What People Are Doing in Wilmette

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1912, p. 12
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Media Type
Item Type
Date of Publication
31 Oct 1912
Personal Name(s)
Nord, David ; Johnson, Jennie
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Illinois, United States
    Latitude: 42.07225 Longitude: -87.72284
Copyright Statement
Public domain: Copyright has expired according to United States law. No restrictions on use.
Wilmette Public Library
Agency street/mail address:
1242 Wilmette Avenue
Wilmette, IL
U.S.A. Phone: 847-256-6930
Full Text

Mrs. William O. Belt spent a few days last week in Indianapolis.
The Town club held a harvest party on Saturday evening at the Woman's club.
The Reading circle will meet with Mrs. Frank T. Cutler on Monday next.
Mrs. Lyman M. Drake entertained the Tuesday club at luncheon this week.
Mrs. Charles McCue and daughter, Elizabeth, spend Wednesday last in Milwaukee.
Miss Emily Roach of Blue Island was the guest of Mrs. A. P. Peirce on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Evans spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Dethloff.
Mr. M. B. Skinner returned last week from a trip east, where he was for three weeks.
Mr. E. P. Dunshee of Allegan, Mich., has been spending a few days in Wilmette with friends.
Mrs. George Van Dyke is entertaining her mother, Mrs. D. H. Powers of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. Whitcomb, 602 Central avenue, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Childs, of Blue Island.
Mrs. C. G. Kidder of Polo, Ill., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter D. Elmer of 1517 Lake avenue.
Miss Mabel est of La Crosse, Wis., is the guest of her brother, Dr. Herbert West, 811 Forest avenue.
Miss Mary Gates will entertain at luncheon today a club of six young ladies of which she is a member.
Mrs. Grover, 725 tenth street, left on Wednesday for Los Angeles, where she will remain for the winter.
Rev. Spaulding of Loyola Academy will deliver a sermon at St. Francis Xavier's church Friday, Nov. 1.
Mrs. Orville D. Janes, 1615 Forest avenue, entertained the pot Luck Luncheon club Monday afternoon.
Mr. D. E. Alle nand [sic.] family moved recently to their new residence on Forest avenue, near Fourth street.
Rev. Sherman of St. Francis Xavier's church has arranged for services Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Follett D. Bull of New York were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Besser, 1224 Greenwood avenue.
Mrs. S. W. Calhoun, 925 Forest avenue, will entertain this evening with a Hallowe'en [Halloween] party for her daughter, Catharine.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Williams, 919 Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Williams of Chicago, motored to West Baden Springs and Louisville for a week's trip.
This evening at the home of Mr. Thomas Bradley, 1104 Forest avenue, a Hallowe'en [Halloween] social will be given under the auspices of the Woman's society of the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Frank Leroy and children of Pittsburg, Pa., who have been guests at the home of Mrs. Leroy's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Veatch, 913 Forest avenue, returned Saturday to their home.
Mrs. O. W. Bartlett of La Grange, Ill., and formerly of Wilmette, visited friends here last Wednesday.
The woman's Christian temperance Union will meet with Mrs. F. C. Houghton, 924 Greenleaf avenue, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. J. M. Melville, 1128 Greenwood avenue, and daughter, Mrs. Adam Int Hout, who have been in the eat for several weeks, returned last week.
Mrs. G. W. Stephens, 1537 Charles street, had as her guest last week her aunt, Mrs. Rhoda Webster of New York, who has been in California and stopped en route.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Canniff, 919 Ashland avenue, had as guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Will Miner of Richmond, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ayers of Jacksonville, Ill.
Mr. Halsey Prudden and family, who lived at 349 Hill street until June, when they went to their summer home at Lake Geneva, have taken an apartment in Birchwood.
Miss hazel Brown of Tecumseh, Neb., who is attending the deaconesses Training school on the South Side, Chicago, was the week-end guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Keith, 1007 Lake avenue.
Bruce Thayer and Leland Pierson accompanied the Northwestern football team to Bloomington, Ind., on Saturday when Northwestern played the team of the University of Indiana and won.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis, who formerly lived in Wilmette on Washington avenue, but who have lived in Evanston during the past year, have purchased land on Washington avenue, between Third and Fourth, and will build there in the near future.
The Merry Matrons met at the home of Mrs. Elliot C. Janes of 1422 Gregory avenue Wednesday of Last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 1317 Elmwood avenue, entertained at dinner Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Canniff and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ayers of Jacksonville, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Will Miner of Richmond, Va.
The Travel club met on Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Horace G. Drury, 622 Central avenue. The birthday of one of its members falling on this day, a more elaborate luncheon than usual was served to mark the occasion. The paper for the day was given by Mrs. William Panushka, her subject being, Mont Blanc and Chamouni.
Miss Jean Johnson of Wilmette was married to Mr. davis Nord of Wilmette at the Swedish Baptist church of Evanston on Oct. 22. The bride wore a white crepe de chine dress with pointed shallow lace and pearls for trimming, and a tulle veil with a wreath of lilies of the valley. She carried a large shower bouquet of bride;s roses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor was Miss Ruth Johnson, the bride's sister, who wore pink satin draped with white chiffon, and carried pink roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Anna Dahlgren of Evanston and Miss Mabel Stark of Evanston, who wore white satin dresses draped with white chiffon, and carried white chrysanthemums. The flower girl was little Louise Knutson of Evanston, who was dressed in white silk and carried a basket of sweet peas. The ribbon girls were the Misses Florence Johnson, the bride's sister, and Olive Johnson, the bride's cousin. Mr. Walter Erickson, the bride's cousin, was best man, and Mr. Carl Lundin and Mr. Eugene Anderson, both of Evanston, were ushers. The bride was given away by her father. Rev. Swanson performed the ceremony, and Pastor Palm of Chicago assisted him. The church was decorated in pink and white and 250 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Nord will be in their new home after Nov. 18 at 606 Fifteenth street, Wilmette.

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