What People Are Doing in Evanston

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1912, p. 15
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Item Type
Date of Publication
24 Oct 1912
Personal Name(s)
Topel, Marie ; Simons, M. George Freehold
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Illinois, United States
    Latitude: 42.04114 Longitude: -87.69006
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Wilmette Public Library
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For some years past the School of Music of the university has given a series of four artists' recitals for its pupils and many noted artists have appeared on these occasions. owing to the limited capacity of Music hall but little effort has been made to reach the general public. Believing that the music lovers of Evanston would appreciate the opportunity of hearing these concerts it has been decided, with the co-operation of Mrs. Charles F. Dwight, to give the first three of the series this season at the Congregational church. The fourth, being an organ recital, will be given at Fisk hall in order to make use of the remarkable Casarant organ presented to the university by the alumni. The artists engaged are Horatio Connell, baritone, whose appearance two years ago at the North Shore festival will be remembered; Christine Miller, the well-known and favorite contralto; Paulo Gruppe, the great Dutch 'cellist, and Edwin Arthur Craft, organist of Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland. It is safe to say that such a notable array of recital artists has never before been presented to the Evanston public.
Mr. Theodore Chaffee, 2501 Harrison street, returned Thursday from French Lick Springs, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street, will be in Quebec, Canada, for several weeks.
Mrs. John Watt, 2712 Woodbine avenue, entertained the Pot Luck club at a luncheon Thursday.
Miss Rose Goldsmith of st. Louis, Mo., is the guest of Miss Sophia Youngquist, 2322 Harrison street.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank O. beck of Indiana are now living at the home of Mrs. S. M. Fegtly, 2306 Thayer street.
Mr. Burnham Papham, 822 Sherman avenue, are in the east on a pleasure trip.
Mrs. John T. Roesing of Pioneer road entertained Thursday afternoon at a reception in honor of her mother, Mrs. Oliver of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schumacher of Sandusky, O., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Shoemaker, 2400 Hartzell street, for a short time.
The Rev. and Mrs. George Whiteside, 1577 Wesley avenue, received a visit this week from their son, Mr. Loring Whiteside, an attorney of New York City.
Mr. John Lee Mahin, formerly of Evanston, has been confined to his room at the Virginia Hotel, Chicago, with a severe cold and stomach trouble for about a week.
Rev. and Mrs. Harry F. ward and family of Oak Park have moved to their new home at 2512 Park place. Mr. Ward is the secretary of the Federation of Social Labor.
Miss Johanna Sidselued, a nurse at the Evanston hospital, who has spent the past year taking special studies and visiting her home in Norway, has returned home to 1023 Maple avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts of Lincoln street are at French Lick Springs, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde of Montreal who are now in South Dakota, having been entertained while here by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reckitt, 1120 Forest avenue, will stop in Evanston again on their way home.
Mr. H. Witter, formerly of Ashland avenue, called on his sister Mrs. Charles Hanson of Broadway avenue Thursday morning. He only remained a few hours in the city, leaving Thursday evening for Iowa for a short visit.
A very happy reunion occurred Wednesday at the home of Mr. James Mould, 1815 Wesley avenue. Mr. Mould's wife and three children arrived from Liverpool, England, Mr. Mould having preceded them here one year.
Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and two children, Henrietta and George of Oklahoma City, Okla., have returned to their home, after spending the summer as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Richard Harvey of Central street.
Mrs. Robert Clarence Brown, 2235 Harrison street, Mrs. Samuel M. Fegtly, 2306 Thayer street, Mrs. Frank O. Beck, 2306 Thayer street and Mrs. A. B. Dale, 2327 central street, attended the Women's Home Missionary meeting at the First Methodist church Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Charles H. Poole and wife of Auckland, New Zealand, Mr. Poole being a legislator of the New Zealand parliament, are guests for a few days at the home of Rev. George Whiteside, 1577 Wesley avenue. They are now on their homeward trip, Mr. Poole having been during the summer on the Lincoln Chautauqua program.
Rev. W. T. Hobart, 1423Elmwood avenue, is in Minneapolis, Minn., for a few days.
Mr. F. A. Schumacher and family of Des Moines, Iowa, are visiting at 2403 Hartzell street.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Dawes, 1800 Sheridan road, have gone to Marietta, Ohio, for a brief visit.
Mr. F. W. Collins, formerly of 1621 Orrington avenue, left Wednesday evening for New York City.
Mrs. J. Sherman Hall and daughter, Miss Hall, 1411 Chicago avenue, after a delightful visit in Rockford, Ill., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Forbes, have returned home.
Mrs. Paul Tietgens, 1622 Forest place, will open her home to the Music Study club of Evanston for its annual benefit concert, which will be given on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 9, at 2:30. The program will be, "Enoch Arden," given by Mrs. Burton Hanson, reader; Miss Margaret Cameron, pianist; Mrs. Ora M. Fletcher, soprano. Tickets may be obtained from any club member.
The Visitation Alumni auxiliary held a meeting Friday at Belvedere hall, 5056 Sheridan road, Chicago, at which time the new president, Mrs. J. T. O'Connor, was installed. It was open guest day and at the close of the program Mrs. N. J. Geary, the retiring president, was presented with a huge boquet [sic] of American Beauty roses. Miss Frances Kennedy sang and the Peters' orchestra played. A social hour followed the program.
