Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1916, p. 2

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HE LAKESHORE 4EWS, ______ j._Report of Beach Improvement A As the season upon th be ach has The free t[ckets ended, and as the assoclatk)fl'S presi- recommendatton of dent. Mrs. Martin. is iii and unIble to sociation, the Won report, the directors have qt'ested Catholic Women's the undersigned to give the fcflc wing organizations, who general information: and assisted in.ateri At the beginning of the seasoi the Efforts have bec association sought to interest people g years to utIIi of the village in the making of a suit- Uttle success, and able bathing beach. It was th en outset were uncer thought that about $800 might possibi'Y nd results. Some be necessary and that the associatloit 'crlptIons were as I might be called on to actommodate prior to July 2 s perhaps 400 or 500 people at a time. amount were acce I It was found, however, that the first l or $2 or more. buildings were entirely inadequate to . tembership charg meet the ever increasing number of. ll advantages wc bathers, and from time to time addi- pi .rsons alike, wIt tions and further equipment were or- td.,'cets or not. dered. Instead of the small amount 'L he association eflerally I, believe originally contemplated as necessary knaws and apprecl tes the services o finance the operation of the beach, our president., wh gave a.most her the association has expended over enttl e time for ma Y weels to the pro. $2,600, as shown in the detailed re- motion and runnin Of the bch>, liort of Mr. Scharger, to which careful Mr. Schager, its treasurp-, has had attention is requested. the a iultitudinous detail ordering We received subscriptions from, all nr.'tterlals, pay ng bllI and help something over 1,200 people, besides and beeping our sh ace oint, often issuing about 200 free tickels to per- advaneflg his own Unds !j.i the earlier sons unable to pay. Nearly $700 was stages of the won taken in In cash at the beach, most of Mr. Mitten gave which was received in 50c fees perintendence, con charged to persons, not members of work. the association, who came principally The Woman's el b a', the Catholic from Evanston and Chicago. The fee Woman's club ftE 'ied chaperones served the (iouble purpose of giving U8 ivho were In attei: from 9 to S a substantial revenue and of restrict- p. m., two ladies b( leg I)resent on Sat. ing the beach in great measure, to urday and Ufl( J. Objectionable residents of the village. Without it characters from ci '.ide Were excluded would have been over-run by peo- and improprieties cfl the beach were pie from Chicago, and especially Ev- reduced to a trial num, and the asoanston, which has no bathing beaches, elation has oftw heard from the and whose people are forced to visit niothers of the v'Utge, that they felt other places. ntirely safe an,atisfled in permit WILMETTE BEACH IMPROVEMENT ASSOClATION FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Receipts. Public subscriptions ... . - . Membership and dues -'- 250.00 Cheek-room receipts - . 437.50 Refreshment-stand concession 50.00 Amount collected for destruction of lumb€r 2.00 $2,574.04 Less check returned, "No Funds"., .1.. 5.00 $2,569.04 Amount collected and paid for supplies as listed marked ().., 71.63 I T URSDAy, SEPTEMBER 14, 1916. ting their chfldrin to spend much timi Iuon the beach alone. Soclation Two life savers were maintained oi duty Practically all the time, one whom was furnished by the Countr' 'ere given, out on club, to Which we are Indebted fo the MinisSers' . many courtesieS and much asststancc 'fl' club and the A number of the young men volun 1ub, and similar teered and served during the summe also contributed as beach policemen, being sworn In Ii:.' in the work, the village for beach duty only. Thei made in preced. services were gratis, their hours the beach, with service Were long and the work Wa directors at the at times arduous in as to methods The association maintained a chec )t our earliest sub- room man and cashier most of ti w as 5 cents, an time, besides others engaged in kee bscriptions of arty lag the beach clean and attending ed, many being-for Other duties. fter that date the There were no fatalities upon on Was made $5, anti beach, despite the large number e extended So all inexperienced swimmers, anti a tlier hoidinj- free serious accident or Other trouble O curred, Two young men from Chicago wer drowned at a considerable distanc s(uth from the beach and our lit savers and pulmotor were called upor The bodies were found by one of ott men, who attended with a doctor an pulmotor, but it was impossible resuscitate the inca. We deeply r gret this accident but feel that non of the employes of the asocjation wa in any wise to blame. ills S umo'er to ij- The Wlimette Beach Improvemen truct ion and other association has been incdrporatel under the laws of Illinois and its chat ter recorded. It5 officers for the preceding yea have been as follows: President_peani B, Martin. Vice.President_[,ouis J. Mitten Secretary_Dudley w. Lester, Treasurer_Edvard II. Schager, l)irectors_F'roderl(.k N. Bowes, liar net B. Gallie, IabeI B. hobanoft, Ett Belle Kerr, John II, Schaeffer, Wilii H Hutson. The annual meeting of the