oif :Wt customary week-day activities on Friday. Not only will offices and places of business be closed in the afternoon hours, but all recreation will be suspended during the hours when the nation bows in solemn trib- ute to the man "whose public life was inspired with the desire to promote the best interests of the United States welfare of all â- ^as JSEMBLY Mi* Dii&cati-Clarfi ^^^enerMion n%: ^'â- â- j^?::.;;.;j«fh«r5SR^^||pf^;ff;fp; ^0%?MS"â- • % w-^w » • *.â- â- •.• ' I'" : â- ' .tiH Rev, willia^Gmse^z :rr~f-J0i$i t^i; asmii Smm liiiiii1 ?!?i?te:»*S;-Ss and the welfare of all its citizens' and "whose private life was marked by gentleness- ^and brotherly sympathy and by the_c_harm_of his personality". On Friday afternoon, then, Wil- mette will respond prayerfully to the recommendation of President Cool- idge to -'assemble onr that day in the places of-diviue worship, thereioJ>ow^ down in submission to the will of Al- mighty God and~To pay ouT^cT^^fml": hearts the homage and love and rev* : erence to the memory _o| the great --£ ar»d goodr-pr ^ - V'-l^W|§|^f^K^^S