New Trier: Freshman show focuses on Haiti
- Publication
- Wilmette Life, 10 Feb 2011, p. 17
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- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Articles
- Notes
- The New Trier High School Speech and Theatre Department and Performing Arts Division presented the Freshman Play, "Page to State 2011: Magic Seeds" this evening at the Northfield campus. The performance features a collection of Haitian folk tales adapted by local playwright MEH Lewis. The play is part of New Trier's ongoing service learning Haiti Project. Comments by co-directors Nina Lynn and Josh Rubin. The New Trier Fine Arts Association provided funding for playwright MEH Lewis to adapt the folk tales into the Freshman Play.
The 7 p.m. cast includes:
Geri Madanguit, Gabrielle Pearson, and Jamie Schmid in Bye-Bye.
Rachel Avioli, Sophie Castro, Margo DePorter, Andrew Gjersten, Emily Isaacson, Melissa Keller, Mikaela Kropp, Natalie Leon, Samantha Malmut, and Nikki Sheman in I'm Tipingee.
Kathryn Achuck, Joe Agase, Elizabeth Barras, Riley Curda, Geena Georgouses, Rachel Goldfinger, Raj Khipple, Hailey Kline, Samantha Mandel, Cassidy Miller, Brian Reedy, Katie Shelman, and Tim Vita in Bouki Dances the Kokioko.
Hannah Antman, Elizabeth Buckner, Natalie Dolan, Sabrina Fosse, Shane Kjellenberg, Alex Kordylasinski, Jackie Majeski, Andrew Marschke, Juliana Sawma, Jessica Shapiro, Michael Spore, and Brian Tsuru in the Magic Orange Tree.
The 8:15 p.m. cast includes:
Geri Madanguit, Gabrielle Pearson, and Jamie Schmid in Bye-Bye.
Hannah Altman, Rachel Goldstein, Margaret Bick, Susannah Davis, Cameron Dodd, Crystal Hawley, Emily Knobel, Sasha Kovacs-Johnson, Anna Parsons, Josh Philoon, Makaila Rosin, Brad Weidrich in I'm Tipingee.
Kevin Blair, Lizzie Cohan, Ali Cooper, Esther Fishbein, Katy Gotta, John Holling, Carolyn Kaiser, Claudia Keener, Michael McCartney, Krista Mersino, Noor Qasim, Adam Rothschild, Sam Shephard, and Sarah Telzlaff in Bouki Dances the Kokioko.
Sarah Aiken, Paige Campbell, Catherine Heath, Bobby Holmberg, Adam Khan, Ian Liberman, Andrew Marschke, Justin Marshall, Allison Pappas, Jane Rezek, Elizabeth Sorensen, Paul Von Kunhardt in the Magic Orange Tree.
The student stage crew members are: Adam Basse, Paige Campbell, Justin Durham, Emily Isaacson, Andrew Marschke, and Tomek Wasilewski.
Jackie Marschke is the student stage manager and Erika Grey is the student assistant director.
The production is directed by Josh Rubin, Nina Lynn, and Mary Catherine Hayes. David Ferguson is the Technical Director, Carol Andrews is the Costumer, and Sue Romanelli is the Props Mistress. - Date of Publication
- 10 Feb 2011
- Subject(s)
- Corporate Name(s)
- New Trier Township High School
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Illinois, United States
Latitude: 42.07225 Longitude: -87.72284
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