associa tloii next year will be held shortly advance of tile summer season, which time every subscriber will b asked to attend and vote for new 0111 cers and directors. It has been the endeavor of the pres ent board to act wholly in the inter ______ eat of the people of Wilmette, ani they have received no compensatior of any kind for their services, ane stand ready to turn over all propert) and records to such officers as shall be chosen next year. ---------$2,64O.g7 The financial report of the treas urer has been audited and found cor $ 563.05 rect and, together with all his books and vouchers, is subject to the inspec 22.40 tion of any subscriber at any time, 2.40 and we request any person desiring 1.10 information to call upon any officer and they will be given same. 4:60 The corporation is organized "not 31.94 for profit," and is not intended to be 4.16 money-making Institution All funds 50.26 collected are to •be used or retained 38.81 for future use. No profits are desired 8.48 and none will be paid to members. 2071 We now have nearly all necessary -. beach equlj)ment, so that the expenses of future years will be relatively sinai 3:50 although with additional funds furtlie 3.10 betterments can he pro-ided. The sm 291.23 den ending of the hot weather afte oui- announcement that the beac 1.60 would be opened until Sept. 16 cut 01 2.00 expected revenue, and several storm damaged the equipment, and the-s 35 matters and others occasioned une 26:46 pccted expenses, so that the associt 44.40 tk'n is now short something over $30( 11.91 with a few bills not yet In. 9.89 Our lockers are now for sale fo 18.23 tue season of 1917 at $5 each, and v 181.79 would be very glad to receive auTh scriptions for these to meet our de ficit. 201.88 If the association has "made good in the estimation of the village, anl If our self-appointed and temporar: etewardahip is acceptable, we ask tha those who have experienced enjoy ment during the sunimer in exces -- of their contribution to nssist Ug fur 1 - ther to meet our small deficit, as al s.oo our bills must; of course, be paid, anc 3.75 we shall pay them. 8.75 The officers extend their thanks fm the cordial support and co-operatloE they have met with throughout th vIllage, and it i our hope that next year you may enjoy a fuller, broadet and happier play-spell on Its incom parable beach, and also that those who can afford to do so will come to the rescue on our deficit. Respectfully your-s. V'il1ls H. liutson. Assets. Portable houses, Chicago 1Portable Garage Co Beach Equipment. Pipe. Seifren Scrap Iron an'd Machinery Co $ Sand bags, Edinger & o Cement an(i lime Edinger & Co J3lacksmithing, Henry Hoth .. Barrels, Economy Oil Co I3arreis. 'iVm. )3rlnkman & Co . .'. Rope, H. Channon & Co . Rope, Geo. B. Carpenter & Co Umbrellas, Geo, B. Carpenter & Cth Canopies, Gee. B. Carpenter & Co. .._ Chain, Geo. B. Carpenter & Co ,. Buoys, Ceo. B. Carpenter & Co - Tent. Ceo. B. Carpenter & Co Settees, L. Gould Boat, W. H. Summers , Refuse burner, John Millen - Garbage can, John Milieu - Check-room Equipments. Coat and hat hooks, C. E. Anitold $ Mirrors, Rosenberg's Canvas roof and sides, Wm. Walger & Sons Padlocks and straps, A. V. Smith & Bro Key rings, A. V. Smith & Bro Baskets, S. Cupples Woodenware Co p. 5flaskets, Aspegren & Co Rubber rings, V. H. Salisbury & Co . Brass checks, C. H. Hanson & Co .4 Wire netting, Sweet Hardware Store Playground Equipment. Slides and swings, W. S. Tothill $ 146.04 Slides and stride, W. S. Tothill 55.84 Electrical Equipment. Sixteen-inch G. E. Ose. fan, Wm. G. l3eyrer $ 22.50 Flash lights, Dannemark 5,75 Fuses and plugs, Dannemark . 3.55 Fiash light, Rennacker Drug Co 1.75 Electrical Installation, Public Service Co 75.00 Miscellaneous Equipment. / Clock, Waterbury Clock Co ... - $ F'irst Aid kit, Mrs. Martin 'Building Materials. Lumber, Evanston Lumber Co $ 317.12 Hardware, John iIlIlen '... 91.88 Hardware, Orr & Lockett Hardware Co 1.45 Carpenter labor, Michael Golden 238.80 Carpenter labor, Gustav Kaden 4.00 Carpenter labor, A. Abramson . 113.38 Carpenter labor, F. H. Gathercoal 189.36 Plumbing. Jos. Steiner $ 129.55 A. Specht 2.75 Expenses. Miscellaneous. Trophies, Wni. Schridde $ 9.75 Gun, L. J. Mitten 5.90 Tug service, F. Dorneli 15.00 ('up hooks, Wm. G. Beyrer .36 Leveling beach, Wendell Phillips - 11.65 Police stars, F. Forrester 8.00 Cleaning beach, laborer 1.25 Drugs, Wilmette Pharmacy 27.48 5Netting and messenger, W. H. Summers 1.68 Laundry, Nelson Bros .32 Fire department and sinking pipe 10.00 Electric light, Public Service Co 8.43 99.82 Cartage. Seifren Scrap Iron & Machinery Co $ 5.00 I{erbon Bros 17.50 'W. H. Summers 2.15 On umbrellas and settees 5.00 Printing and Stationery. The Printing Studio $ 23.24 J. J. Collins & Sons 6.33 Rush Printing House 8.82 Corporation seal, book and charter 17.65 S. D. Childs & Co 1.05 Salaries. Beach police $ 135.00 Life sa'-er 225.00 Cashier 40.00 Check room clerk ' 80.00 Check room clerk--first assistant 39.00 Check room clerk--second assistant 6.00 Helper 2.00 527.00 $2,956.95 Summary. Total expenses $2,956.95 Total receipts 2,640.62 Bills unpaid ,.,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, $ 316.28 155.99 132.30 !9.65 56.89

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