One of the most enjoyable evenings in St. Luke's history was that of the Parish reception Thursday, when from 8 to 10 o'clock the rectory wardens and vestrymen received as their guests several hundred parishioners. The Rev. and Mrs. George R. Hewlett were the guests of honor, Father Hewlett having recently been elected curate of St. Luke's parish. Besides the rector, wardens and vestrymen with their wives, there was a large reception committee representing various parochial organizations. The Woman's Guild provided delightful music and decorations, the Girls' Friendly society furnished the refreshments while the Men's club had a smoking booth for the men. Saint Luke's is growing rapidly, and all the present members of the parish are anxious to make all the newcomers feel at home.
Surprise parties are always enjoyable. The one Thursday upon Miss Gertrude Lawrence, 1428 Main street, was exceptionally so. A whole bevy of her friends stormed the castle of her home and made the night enjoyable. Games were played, songs were sung and refreshments enjoyed, after which they "lined up" in a street parade with all the fun of an old-fashioned [illegible]. With gongs sounding, tin pans tapping and every noise, to express the joy of youthful hearts the party made Florence avenue resound with joyous notes. The participants were the Misses Catherine Putnam, [first name illegible, starts with MAY] Lawrence, Helen Pettinger, Emma Albertson, Alice Bodell, Bertha Voelker, Laura Kolboldt, Gertrude Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Viola Reed, Clara Kilby, Elizabeth Kilby, Lillian Kester, Helen Erickson, Julia Lawrence, Mrs. Henry Delebecque, Mrs. A. Delebecque, Joe Lawrence, Bill McIlvan, Tim Jaus, Joe Bodell, Aaron Rubin, Oscar Rothberg, Oscar Komdot, Bill Regan, Charlie Maitzen, Jack Balmes, Harry Long, Ed Reed, Ed Nordberg, Holly Potter.
Frank E. Howard has gone aouth to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Walcott are at their home, 1114 Judson avenue.
Mr. William Bane, 1458 Maple avenue, has gone to Lonley, Ill., to reside.
Miss Marion Deering, 2645 Sheridan road, has returned home from French Lick Springs. Ind.
Miss Irene McNally of Decatur, Ill., is visiting Miss Grace Ellen Muir, 2131 Ridge avenue.
Mr. Harry T. Green, 703 Hinman avenue, spent a few days last week at Grand Haven, Mich.
George Nordberg, 1218 Sherman avenue, has gone to Derkery, Cal., where he will reside.
Miss Mary Knox, 1319 Main street, after a delightful visit with relatives at Cadiz, Ohio is at home.
Mrs. W. T. Hobart, 1423 Elmwood avenue, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. H. W. Hoyt of Detroit, Mich.
Miss Elise Barker, 1414 Hinman avenue, has returned from quite an extensive trip through the east.
Mrs. A. S. Flanner of Springfield, Mo., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. John A. Colby, 820 Hinman avenue.
Mrs. Frank Gould and little daughter, Elizabeth, 826 Forest avenue, are at home after an eastern visit.
Mr. R. E. Whitney, 1245 Asbury avenue, has returned from a business convention at Atlantic City, N. J.
Mrs. Harvey T. Claslin of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Mansfield, 2242 Ridge avenue.
Mrs. Mary Stear of Polo, Ill., came Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Beck, 1141 Judson avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Neilson, 2200 Harrison street, have returned from a visit with Mrs. Neilson's parents at Cincinnati, O.
Miss Isabelle Grant of New Orleans, la., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kidder for the summer has returned home.
Mrs. Waldo G. Lunger, 933 Hinman avenue, has returned from a two months' visit in New York, Boston and other eastern cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Logan have gone from Mexico on account of the war-like conditions there to Los Angeles, Cal., to reside.
Mrs. Harry Van Petten and baby son, 2323 Harrison street, who visited Mrs. Van Petten's parents at Ida Grove, Ia., have returned home.
Mrs. John Goebel of Danville, Ill., who has been visiting Mrs. Theodore Reese, 4570 Oak avenue, for a few days, has returned home.
Mrs. Charles M. Howe and three children, 2222 Lincoln street, are on an extended visit with Mrs. Howe's parents at Waterloo Highway.
Mrs. May Tupy of Seattle, wash., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Hendricks, 1422 Greenleaf street, returned home Thursday.
Mr. Dwight H. Perkins, 2317 Lincoln street has been chosen as architect to prepare for the new school house to be erected at Colfax street and McDaniel avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thackwell, 816 Main street, have returned from an extended trip to New York and Boston. On their way home they visited in Detroit with the rev. and Mrs. Thackwell, who had just returned from Seattle. Rev. and Mrs. Thackell will remain in Detroit with Mrs. J. herbert Ferris, their daughter.
Monday, October 14, at the Lutheran church on twenty second street, Chicago at 11 o'clock in the morning occurred the wedding solemnizing the marriage of Miss Marie Topel of Chicago and M. George Freehold Simons of Evanston. The bride, gowned in white crepe du chine, wearing a wedding veil and orange blossoms and boquet of roses and lilies of the valley, was attended by her sisters, the Miss Emma and Hulda Topel, as bridesmaids. Mr. Ed Landin of Evanston was best man and the groom's brother, Julian, also attended him. The church was handsomely decorated in foliage. A large assemblage of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. A wedding luncheon was served to a small company in the new flat of the couple at 2658 West twenty-third street, Chicago, where Mr. and Mrs. Simons will be at home after October 21. Mr. Simons is well known in Evanston where he has many friends. He is a draughtsman for the Otis Elevator company. Last evening the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simons, 2036 Sherman avenue, gave them a reception and dinner. The house was artistically decorated with autumn foliage, flowers and evergreens.

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