John Craddock was one of my best friends. We first met at Camp Tivoli in Cecil, Wisconsin at summer camp in 1957. became good friends and when my family later moved from Macomb, ILlinois, back to the North Shore of the Chicago suburbs, John was one of the first persons I called. We were best friends for the rest of his life. We both attended local Catholic schools--he at St. Joseph's in Wilmette and I at Faith Hope and Charity in Winnetka. We graduated a couple of years later and enrolled at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, where we were in the same Home Room for two years. Then we graduated from Loyola and both headed to Holy Cross College in Worcester, Ma, where we were assigned to the same dormitory floor and became even greater friends. I guess we couldn't get enough of the Jesuits!
I'm very sad at the news of John's passing. My condolences to his wonderful family. But I know deep down that we'll be re-united eventually in Heaven. After all, all that Jesuit training and the nuns in grade school will translate into eternal happiness with your family and friends. I'm sure that will be the case!
God Bless you, John, or "Crash," as we used to refer to him as. See you in Heaven!!!
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John Craddock was one of my best friends. We first met at Camp Tivoli in Cecil, Wisconsin at summer camp in 1957. became good friends and when my family later moved from Macomb, ILlinois, back to the North Shore of the Chicago suburbs, John was one of the first persons I called. We were best friends for the rest of his life. We both attended local Catholic schools--he at St. Joseph's in Wilmette and I at Faith Hope and Charity in Winnetka. We graduated a couple of years later and enrolled at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, where we were in the same Home Room for two years. Then we graduated from Loyola and both headed to Holy Cross College in Worcester, Ma, where we were assigned to the same dormitory floor and became even greater friends. I guess we couldn't get enough of the Jesuits!
I'm very sad at the news of John's passing. My condolences to his wonderful family. But I know deep down that we'll be re-united eventually in Heaven. After all, all that Jesuit training and the nuns in grade school will translate into eternal happiness with your family and friends. I'm sure that will be the case!
God Bless you, John, or "Crash," as we used to refer to him as. See you in Heaven!!!
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