Obituary: Joseph Perlman
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 22 May 1997, p. 27
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Articles
- Notes
- Joseph J. Perlman, 96, of Winnetka died May 7 at Evanston Hospital. Born and raised in Chicago. Survivors include his wife Roslyn Feldon Perlman, two daughters, Marilyn (Willard) Shonfeld and Judith Perlman; five grandchildren, Daniel, Adam and Jonathan Podolsky, Francine (Jonathan) Sherman and Kenneth (Debra) Shonfeld; great-grandchildren Deborah, Leora and Paul Sherman; two brothers Harold L. (Jane) Perlman and Nathan (Leona) Perlman; and two sisters Reva (Sidney) Baritz and Ethel (Samuel) Marmor. He was preceded in death by his grandson Paul Shonfeld.
- Date of Publication
- 22 May 1997
- Personal Name(s)
- Perlman, Joseph ; Perlman, Judith ; Perlman, Roslyn ; Shonfeld, Marilyn
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.97620
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
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Wilmette, IL
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