Obituary: Esther Magnuson Ettla
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 17 Oct 2002, p. 19
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Photographs
- Notes
- Mrs. Esther Magnuson Ettla, 106, formerly of Moline and Evanston, died October 9, 2002 in Glenview, photo. Born January 6, 1896 in Manistee, Mich., to Swedish immigrant parents, John and Emma Magnuson. Married Myron Derickson Ettla in 1929. He died in 1937. Survivors include her daughter, Katherine (Dean) P. Wessel of Northfield; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews
- Date of Publication
- 17 Oct 2002
- Personal Name(s)
- Ettla, Esther ; Ettla, Myron ; Wessel, Dean ; Wessel, K atherine
- Local identifier
- Wilmette.News.111979
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Wilmette Public
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